Jan Vertonghen returned to action for the Under 21s as they edged out Reading earlier this week and while one of the top stories from yesterday’s news round up shows the Belgian with a particularly stern face, the player himself declared that he was happy with the run out.

Vertonghen has been out since limping off in our defeat away to Liverpool and despite this latest comeback, a return to the first team before the end of the campaign isn’t necessarily guaranteed.

“First of all, I’m very happy we won the game, that was important for the lads and we put a lot of effort in,” said Jan.

“I was going to play 75 minutes but the lads were saying ‘only 15 more minutes’ and it was important to win the game, so I stayed on.”

The Belgian defender may have been happy to be back but the cynical amongst us would suggest that this is largely because of World Cup year and a possible relief that he will be fit enough to be on the plane for Brazil. As for his Spurs future, a link with Inter Milan is among many rumours doing the rounds this week but is Jan Vertonghen’s appearance in an Under 21 side a fitting epitaph for his Spurs career or could he yet remain and win us back during the next campaign?




  1. ….So if he aint gonna get a first team game before the end of the season then we have already see his last appearence in a Spud shirt at Scousefux!!! Hugo will be gone too, which eally pi55es me off that we aRE losing 1 of the top 4 goalkeepers in the world because LEVY the cuzt has made such a phukkin balls up of running this club!!!!!! Get rid of LEVY or this club is phukked for a few years to come…..

  2. SFD – that was hard to read. OK – I understand the business part of it. I don’t however understand our Club’s thinking on the sporting side of this. So far, it would look like we can only achieve one thing… the player that wants to move on. Weather that means bringing up a youth player, or getting in some real good talent, it always seems like we gather momentum then fizzle. It seems like Levy and company are taking this seriously, therefore I can only conclude…. they are doing a good enough job to make Spurs competitive, but lack the prestige and money to make it happen. We have to take this one in the gut. Bale was that once chance to build a championship team, and we sold him. The parts that came in this year should have been to compliment him, not to replace him. OK – I will leave to the next room and scream now.

  3. we should all know as supporters that tottenham is a selling club that is how levy makes everything tick of course this is annoying but thats how it is until we grt the new stadium if we do……things will not change right now though this window should be a time of trying to keep lloris even if for i season under a new manager maybe we need to invest in defence and i striker and keep the rest unless levy gets rid of the deadwood


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