Tottenham’s Brazilian international Sandro started Sunday’s game on the bench before coming on at half time to restore some stability in the midfield. However, the issues remained at the other end of the pitch but the defensive midfielder is adamant that Spurs can quickly recover and go on the type of winning streak that will keep the club on target for a top four finish.

“You have to win five games consecutively for this title dream to come back,” Sandro said.

“This game against Newcastle was s***. It’s hard but we have to win something.

“We have a great team and it is just at the early stages of the season, but we have to change, to be more strong, to win something.”

Going on a five game winning streak from this point will be tough to say the least as Spurs will face both Manchester clubs before the end of September but the player is certain that the squad has the ability to do just that.

“I believe we can win at City because if we play well ourselves we can beat any team. We are a good team,” the Brazilian concluded.

Spurs may be able to beat anyone on their day but as early season performances suggest, a fit and regular starting Sandro is one of the keys to a productive campaign.




  1. It’s time for Townsend to be dropped for Lennon. 4-4-2 with Lamela and Soldado up front. Lennon and Chadli as a wingers and goals will definitely come. I am sorry but Dembele and Paulinho have both underperform and have to be dropped as well.

  2. Avb struggling without mirakle man gareth bale he need to change her statitcs need better on counter attak not position avb not use triky midfield look like lamela but we think better to change in january on 5 singing to play 4-2-3-1 or 4-4-2 fabio contrao marco veretti juan mata hulk hernandez

  3. Yes! with the players spurs have they can beat anyone, but, they have also shown that they can be beaten by anyone. MUST DO BETTER!!!

  4. Sandro’s right (to a degree). We can beat anyone on our day, just as ALL the top PL sides can. The trouble is we don’t have many of ‘our days’ at present! Also, he says we have a great team. Er ..we don’t. We have a great squad, and some very fine players (as we have had for the past five seasons) but so far, blending them into the best and most effective team possible has proved difficult this year. And this has to be the manager’s fault ..particularly his inflexibility, his prevarication, and his constantly being outsmarted by opposing managers. When we get it together and win things then we can be called a great team …but hardly at the moment!
    The problems are not with the defense or the holding midfield (in the latter we are the envy of all the top clubs), and don’t blame Friedl for that goal either. ALL teams let in goals ..the key is to score more than the bloody opposition do (not rocket science). We know the problem, and it’s been there for the past few years ..and since Modric/VDV left, and now Bale, it’s just manifested itself more strongly. Ineffectual play in the final third (once our glory game) and weak striker finishing. We also have an imbalance about us that’s been there since Modric left (Bale covered that defect last season) and has not been rectified.
    Eriksen impressed on Sunday but he’s not the complete answer at present, and tends to fade. He’ll get stronger and even more creative, but right now what wouldn’t we give for ONE master playmaker who can free up the flanks and link quickly with the possession play from behind! Chelsea have got FIVE, for pete’s sake! I’d play Lamela centrally with Eriksen at home, both just behind Soldado, and with Lennon and Townsend on the wings. That means just one holding player ..Sandro (or Capoue or Paulinho)! Well why not? We shouldn’t have to play two DMs at home. It slows us down, and that has show ALL season ..apart from a few good periods. We didn’t need two DMs a few seasons back when just Modric/Parker and Lennon/Bale were key in Spurs playing the best and most attractive football in the PL (and that was according to Sir Alex as well as other observers). At home this season we look afraid or nervous to concede in the PL, with ponderous but not incisive possession and build-up play. Our attacking strength in the final third should be more than enough to win most of our games ..and many of them comfortably. The only other area of concern is left back. I never realised we’d miss Rose AND BAE so much. Both work well with the winger in front of him and that leads me to Sig. He scores some good goals but his overall play is a bit like Defoe’s ..ineffectual and frustratingly streaky.
    They are not match winners when it really matters but to be fair, Sig is NOT a wing player. He’d be better competing with Eriksen and Holtby in the middle. Paulinho is a class act but it’s how he fits in with the way the team plays that is causing a dilemma. Dembele too (who is terribly out of form). They are fine players who will have their part to play in key games (so too Capoue who can also play in defense) but at home, against non top four opposition in particular, stick with the one DM, AVB, and have confidence in your other more attacking players’ ability to create space for themselves and chances for others.

  5. Its avb he is clueless can;t see him lasting the season unless he changes tactics but he is stubbon thats why he failed at chelsea because he refused to admit he used the wrong tactics

    • never been an avb fan boring football lets see what happpens in the next 5 to 6 games arsenal chelsea dont lose to shit like newcastle and west ham got to play 2 up front


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