Roberto Soldado scored his fourth competitive goal for Spurs in just three starts as a Tottenham player but after yesterday’s win over Swansea the striker took to Twitter to urge an improvement from his new side.

The Spanish international has already suggested that we won’t have to worry too much about a designated penalty taker as we have done in the past and while nobody here is moaning about taking six points from possible six, Roberto’s words do have a resonance.

‘Thank you very much for all your support. We need to improve but we continue winning. Lets go Spurs!!’ said @r9soldado

On the other side of the coin, had we been given an obvious penalty in the first half and had Ashley Williams found the net and not the woodwork with his attempted clearance then we wouldn’t even think about a need to up our game.

However, with Arsenal coming up this Sunday, are you concerned by the narrow nature of our opening wins?





  1. This week may have been narrow in terms of score but we were the only team on the park, a good performance either way, more will come in time.

  2. As the gaffer said, the penalties clearly indicate that we are getting into attacking and threatening positions in the box. I dont think we were under pressure in any of these 2 fixtures. Our team is fairly new and still learning about each other, so the goals will come. Importantly, we have vastly improved as a defensive unit. Walker does give me the eeby-jeebies when he becomes panicky under pressure. ( The exuberance of youth)

  3. Townsend was the best player on the field for Spurs yesterday. Repeatedly went past defenders, played good combinations, and made good decisions. Paulinho is a huge upgrade too. Give this team a few weeks to play together and they are going to get better and better.

    • He took 5 shots and only one was on target… I think his decision making could have been better. He was also only 78% passing, compared to Lennon at 86% at Crystal Palace.

  4. Goaldado is right, a lot of the same ol Spurs out there. Yes we need to be concerned we are not netting more. Utd put 4 past this lot. Townsend showed why he should and shouldn’t get picked. Great runs, yet until the pen no end result. Shooting when passes required and not defending that well. Siggy sent us backwards when he came on and Chadli was a little out of it. Walker is having a bad spell too! Thankfully we have Soldado, Capoue and Paulinho holding us together. Early days and much to look forward to but we will not beat Arsenal if we play like that. Maybe Paulinho should play no 10 until Lamela arrives?

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