If Spurs are serious about getting Etienne Capoue off the payroll this season then they need to move fast. However, any suggestion of a move to Napoli looks to be in serious doubt according to the player’s agent.

“Tottenham want lots of money, what they ask for is crazy, but we are at January 21st…,” said Raffaele Auriemma.

Moving on, it’s being claimed today that the Italian side have tabled a final offer for the French international – believed to be in the region of 10.5 million euros. This is for a player who cost 11 million in the summer, while the stories indicate that Tottenham are asking 15 million.

It sounds like a familiar story as far as Spurs sales are concerned but do you think a deal will be struck before the end of the transfer window?




  1. If we sell Capoue we need to replace him with Gaurin – would be good business. Since Bentaleb is prefered to Holtby for some reason.. Holtby should be allowed to leave on loan.

    Only way I’m happy if we sell Holtby is if it’s to Dortmund plus 20m with Reus coming our way 😉 it’s nice to dream. We need another forward btw and we need to start playing Lamela.


  2. DO NOT CARE!!!!!!! – The summer window absolutely drove me round the bend with all the bullshit and that idiot jim white. I am doing everything I can to ignore the pointless bullshit winter window.

    Heres to 3 point against City… Hahaha! – Oh comeo n you never know!

  3. We simply have too many midfielders, sell Capoue, add to Defoe money, what happened to Alexandre Pato being available for 15m?? Thats what we need..

  4. Capoue’s 10% agent must be laughing, 2 transfers for significant sums in half a season!
    I think this one will happen and not surprised given he’s behind a 19 yr old rookie.
    Guarin would be nice, lots of rumours. Also Hulk is in London


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