We all expected the ‘Sherwood out’ rumours to continue up to and beyond the World Cup but the idea that our current head coach would stay at the club and work under an incoming manager seems far fetched to say the least.

That suggestion appears to have originated from the Goal website and claims that Tim Sherwood would be happy to assist Louis van Gaal after the 62 old has finished with the Netherlands at the end of Brazil 2014.

When you recall Tim’s ‘back me or sack me’ comments when he was originally placed in temporary charge of the first team then that’s surely going to be an unlikely situation but is it one that can work?



  1. The fact that we have these articles shows the level of confusion and farce that surrounds the club.
    Levy has been less than honest, (no surprises there then), regards Sherwood’s appointment and plans for the club going forward.

    Having given Tim an 18 month deal you would expect more vocalized support coming from the club to squash rumours like these but the fact that Levy is constantly reported to be speaking with Van Gaal just shows that Sherwood is only keeping the seat warm until Summer.

    Levy is a disgrace who has turned our club into a laughing stock … I thought the low point was around dealings with Ramos while Jol was still in the job but this shows that Levy is capable of infinitely worse.

    Spurs will never be a major force in football while Levy remains as Chairman …

    • Zzzzz… The FACTS are, my friend, that Spurs have evolved ten-fold since Levy became chairman. Before ENIC and Levy arrived Tottenham were a club HOPING for a top 10 finish and a cup run – with neither ambition a certainty, by any means.

      Now, the club is REGULARLY in Europe, competing season – after – season for a CL spot (having already enjoyed playing in the competition) and boast one of the best squads in the EPL…SO WHAT PLANET ARE YOU ON????

      Spurs fans, like yourself, will do well to remember the hole the LEVY and Enic pulled the club out from. Sherwood has HIMSELF come out and said the Chairmen WAS willing to back him in the transfer window, and that he (Tim) declined the offer, so make of that what you will.

      Every time (some) Spurs fans go through their own ,personal, crisis of confidence, they use Levy as a scapegoat for there own fears…Not realising the Chairman is the MOST important man at the club, bar none!!!

      I think all things considered Spurs are enjoying a decent/good season.

      Look at the facts:

      1. Spurs have yet to field their strongest line up in the EPL this season.

      2. None of our summer signings have REALLY settled into EPL life, yet.

      3. The team has been THRASHED on THREE separate occasions. Once would be enough to rock the confidence of ANY team. But to have it happen 3 times, both home and away, is bound to have some deep and long-lasting effects. Yes, the change of HC would have helped in that regard…until the same thing happened under the new regime. Confidence is EVIDENTLY and UNDERSTANDABLY going to be (when you think about it) very low.

      So, when you take all of those factors into consideration, you could come to the conclusion that being 5th in the league, 3 points off fourth and having a European campaign still to look forward to, is not so bad after all.

      The players and the management are responsible for performances on the pitch. All Levy can do is given them the best possible conditions to do that! And, spending £90+miliion on International class players, and building a new state of the art would suggest he is doing just that.

  2. Good points well made however I don’t know if you go to games but this season the atmosphere has been the worse since the darkest days of Gerry Francis and you have to ask:

    1. Why did Levy think AVB would do so much better than Redknapp

    2. With the club still riding high in the league, in the quarter finals of the League Cup with a home draw and top of Europa League standings, which when you think about it is a massive handicap in the league with extra meaningless games do you sack your manager?

    3. Do you see any difference apart from Adebayor, between AVB and Sherwood’s side?

    4. Why after Arneson and Comoli and with the success that Redknapp had would you still hang onto the DOF role?

    Do you honestly believe Sherwood was hired as anything more than a caretaker?

    BTW – Sunday was the worse – we score and two minutes later tweets are being displayed on the screen … says it all

    I think Levy’s dealings since day one have been underhand and embarrassing to the club – truth is we haven’t had a decent board since before Scholar and the success of the club has mirrored this.

    1 League Cup under Sugar and 1 League Cup under Levy … not what one of the biggest clubs in Europe should aspire to …

  3. Problem is continuity – both of staff and players. We need a manager we can stick with and hang on to him for a long spell. Even a mediocre club like Arsenal overachieves thanks to the manager. Secondly we need to keep our mid-fielders which is where we have characteristically outclassed opponents. We have a strong mid-field tradition and hopefully the chaps we have now will form the basis for progress in the first and final thirds.

  4. All I know we have spent 110m on players and not one of them has really looked the part.TS has looked naïve with his selections and some of his comments(MC best team on the planet) and his refusal to play a ball winner seems crazy.We sell Caulker and keep Dawson please explain that decision.We still have no plans for a new stadium why our friends down the road get sixty thousand for every home game.I have actually given up hope of THFC ever winning anything but I am sort of used to it now.What would I give to have Mourino at totenham,tactically the best.

  5. I cannot believe people are writing off Tim Sherwood so soon – especially after an excellent start, all things considered. You all seem to be convinced he’s only keeping the seat warm for someone else, but I tell you if Levy does drop him in the summer he’ll be an even bigger laughing stock in the world of English football than he already is.
    Just look at the way Sherwood has handled Adebayor. He has motivated him and is getting the best out of him. Now compare that to the complete ineptitde of the anal dipstick who was the previous incumbent. This guy Sherwood is a breath of fresh air – down to earth, open and refreshingly honest, He is someone who the players can like, listen and respond to.
    Do you really think some supposedly sexy continental manager will do any better? Do you really think he will do as well? How many of these muppets have we seen come from their respective countries, diddle around for a while in a state of confusion and bewilderment before returning to whence they came with their tales between their legs. Big Martin Jol was the only possible exception.
    Yes it’s early days but I like this guy and I think he is going to be a revelation. Just because someone comes from somewhere else and has a record of success that doesn’t mean they are going to be successful here. In fact our experience suggests the opposite.
    Chelsea and Man City have unlimited funds to buy the best players. Arsenal have Wenger. That makes it very very difficult to get into the top three – especially as our ground and gate receipts are relatively small. We are already punching above our weight by finishing fifth. And if we finish fifth this year under Sherwood – after only half a year in charge – Levy would be out of his mind to disrupt things again for another punt on a ‘big name’.
    Reaching for the sky is fine so long as you have sound foundations on which to build.

    • Very well said. I completely agree with you. While our play sometimes leaves a lot to be desired, it is at least football and not some soul destroying bullshit we have seen earlier this season.

      • The shit we’re seeing now is not soul destroying bullshit??
        Yes TS is doing well….How on earth he is doing it though is anyone’s guess!
        Have you seen any good football or clever tactics or heard anything from this muppet to inspire you?
        Did you see the Swansea game? The Hull game? The Everton game? The arse game? The wh game? etc etc etc Remind me of a good one…I can’t recall.
        Great we are winning …we may get 5th ….seeing anything to inspire you for next season?
        Oh yes of course he is the messiah that has awaken the giant called Ade ….till the next sulk

  6. i think as much as we are currently riding the ADE’s recent good form and with Jemain soon leaving the club, we should have signed a topnotch striker to keep our CL spot alive……before coming to Spurs, Soldado was rated third after Messi and CR7, therefore, there must be something special about, so Tim must find it and start getting him to enjoy his game.i like his passion on thye field of play and i believe goals will soon rain soon from him afterall at Spurs we get our boys to know that ” to dare is to do “

  7. All have made good points. having been a fan since 1957 I can honestly say that I have seen it all. Sherwood is the first manager that I can remember who even knows we have an Academy team and is bringing in the guys that he has been involved in grooming for the first team. 110 mil has not really solved our goal scoriing and creativity problems. Too any simular players. With Bentaleb, Kane, Coulthirst, Coulibaly, Carrol and Pritchard to name a few playing regularily in the lower leagues, we are looking good for the future (When the new stadium is ready these guys will be) as long as they progress like walker did.
    Sherwood is probably only a stop gap but he can set the table for the new manager (Van Gaal) who is probably arriving after the World Cup. An acomplished winning manager

  8. Nice1Cyril I see you have been a supporter since 1957. So I trump you by one year. But hey this isn’t a competitive thing about who goes back the furthest. The point is we were both brought up on the beautiful game and that colours your view for ever more concerning what constitutes good football. I just wanted to ask you one thing: what is it about this guy Van Gaal that makes you think he can magically succeed where all other continental managers with recommended CVs that have come to our club in the last twenty years haven’t been able to ?

    • Louis van Gaal has won the title in Holland, Germany and Spain and won the Champions League, all while playing attractive football. Sherwood is a complete novice. Which other top club would have appointed someone with zero management experience?

      P.S. I will still get behind him and hope he succeeds, I’m just saying I can see the logic behind LVG.

  9. Soldado….hmmmm I was excited until I saw him in a pre-season game. Has anyone actually observed how he runs, he kind of runs with no upper body movement. I new then he would struggle against prem defenders!

  10. Thanks for that AnythingButPenalties. He’s clearly won a lot in Europe. But not here. And there’s something different to here. Things don’t always translate from Europe to England. We’re a bit odd here and unlike nearly everybody else in the world we drive on the other side of the road.
    He might be a spectacular success at Tottenham mind you, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  11. You’re right, it would be a risk. But he does stand out from the other foreign managers we’ve tried. He’s successfully managed Bayern, Barcelona, Ajax and Holland, not Grasshoppers, Sevilla or Porto.

    On the other hand Capello had a very string CV and that didn’t turn out so well.

  12. Interesting points. Maybe he would work where others have failed. But however good he is he won’t have the players available to him that the managers of money-is-no-object Man City and Chelsea have. We can still only seat 36,000 paying guests. As I said before we are already punching above our weight.
    And he wouldn’t have the connection to the young talent at the club that Sherwood has – for so long a wasted resource at Tottenham. Just can’t see him making any difference to be honest.
    Fifth or fourth or even by some Herculean effort third, under Sherwood is as good as it gets with our current capacity stadium I think.
    Yes, Capello was a rabbit caught in the headlights.


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