Just seven days ago, Spurs were preparing to face Benfica with no senior centre backs as Younes Kaboul joined Michael Dawson and Vlad Chiriches on the injury list while Jan Vertonghen was suspended for the second leg.

Younes returned for Sunday’s game against Southampton and while Daws was named on the bench, the suspicion was that he wasn’t fully fit. Happily for the squad and for head coach Tim Sherwood, all four centre backs could now be available after news came through that Dawson and Chiriches had returned to full training.

Our Romanian international may not be ready for Saturday however as Sherwood explained,

“Vlad has been out for a while and we have to make sure we take our time with him,” Tim admitted. “We’re pleased to see him back in training this week and we’re looking to drop him back into Friday’s Under-21 game against Arsenal at the Lane.

“He’s trained well and he hasn’t felt any reaction to his back, so we’re well pleased with that.

“Michael trained at the end of last week as well, we’re pleased with his progress and most of all, delighted we’ve more players from which to select from.”

Whatever their situation may be, it’s a relief to see both become available once more but on the basis of Sunday’s game, would you stick with the pairing of Kaboul and Vetronghen across the middle?




  1. I am sure Haughton will do a good job at Liverpool , the boy wants to play and his firm is getting better and better every week. I believe that Tim trust him and don’t be surprised if Walker eventually lose his place or get moved as a right winger. As for Rose I just don’t want to rude. He is not a top 4 club left back. Zeky may do better against Sturidge. I would like to see a top player in the summer because Rose is a liability and is costing us points and hit in the dressing room.


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