Paulinho to Chelsea – bothered?

Paulinho to Chelsea – bothered?


The story linking Paulinho with a move to Chelsea has gathered momentum today with additional reports claiming that the West London club are looking to pay in excess of £25m for the midfielder’s signature. If there is any truth in the rumour, Tottenham might be desperate to hang on to the player but will the fans be particularly upset?

Paulinho arrived in the summer and after opening the scoring in our 3-1 win over Fulham, he declared he was pleased with his efforts in this campaign.

“It’s my first season in the Premier League, I’ve played a lot of games and yes, I’m happy with seven goals,” he told the club’s official website after the match.

“Everyone knows the first season is difficult. It’s a change of football after playing in Brazil, a change of lifestyle and I’m delighted to score seven goals.

The report started from the Brazilian website Lancenet and claimed that a deal had been agreed before the Metro were more than happy to pick up on it. Other sites also claim that Real Madrid and AC Milan are monitoring the situation.

Perhaps those clubs are seeing something in the player that we’ve only caught occasional glimpses of this season. It’s hardly Bale to Real but would you be sorry to see Paulinho go?



  1. He won’t be the first to leave. All the summer signings want out of from the tiny totts. they were fed a lie and now realise they are at a small club with zero chance of success. and Levy will make the cash, and the totts will battle for 7th next season!

    Ahhhh those glory glory ITV4 Thursday nights in Azerbaijan!

  2. Itv4????? We call it supersport tv in rsa, how many goals did paulinho score vs bentaleb? And we wana sell hell no!!!! Bring in de boer and company , and delux here would be watching us playing cl football on sky .. coys

  3. If it teaches the lesson that if you don’t use a player properly, you lose him, then so be it. Pity to lose him, though, but this is probably the start of a summer of our lovely sports writers rumour mongering and trying to set up transfers for our best players.

  4. He is a great player only non football people would believe otherwise. Keep him and change the negative moaners in the stands. He is always likely to score and an important goal at that. Dembele however should be bought by Chelsea to be coached correctly by Jose.

    • You are living in cuckoo land. Paulinho is a donkey and clueless about football.

      I have watched every Spurs game this season and he has been by far our worst player. He does absolutely nothing in most games. He just goes missing. When he does get near the ball, he often gives it away to the opposing team, or just passes backwards.

  5. Well if we all have the view “the delusionists” have,then
    yes we will always be a no were club we need not sell all our
    players then next season we will be better for it.

  6. More mouthy arse fans coming on our site, you got to laugh really howeve, that aside, so much shit comes out of Italy that you have to take what they say with an extreme pinch of salt. Think of it logically just for a moment, it’s assumed by all and sundry that Spurs are going to get rid of Sherwood at the end of the season. Do you honestly believe that the man at the top of the tree will sanction sales and purchases of players before the new man comes in to assess the current squad for himself? He will be given the respect to pick and choose the players he wants to keep and the ones he wants to bring in, not the media. Another point to take in is that Spurs have previous with Chelsea, the Modric saga is an indication. Levy has also stated that he will no longer contemplate selling the clubs better players to clubs they see as major competition in the EPL.

  7. lol hear the delusionist!….the name says it all….is that your mental state?….lets face the facts that were about to finish where we have for how long now??? i think the table proves were CONSISTANT!! and that the intrigation of new and proven quality players may have pushed us to a CL spot this season…lets not be disalusioned here 7 integrated into a new team in a foriegn country..finding their feet and somewhat finding it a tad difficult for a min or two is no justification to constantly attemp to rip into the spurs….look at the bin diggers…nout since when? 7th spot finish last year and top of the table this year after the team has time to settle??? so lets talk about west ham….mmmmm youre obviously a fan…..why??? lol….relegated how many times?…clinging on to memories of a world cup winner that took a whole team??? maybe thats all you got going for you in your war chest??? lol i pitty you….go stick yer bubbles up yer arse and abuse your manager some more….maybe ill see you at upton park saturday and laugh in your face when you loose and end up with nout again….maybe you might finish 10th next season??? i know 7th is better lol……

  8. Calm down fellas,after Spurs denied approaching anybody to be our next manager ,they cant pursue that one .So they got to drag up someother shite to upset Spurs fans.COYSaT

  9. Paulinho is by far the worst midfielder I have ever seen at Spurs. It would be the best thing ever to get rid of him. And if we robbed chelsea for a load of money, even better.

    He is seriously rubbish. He cannot shoot on target and takes about 25 shots before he flukes one on target. Most of them get skied over the bar. He has no creativity. He cannot make incisive passes to the front men and most of his passing is sideways or backwards. He cannot dribble passed players. Even his tackling is poor.

    He must be the most overrated player of all time.

    • His first experience in England, he will be better next year when we have a manager who knows how to set up a team properly. Paulinho is a top class player already selected for Brazil world cup and you rubbish him ….so who have you played for are you a coach in the under 10s sunday league.

      We need defenders and strikers not midfileders; we have class in midfield.
      And by the way, the most over rated player ever is Rooney…if he were Irish, scot or Welsh he would be playing for HUll or Sunderland.

  10. Paulinho must be the only brazilian midfielder who hasn’t got a clue how to pass or shoot.

    He is embarrassing to watch.

  11. Best news ever for a Spurs fan.

    Paulinho is an appalling player.

    Sell Rose too. He is the worst left back in the premier league.

    In fact sell all the other mediocre players like Livermore, Chadli, Sigurdsson.

  12. Doesn’t anyone remember the previous match against Stoke? Paulinho was settling in and had begun bossing the midfield. Then Charlie Adam happened. He should stay, we all saw the glimpses of what he can do.

  13. I definitely don’t want to see Paulinho go. From what I have seen of him this season he shows signs of being absolutely top drawer, but his positional awareness/defensive contribution as a box to box needs significant work if he is to be one of the best. A player who could be anything he puts his mind to. Spurs badly need creativity such as Marcelo Diaz, Alan Dzagoev, Miralem Pjanic or to a lesser extent currently- Juan Fernando Quintero. I hope that Sherwood’s legacy is not that he drove some very good players out of Tottenham. We need to keep Dembele, Sandro, Paulinho, Soldado, Eriksen, Lamela, Chadli, Townsend, Adebayor, Vertonghen, Chiriches and Lloris as a must because they are all hugely talented players and who we must build our club around…

  14. The game against stoke was his best in a spurs shirt but all those one touch flick ons look great when they work and shite when they dont. worse they often see the ball given back to the opposition to set up the counter. most of the time he looks like he cant be bothered. average and over rated. 25m+ !! bite arm off at elbow.

  15. His positional sense as a box to box needs help because he’s not now or ever be suited as a box to box player. too lazy

  16. I think with the right person in charge of the team anyone in that side can change their fortunes for next season, so if a new manager is going to come in, let them assess the team when their arrive, then judge who is to stay and who is to go, they all have it, but need that leadership quality in a manager and oh Chelsea can k… my a… and go for someone else ‘s players, COYS.

  17. I don’t think he’s seriously been that bad, but if somebody is willing to pay 25 for him, I would sell in a heartbeat. I don’t think we will, and nobody will be offering anywhere near that amount. I think we probably will lose Lloris for half that amount and Ericksen for right around that amount. I hope they both stay though and see that there is a good team in there if players just stay together. Nobody wants to be the man anymore. They just want to join another club with “the man.” I don’t see any reason why we can’t build a young committed British squad like what’s going on over there at Arsenal.


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