The media are reporting Steven Caulker’s proposed move back to Spurs as a ‘shock’ but we called it on the 10th of March and have been talking about it amongst ourselves for much of the season. In 2012-13, Andre Villas-Boas said he had too many centre backs but after William Gallas left, it was a surprise to see Caulker sold to Premiership new boys Cardiff City.

Now, the Welsh club are staring at an immediate return to the Championship and our former player is really too good to be playing there. It’s taken a while for the press to make the link and it’s finally emerged today but would the story depend on who appears as Head Coach for next season?

Tim Sherwood is likely to be a big fan of the player and Caulker will fit into the ethos of building a side around young British talent. A new manager from overseas may not think in exactly the same fashion and if a Van Gaal does come in, this story could be dead.

With Younes Kaboul continuing to struggle, there may be a need for reinforcements across the centre of defence but is Steven Caulker the man to fill the gap?




  1. If reports are true and Spurs do try to get Caulker back, it will be a very good thing for both the club and the player. I’m sure that Villa Boas wouldn’t have agreed to sell Caulker had Dawson left for QPR in the Summer however the youngster didn’t want to continually keep the bench warm and craved an opportunity to prove that he was worth a chance in the first team even if it meant getting that chance somewhere else which is understandable. In my view it was a mistake to let him go as Caulker represents the future and quite clearly, Dawson does not. Of course this could all be an irrelevance should Spurs decide to part company with Sherwood in a managerial capacity as you rightly pointed out because any in coming manager will have his own targets and neither Dawson or Caulker could feature in his plans.

  2. I too was shocked when we sold S.Caulker, he was generally good in deffence, and coming-up for corners he was a handfull for opposing teams. I hope he comes back, whoever’s in charge.


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