As deadline day approached there were several rumours linking Emmanuel Adebayor with a move away from White Hart Lane and while some were more plausible than others, it did seem more likely that the Togolese would be heading through the exit door than staying at the club.

First there were the links to Turkey followed by deadline day claims that a deal to Schalke 04 had fallen through as the two parties couldn’t agree personal terms. Finally, came the most unlikely rumours of an Adebayor / Torres swap deal but predictably that came to nothing.

Now, Ade remains very much on the sidelines although with Spurs having Roberto Soldado and Jermain Defoe as the only out and out senior strikers in the squad, he may yet be called upon in an emergency. That may be the only scenario that sees the player back in a Spurs shirt as claims are made that he is desperate for a move when the window opens again in January.

Those claims also suggest that the 29 year old may have even fallen behind Harry Kane in the pecking order so will we ever see Emmanuel Adebayor in our squad again?




  1. I hope not. Its a real shame we signed him permanently. In my opinion t was a lazy and desperate move by the club,.

    But! – This is the 13/14 season and its not right for me to be negative after all the work our 3 amigos have put in over the summer window to stengthen us,.

    I hope we see one of Holtby or Eriksen in front of a combination of our midfield bouncers, yes, they’re good at sayin, ‘ur not comin in’ but they arent much good at opening doors for Roberto! :()

    In summary. I bl**dy hope Ade goes in Jan. For someone that’s ‘deperate’ to move, he hasnt gone very far in the last 3 months when he could have!! Theblokes a disgraceful leech. COYS.

  2. Ade, is the most capable of our second string strikers to be succesfull in the shape we are likely to be playing, however, he is easily the most mentally fragile, and hence the most likely to not perform at all, it’s a shame, as if he could apply himself he would be an awesome asset this season.

    • Yes, I agree — mentally fragile is probably a good summing up. If only he had seen trouble coming last season, not gone on international duty when it was obvious he needed to boost his Spurs record…

  3. While Adebayor is a Tottenham player and the club are paying his wages he should be part of the squad.

    Adebayor is a top player when he is motivated to do well. AVB should try and get the best out of him while Adebayor remains at the club. I can’t really see how Adebayor could improve himself by leaving Spurs.

    In Soldado, Adebayor, Defoe and Lamela THFC have goals. They are also capable of stopping the opposition. Creating opportunities for our strikers is the bit that has to fall into place.

  4. stop being silly,
    have u seen kane play? iv watched him for spurs on the occasions he has been given chances n he has never looked like a capable forward, even taking into account his tender years, he has no physical presence touch is awful shoots like a butterfly no ariel prowess,
    i think we shud of loaned him to qpr, mayb it wuda benefited him. n we cud neva leeve 100,000 plus a week ade out he need to knuckle down.

  5. Most of us are prepared to see a player through a bad patch.
    But this “player” has just been taking the piss. At the start of the season he wasn’t fit. Then he got stupidly sent off against the Swamp Dwellers. Got back late from the African Cup of Nations, and then just didn’t try, all the while with an inane grin on his face. Offer him to Southend for 50P OR EVEN 40.

  6. I hope so, becouse we absolutly need him.
    He is the only strong(god in the air striker that we got.
    In matches, where we cant make good chances with nice passing.we can put ade on, and make long balls..
    Ade in form, is one of the hardest man to deffend against(i remember that vidic and ferdinand have said so.

    So keep him, and play him when we need to.
    Sell him in january and get leandro damiao in:)

    Hope you understand most off this, my english is terribull:)

  7. I hope he like it in the reserves… The most overrated footballer ever to play the game. I was gutted when he did not go and suck some other club dry. Still there’s always Jan. fingers and toes crossed.

  8. I think he should be given a chance. He worked his ass off when he played – i dont think his lack of goals was through lack of trying and he looked damn good at the end of the season. If AVB can get him firing then he could still be a force.

  9. Kane isn’t in the registered EPL squad… Ade can’t be behind him in the pecking order there. But most likely is behind him in the Cups. And I thought he looked good out wide at WHL again Tbilisi. Might end up being a good complement to Soldado next season in a shift to 4-4-2 when we need a goal.

    2 of our MF destroyers, Lamela Chadli/Andros with Kane and Soldado up front? Seems to have some potential as a late change tactic switch.

  10. I hope not the bloke is a fucking disgrace another pre season missed one good game last year against chelsea apart from that a money grabbing cunt ex gooner scum

  11. Don’t write him off yet. He is still a quality player and don’t forget the season he had for us when on loan from City. Also for the ones with short memory I would like to remind for the goals he scored against us for Real and Arsenal. Until I see Soldado adapting and scoring goals from open play I don’t want to loose Ade. Finally I would like to make a point for his poor form last season being his late transfer, injuries, international duties and played slightly out of position. And for the ones that say he’s finished. . The goal when we played Chelsea away? He is still our player, so please show him the respect he deserves!


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