The press in the North East are convinced that Tom Huddlestone’s proposed move to Sunderland will shortly become a reality with The Hartlepool Mail leading the way with this story. The Black Cats were linked with our midfielder some 12 months ago and after a frustrating season at the Lane, Hudd’s time must surely be up.

However, head Coach Andre Villas-Boas had been impressed with the 26 year old after he returned to the starting line up at the end of last season but even with the rumoured departure of Scott Parker, it may well be that Tom is still surplus to requirements.

The papers claim that a deal has been agreed for something in the region of £5m for the playmaker with Spurs looking for a quick sale ahead of a summer clearout. Elsewhere, there has been an isolated rumour that Thudd would be offered to Aston Villa as part of a players plus cash deal for Christian Benteke but no-one seems to have followed this one up to a serious degree.

With Paulinho’s arrival, the midfield is even more crowded and Tom’s desire to play regularly for a club that give him an outside chance of a haircut is an obvious one. But does the deal make sense from Tottenham’s point of view?



  1. What did Shelvey go for? At 5 million, I would keep him for squad strength. If they are prepared to double it – then maybe consider it.

  2. IMO – keep

    although not v mobile, he offers an alternative type of m/fielder (long passing game) to sandro / dembele / paulhino
    who all play a fairly similar role

    get rid of parker & livermore

  3. He wants to play football and be first choice. He clearly plays his best when he gets a decent run of games. And if he wants to play international football then he needs to go to Sunderland. Sad to see him go cos he’s got talent and is a top bloke by all accounts. Probably doesn’t fit the profile of a modern, mobile midfielder. But he can pick a pass as well as the best of them.
    We can’t try to get more than £5m, it would kill the deal and wouldn’t be fair on Tom

  4. Let Hudd and Jake go, but keep Scott Parker. In my opinion Scott was just getting back to near his best when the season ended. Having been out for the first half of the season, he had to play due to us losing Sandro .

    If allowing one or both strikers to leave would enable the club to bring in replacements, I would be more than happy with that !.

  5. In my opinion it would of been wiser to keep Hudd & let Parker & Livermore go.. Hudd is still useful to us and offers something different than the rest of our midfield. Parker is past it and Livermore is just not good enough….

    • spot on got a dog like parker keeps going round and round in circles as for livermore total waste of space how an earth this bloke made it as a pro is beyond me chuck in naughton the ball watcher and ade bad buy fuck that cunt right off

  6. Clears the way for little Tom to move up the ranks. He can pick a pass just as well as his larger and slower namesake.

  7. People are too keen to write off Parker. A superb squad player to have and was coming back strong at the end of last season. Huddlestone had so much potential and a killer passing ability. He might fulfill some of it, but it won’t be at Spurs and he has to go. 5 million seems fair for a sluggish looking bench warmer with a history of injuries. Everyone says he offers us the long ball passing option, what a joke… he hits it long because if he runs with it he’ll get tackled EVERY time.

  8. I think it’s best to let him go, it would be a miracle if he could get game time considering the amount of top players in his position we have, just let him go while we’re still on decent terms.


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