Yesterday, Tottenham’s Belgian international defender Jan Vertonghen claimed that the only difference between Liverpool and Spurs is Luis Suarez. Having a man averaging nearly a goal every game is obviously going to make a difference to any club but is it really that straightforward?

“At the moment he is up there as one of the best strikers in the world. I think he is the difference between the teams,” Vertonghen said of his former Ajax team mate.

“Sturridge obviously is doing well and those two are very hard to stop. They are one of the best teams in the league and they show it every week.”

Sturridge is another key to this and here you have two form strikers where we have Roberto Soldado and Emmanuel Adebayor – one struggling to find his touch while the other was out of the side for the first half of the campaign.

You could also point to our porous defence but Liverpool have conceded 38 times in the league this season. Less than us but more than any other team in the top four and only one less than relegation threatened Crystal Palace.

So maybe it does all boil down to the lack of a Luis Suarez and if that’s the case, where do we find an equivalent?




  1. Maybe we have him at the club already…and just need a little patience.
    IMVHO we still have a better squad than Liverpool.

  2. haha give me a break, we have a better win record without luis than we do with him, thats the simple fact. 57% without 43% with. there is SOOO much more seperating us from d spuds than king luis, he missed the opening 5 games of the season and we were top in that time, studge is one of the best frontmen in world football, gerrard is in double figures in both goals and assists from a defensive midfield area, coutinho and sterling are superb, hendos pressing has been key to how we play. even skrtel has 5 league goals this season. better manager, better team ,better club…. spuds have some great players but are a USELESS team, thats the difference. rodgers has us playing like a cohesive unit, with or without luis this team would continue to progress, in saying that its a great luxury to have the leagues best player and his genius is something that wont be seen in the premier league for a long long time, ynwa

  3. Only lacking a Suarez?, WRONG!

    Spurs are Lacking players who are there to play for the club, they are there solely for the mega money and the ‘London life’…….which they are very welcome to actually.
    The players are lacking heart, courage, conviction, fight and hunger, they play for a little failure of a London club, and cannot motivate themselves.

  4. When Suarez was banned at the start of the year Liverpool when still doing well. I think it isn’t just a Suarez, it’s the attacking style of football and tactical smarts by Rodgers that makes Liverpool better than Tottenham. If Rodgers had of picked Spurs over Liverpool at the time, Rodgers would’ve improved all the Spurs players and it possibly would’ve been Spurs currently having a brilliant season.

  5. Under Harry Spurs were playing some good entertaining football, since he left its been downhill all the way.

    I watch Spurs sometimes and think they are lacking something, not just a goal scorer but the whole team lacks the drive, enthusiasm and ideas, not to mention the manager is a plum. Yes, they came back to beat the Saints on Sunday, but after the game I was wondering how? For most parts they were poor and I could only see a Saints victory.

    Sunday will be a big test for Spurs, and I can only see a comfortable win for the Reds, they simply won’t be able to cope with LFC’s relentless attack.

    • …downhill despite Spurs getting more points…. The difference is simply because Chelsea and Liverpool have got back to winning ways. I do agree that the entertainment factor and quality of football has gone down since Harry. Not just a goal scorer is needed – Soldado actually played very well, and he does assist goals. Do not forget that for the first year and a half, Suarez wasn’t scoring much for Liverpool either….but always a danger with his exuberant play.

  6. Under redknapp spurs were playing better football than Liverpool now.I believe we have a better squad,but that don’t mean shit Liverpool is playing as a unit and I am really fearful they are going to rip us to shreds, Liverpool are playing some amazing football it’s a joy to watch and I am jealous of their style of play but it’s there’s and they were playing it in the 70s, what we need to do is find our style of play again, Sherwood doesn’t know what it is so doesn’t Daniel levy but redknapp does so does hoddle.

  7. They have two strikers better than ours (Suarez and Sturridge). Outside of that we are similar.

    In Spurs favour we have players who should be better and more adjusted next year (Bobby, Lamela, Coupe, Vlad).

    Liverpool did set the bar in terms of keeping their best player away from Madrid. Had we done the same it could have been a lot different.

    Liverpool will have to play in Europe next year, they have been fresher this year.

    Liverpool are the better team as it stands right now!!

  8. I have followed Spurs for over forty years and there have been many times when I have asked myself why as the team always appear to let us down when we are on the brink of achieving something.
    My view is that the incoming influx have not gelled quickly and money does not buy you success. £100m spent and the best value is Bentaleb who we got for nothing.
    Let get the youth policy up and running and finding the great English talent that is out there and build the team on that. I think this is what Sherwood wants and we should applaud him for this but it will take time and that is what managers in the premier do not have.
    I don’t think we can defend at the moment as we do not operate as a unit and I don’t think we are a free scoring side as we do not create enough even though we have great pace in the side.
    We are not that far away and we need a street wise manager to teach Tim the ropes as guts will only win you a few games, quality wins you trophies with a bit of know how.


  9. Liverpol fan hear, gonna be a bit more respectful than some others posting on a spurs website. Its hard to write off most of last summers buisness, the ones not playing will leave for simmilar fees they signed for, or settle and progress at the standard you expect (they are good footballers), signing that many players at once always rocks the boat. Personally didnt think avb was tactically all that, jury out on sherwood. Rodgers is awesome, he has improved so many players to unrecognisable levels, generally we are tactically excellent. Thats one point to us, but sherwood either needs time to instill his theories, or another “better” manager to take over. As with united under fergie to moyes, and our players developing under rodgers, its management of players that most influences performance, not reputation or transfer fees.
    The europa league…the poisoned curse. Said all season if wed not been in running for CL i wanted to finish below europa league. Its been absoluley no benefit to you, has fked your schedule and tired your players, it is worthless without the winner getting a CL qualifying place as a reward. You do not wanna qualify for it next season, or youll have another disapointing season. Stadium wise, money wise and fan wise spurs are a massive club, but worldwide i think we edge it on fan base. And current situation i see players picking us over you if a battle. Gk, defence were as solid/weak as each other practically. Midfield is real close, as a red id say gerrards influence, hendo energy lucas’ incredible interception/tackle completion when fit and coutinho’s vision just give it to us, but im sure s few of you would disagree. Up front our top two are miles ahead of yours. Sorry, they are. Soldado will settle and improve, but i dont see him as great if im honest, and for me adebayor only plays for a new contract or a transfer. That is it, he has talent but does not give a fk.
    I think in my opinion the difference is we have unearthed a cracking manager who has got our players playing tactics that few teams can cope with. We also have one of the best strike partnerships in the world. And finally at this minute it looks like we’ll be playing CL next year, and you guys wont be.
    Both will invest in the summer, if we get it right we will move further ahead, in this situation you need whoever the manager is to have a master plan, the squad to beleive and adapt, and some incredible signings that other managers overlooked.

    Why do we need to fight with each other?! I personally have respect for spurs, like ya more than chelsea and united anyway! Even thought you keep tryna sign everyone we do(often with more success). I think our fans should stick together, theres other clubs fans far more deserving of our abuse than each other.


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