Tottenham’s players have generally been united while voicing their opinions over Head Coach Tim Sherwood while Brazilian midfielder Paulinho was the first to break rank and raise his displeasure at a spell on the sidelines.

“I always want to play,” Paulinho said. “I understand the team rotation because that’s how it works here, but I am not feeling well or comfortable. I want to be present, I want to play,” Paulinho said earlier in the week.

Many would argue that the player’s efforts since his summer transfer haven’t warranted an automatic place in the starting XI and Sherwood reacted to the comments yesterday (Wednesday).

“I pick players on what they are doing in training, not on reputations and price tags,” he said.

“I can’t be worrying if the Brazil national manager wants him to play every week. I am going to do what is best for Tottenham, not any national manager.

Tim also hinted at issues in training that may have kept Paulinho out of the team.

“He knows if he trains well and plays well, he stays in the side. He’s come here from another country and the language has been a problem for him,” he added

“Also settling into the Premier League, it’s a different game from what he has been used to.”

Whether the player responds or not remains to be seen but we will find out whether Paulinho has impressed Tim Sherwood sufficiently when team news is announced for Monday night’s game with Sunderland.




  1. Hes a quality who when settled has the physique like dembelee to hold players off and make powerful runs!! All be it not at pace but hopefully lamela and a new left winger can do that for us? He needs to stand up and fight in midfield and improve his finishing!! He could next season be our star player. He had two man of the matches at the beginning of the season lets not forget. Sell dawson, rose, lennon, siggy, capoue and lets buy remy, benteke or lukaku… a decent left back desperatley needed.. a cb such as caulker or lascelles, a young keeper such as schmiecal. A left winger like konlypopoa and lallana.. eriksen is our man to build around next season… lers welcome a new manager and our new stadium… coys

  2. I think Sherwood needs to work harder to keep his place, first by picking a team that has a chance of beating the opposition, e.g. with a recognised holding midfielder, then, during the match, stay in the technical area to influence the play.

  3. Here we go again with the transfer merry-go-round. ‘Let’s buy superman, batman and Mr Incredilble. Then change our manager’. Stop and think please guys. Let’s get our coaching staff sorted out FIRST! Nobody in or out until the head coach position is secure. We havn’t got a lb I hear. Yes we have, he’s on loan at QPR. ‘We need someone capable of spotting and playing the quick, forward, defence splitting pass’. Again he’s on loan at QPR. If Bentaleb is ready, Carroll is too. We have the players in the squad to beat any team in this league. We just need leadership, knowledge and commitment!

    • Ekotto is good for back up only!!! Thats why hes in the championship… i agree we need the manager in place instead of tim!! But rose, dawson, capoue, lennon and siggy are not up to the task!! Thats clear to see for anyone. We need to invest in youth, new talent and take this club and our stadium forwards.. coys

  4. Soldado, lemela, poulinho will be big players for super spurs next season when we get a manager who knows how to manage a team of players from different parts of the world !!! Sherwood seems to be afraid of playing someone who’s English is not purfect !!!! I heard him say in not so many words on an interview that was the reason poulinho was not getting match time, if so then that proves he is 100% not the man for the job……. He is simply too old school. You can t rely on passion alone in the modern game you have to have a full armoury in your closet and he only has one thing…..

  5. Spurs problem with overseas players is there seems to be no plan in place to acclimatize and accomodate these players. Lamela, a child dumped in a hotel without his family and told to get on with it. You can’t do that at this level and no other top team would apart from Spurs. Spurs treat players like mercenaries and expect commitment and trust on and off the pitch.


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