It was inevitable that Spurs would be linked with any number of AS Roma players as soon as their former Technical Director Franco Baldini arrived at our club. Currently, as many as four current employees of the Serie A side have been mentioned in connection with a move – Pablo Osvaldo, Erik Lamela, Marquinhos and Miralem Pjanic are the names in the frame but who, if any, is ready to join up with Baldini at the Lane?

Reports are split but the name that appears more often than most is that of Osvaldo, which is odd considering that the pair are said to have had a tempestuous relationship during Baldini’s tenure at the club.

Stats however show that the Argentinean born, Italian international is a goal every other game man and in Serie A that’s an impressive return.

Of the remaining three players, Lamela’s record doesn’t match up to his striking partner while Pjanic looks to be staying put.

“Miralem is concentrated solely on Roma,” Pjanic’s representative, Michele Gerbino said.

“He is very happy with the Giallorossi and has the utmost respect for the club, so I am convinced they will continue together with reciprocal satisfaction.”

So for now, Pablo Osvaldo looks the most likely recruit, if there is any truth is any of these claims.




      • Reverse that order — Soldado, Lew., Dzeko (proven and maybe we could tempt city since they always want shiny new players…) then Damiao.

        As for the Roma players, Pjanic would be excellent for us — I would love to at least try and tempt him away.

  2. Lamela’s rejected a few clubs, and confirmed he’s going to stay at Roma. Unless he wants to become one of the most hated men in football, he’s gonna stay put. Pjanic is linked with Barcelona, and is in Rudi Garcia’s plans for next season, alongside Marquinhos, who are going to be staying put. Osvaldo, you guys will have to fight off competition from the Saints, who are preparing to lodge a 17 million pound bid on him.

  3. I would ignore most of these rumours but I think what Spurs fans have to be aware is of the juicy piece of bait that has been casually thrown out in an effort to entice Bale. There is no doubt that Man Utd. would jump at the chance to offload Rooney if Spurs would only swallow the suggestions banded around by their quasi propagandists in the Media that Rooney wants away.
    Why not? After all he is a striker and that what Spurs need. The truth is Rooney was potentially a great ball player who did not develop fully under Ferguson. He is over rated and has yet to make any impact in any “money” match internationally, so lets stop pretending he is World class. Bale clearly is World class and hopefully we retain him. If he is to go let it be to PSG or one of the Spanish giants.

  4. It’s such a shame Adebayor doesn’t play to his potential very often, it would make such a difference. Against Chelsea away he was wonderful. I’m sure Spurs will buy some good players this summer with the management team they have. Bale should stay too; with one or two changes, and the team playing to his strengths, his reputation will be even more enhanced globally than it already is.

  5. lol c’mon! u spurs..goals! goals! goals! 1st priority 2.prolific class strikers cash in all the old boys…we’ll have kaboul sandro back too..yid army!


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