There have been one or two isolated murmurings on Spurs based websites over the form of Roberto Soldado and the fact that he has yet to score from open play in the league. While the Spaniard waits for another chance to put that right, Tottenham have recalled Emmanuel Adebayor to first team training – could the two facts be related?

“Hey guys, today was my first day back training with the first team. Good to be back and feeling good! Have a great day everyone!” Said Emmanuel on his Twitter feed.

It had seemed as if Ade was running down the clock until the January transfer window and naturally that may still be the case. There were rumours of a severe falling out with head coach Andre Villas-Boas – rumours that the Togolese striker denied.

Adebayor may not be rushed back into the first team but it does give AVB another option in the league. A more likely role is as a sub in Thursday night’s Europa League tie – assuming he is match fit which must be very doubtful.

But coming back to the Premiership and while nobody’s moaning about third place, the fact is that we have scored six in six and are where we are thanks to a brilliant defence. A hammering for someone may be just around the corner but the Coach may just have been looking at that stat as Emmanuel Adebayor made his return.



  1. well, if he turns up as happy as his twitter sounds, maybe, just maybe a.v.b. should give him some playing time, even if he is just doing this to earn a contract with another club in January, this could work out well for all concerned, and if he applies himself correctly and scores, he will put himself in the window after xmas

  2. I hope it’s the hammers that get the hammering, it is due.

    If he keeps his head down, he will get an opportunity in one of the cups. If he takes that then AVB will play him in the league if he see fit.

    An on form, motivated and hungry Adebayor is so suited to the way the team is setup, link up play with Erikson and Siggy would be a joy to watch.
    It’s a long way to go until he’s even in a position to get such a chance.

    All the Bobby Solider talk is b*****ks, he is adjusting to the premiership. When I watch him play I can see the quality runs, touch and feel for the game. He will come good.

  3. While i agree with your statement on our attack i cant agree on our defense last season it cost us top four. We conceded 46 goals the 8th worse defense in the League turning winning Positions into draws mostly like the Chelsea game. The big problem we have is Dawson is perfect for a proper back four who all defend but the way we play only Walker and Rose are ideal being fast. When we attack we pass to many times meaning teams are all back behind the ball one player combated this with is two footed long short passes but hes gone. I had many arguments over Huddlestone some fans saying he was to slow yet is speed was in both feet and is brain for spotting players in space in a flash.This is what Erickson will have to grasps quickly the quicker you spot the runners in space the less defenders Soldado and others will face in the box. We have a keeper whose main strengths are sweeping the area where i believe our defense should be but during crosses and corners we are at our most vulnerable. This is because Lloris is only 6ft and slim build and not very good punching or catching crosses and free kicks. The games we have played we kept clean sheets but even the most bias fan would agree we been lucky on more than one occasion in all our games and the better teams have found us out. We are playing a dangerous game defending with a high line it was okay with King in the middle he was superb at chasing back and stopping one on ones against our keeper . But Dawson is what i call alast third defender mopping up high balls intercepting through balls but with a lot of grass betewee him and the keeper hes on thin ice. This is why i wanted Kaboul who is by Walkers account one of the fastest players on our books including Bale is words not mine. So this would be my defense Walker Daws Kaboul Vert rest would be to help Soldado whose main strikes are in the box so he needs crosses in empty penalty area. Lennon Erickson Capoue Holtby Townsend Soldado should tr this isn Ufa first

  4. An Adebayor in good mental and physical Health would be a bonus to any club in Europe.
    Let’s hope that AVB will set his head straight and we will become even more formidable.
    In AVB and Levy we trust.


  5. Ade might add to Soldado’s performance in a two-striker formation, not replace him. He could be the missing link, as he is probably more capable of laying off shots for others than striking himself — and Townsend, Sigurdsson, Dembele, Ericksen, Chadli certainly aren’t doing it for Soldado. Work for the fucking team! instead of taking a shot as soon as you see goal.


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