Sunday’s win over Swansea took Spurs to fifth place, level on points with fourth placed Liverpool and while Everton could send us back to sixth later today, the club is handily set for an assault in the Champions League slots.

European football looks assured for next season but Head Coach Tim Sherwood believes that his future depends on Tottenham finishing among the top four.

“If the season was to end tomorrow the chairman wouldn’t be too happy because we’re fifth,” said Sherwood.

“The final league position has to meet the expectations of the club otherwise it’s ‘Goodbye Charlie’.”

Having taken over halfway through the campaign, some might have already written off our Champions League aspirations and forgiven the boss if he finished just outside the qualifying places but Tim clearly believes his future is on the line.

“The club need to finish in fourth place. Anything other than that is going to be a disappointment,” he added.

“Realistically we should be in and amongst it. But it ain’t easy, is it?”

Sherwood attracts mixed opinion despite an unbeaten run of six league games whilst in charge but assuming we don’t slump to mid table from here, does the Coach deserve to see out his contract – Champions League or no Champions League?



  1. Everyone that is saying we’re having a bad season, and that Liverpool are having a great one, we’re level on points; with them. With Sandro,Paulinho,Lamela,Kaboul and Vertonghen and Townsend; to comeback as well. Sherwood is proving his doubters wrong, “Old school 4-4-2”, “tactical dinosaur” was said by many. But, he has proved he can mix it up, he’ a great man manager as shown by the revival; of Adebayor. Eriksen,Dawson and Ade’s form has; all dramatically improved. Sherwood has won at Man United and Southampton, 6 wins and one draw out of 7; is brilliant and he; is still young. We’ve gone from being the worst shot converters, in the league; now to the best. We have also scored lots more goals, giving kids the chance and most importantly; “playing the spurs way”. Eriksen is going to be world class (already quality), and will be better; than Modric and Ozil. Throughout our history, we have always been more successful; with English managers. Sherwood is proving to the rest of England that, foreign managers aren’t always; the answer. Well done Tim, Tim Sherwood’s blue and white army. COYS!!!!!!!!

    • We WERE having a bad season…, whilst still matching last season for points. Performances were suspect, we failed to beat ANY top half teams, we were scoring far too few goals, and got slaughtered too many times. It is still far too early to conclude anything thus far, but it is looking more natural, comfortable and effective right now.

  2. Big test coming up against Man City. I wasn’t sure about AVB, even worse with Sherwood. But he seems to know the game, knows the players. It’s good to feel optimistic again. If Liverpool and Arsenal as I predict fall away, we could finish in the top 3. We’ll see!! #COYS

      • I had a huge bet on Chelsea last time round, just to ease the pain.
        It CANNOT happen Again……..
        It was still one of the most painfull sporting experiences I ever had.:-(


        Let’s let Tim play this one out, and look at it in the summer.
        In Levy we trust…….

  3. A bit confused at your statement: “European football looks assured”…. especially as you previously mention that Everton can push us into sixth today. I think that we can all agree that Man City will reach final of league cup AND will finish top four… This means that their opponent in the cup final will take one Europa league place – win or lose. That leaves the winner/runner-up of the FA Cup and the sixth placed team will take the other 2 places… There are other scenarios where sixth place can get a Europa place, but it is far from “assured”.


    • everything wrong with the modern day football supporter summed up in one neat little comment.
      Utter Moron. Yeah Baines will join us now. . . .erm, no he wont. Apart from that, an excellent comment. Well done.
      As for the Sherwood haters, jesus, if you cant lay off the bloke at the minute then god help him when we lose a couple or fail to beat the best team in the league next week. Wake up and face reality, we aint the best team in the country, we havent been for over 50 years, yet you lot moan and moan. Utter shambles of a support.

  5. Hope to get Berba or Kalou as our third option. Both are cheap and will fill the Defoe void. Doubt we will get a LB so Rose and Friars will have to do. Glad we didn’t play 4-4-2 on Sunday to prove we can be different. Will need another change v City as think we need 2 holding CM’s to stop Silva and Yaya. But Tim has 10 days to sort this out and City have 2 games before then. Still think this is another transition year but TS seems to want to add to his pressures. Would be surprised if we make top 4. As I have said though would rather be out of Europe than be in EL because it affects our PL chances. We are proving this now as we do not have EL games and are picking up good points in the PL. As soon as we start the Thursday/Sunday scenario we may tail off. I hope I am wrong.

  6. Well said Jim! – It comes with modern football, the stupid short-termism of the media, filters to the fans and of course chairmen are already well afflicted by this particular condition!

    But, as you point out, it’s the ‘fans’ that really bug me. Either have no idea about football, or how a transfer works, or have absolutely no sense of reality and perspective in terms of how well we do,.

    Considering we have JUST the 9TH largest capacity and have regularly sold our best players, our record and improvements in attempts to break the Sky Cartel over the last 10 years has been brilliant.

    YES,.. Levy has caused a lot of frustration by hiring and firing, but overall he has done a good job,. We really are just a couple of signings away from having a squad of real top 4 contenders. COYS.

  7. Spurs are beginning to look interesting,we dont really need to many transfers theres some real talent in our young players .The futures bright,the futures Lilywhite COYS

  8. 16 games to go spurs should keep all the current players. And go for Benteke. He plays similar to ADE and what ade proved against the swans, is that six foot plus strikers with pace and power are a real handful for any defenders, and the perfect foil to bring the rest of the attack into play.
    The young players need time, I am one who screams at Danny rose, however, he’s not long back from injury and I think he needs game to get that match sharpness. He should great energy to assist ade’s goal. he also showed up in the AM position to lay one on for Chadli who should have at least hit the target.
    TS has not done anything wrong, Saldado deserved to be dropped and he may find it very hard getting back in as the team balance was much better. In fact you can say Ts put round pegs in round holes. If we get Verts back we can beat city they have been conceding goals They beat crystal palace 1-nil they beat the swans 3-2. If TS goes with townsend on the left instead of chadli we will have one the quickest attacks in the PL, perfect for the counter attack. COYS

  9. I am personally happy with Tim and would like to see him as manager next year too. He appears to be a good man manager and demands effort from the players, he has already impressed me more than AVB did in 18 months.
    We need to get left back sorted asap, I would also like to see us go for Bony of Swansea, he is quality. COYS

  10. Instead of worrying about City scoring at the lane, by employing two holding midfielders to hold them off, let’s just play an attacking formation and simply score more than they do. Wasn’t that always the Spurs way?
    Ok, it’s all very simple I know, and City are different class, but continually playing 2 DMs at home was AVB’s Achilles heel, and we kept coming unstuck in our ‘creative’ play. Worked OK away, but not at home silly points lost, which may well come back to haunt us. Difficult to say if it’s been a bad season (more of an unfulfilled one) or becoming a good season. Quiet optimism and hope has replaced aggressive expectation (with all the buys) at the start of the season.
    Eriksen is finally settling the Modric conundrum, plus that imbalance evident last year (masked only by Bale of the Rovers), but if the Dane gets injured, then (unlike Chelsea, City and Arsenal etc. with all their playmakers) we haven’t got the most creative of back-ups.
    A defeat or draw against City won’t be a disaster, but we’ve got to be looking at a ‘win 9, draw 4, lose 3’ from our final 16 games, and it will take us to 74 points. You’d have to be mighty unlucky for that total not to get us top four, even though we broke records with 72 last season, and STILL never made it.
    Incidentally, in response to one of the comments, there was a time when we we WERE perhaps the best team in the country (and that was between November 2011 and late Feb 2012, when Sir Alex said we were playing the most attractive football in the PL). Then Harry’s eyes and ears wandered after the court case as he heard the England ‘sirens’ call, and we fell away (or got dashed on the rocks because our ‘captain Harry Ullysses’ wouldn’t nail himself to the mast, or put plugs in his ears)! A practically guaranteed third (just 3 points behind the leaders and miles in front of Arsenal and everyone else) became a sloppy 4th wrecked by Chelsea winning the CL. All Harry’s work was undone and he deserved to go, after what was a horrible let-down!
    Anyway, to the present.
    We’re 3 points worse off than 2011/12 at this stage, and 3 points better off than last season, so 74 points is certainly not beyond us. Don’t expect Arsenal to fall away (they won’t do for us what we did for them the last two seasons running), so we have to beat United, Liverpool and possibly Everton to 4th spot. A tough call, as the two big guns expect 4th at least, while we are just keeping our fingers crossed! I’m certainly not as wildly optimistic as our Tom (above comment) but I’m hopeful. Tim is showing some good tactical nous and well as allowing a freer rein on our squad’s talents. We do need proper left back cover this January, but we won’t get Baines. We do need another good striker, be we don’t want Berbatov (the slimey traitor), and it would be nice to get another ‘playmaker’.
    If none of these things happen, then, with luck on our side (cruelly missing over the past two seasons) and a relatively free-of-injury/suspensions squad for the run-in, we can still reach the promised land once more with what we’ve got!

  11. get kalou in good player proven the left back thou is a worry not yet convinced with rose and fryers is still a bit raw as long as naughton dont play


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