Throughout the season, Spurs have been linked with a number of left back options and many of us had been hoping that the club would follow one through in the summer. Danny Rose has failed to impress for the majority of the campaign but have his contributions in our last two matches earned him another run in the Tottenham defence?

Scoring goals has nothing to do with his main job but it does get you noticed and after notching the winner at Stoke, Rose came closest to pulling one back in the Upton Park defeat.

Predictably, current head coach Tim Sherwood has given the player his backing.

“The fans want to improve all the time but there’s no guarantee that someone’s going to come in from the outside and be any better than Danny Rose or any other player,” Sherwood said.

“Danny’s done well. He’s only young and he’s still learning. He went out on loan last season and proved himself in the Premier League against our opposition.

“He had to go out and do that at Sunderland and it was a good development phase for him. But he’s still got things to learn and he appreciates that, and he works hard to try to get better. He needs to improve all different factors of his game.

Tim went on to claim credit for a crucial change in position.

“Don’t forget that Danny’s only been a left-back for a few seasons. I had a chat with him probably three or four years ago and said that, in my opinion, if he was going to play at the top level in the Premier League, he needed to switch his position to play left-back. At first he was a little apprehensive but he’s bought into it.”

If Sherwood stayed then you can see which path this would follow but do you expect the club to make the left back slot a priority in the summer?



  1. That says all you need to know about Tim Sherwood if he thinks we can’t do any better than Danny Rose. Rose has been an absolute joke this year. His defending is appalling and his delivery just as bad. Not only that but he has an attitude to boot! Has to be one of the worst full backs in the PL. Ridiculous.

  2. He’s not improved at all, he’s still awful, let’s not kid ourselves an excellent goal wipes out his inability to defend, ability to give away needless tackles in dangerous areas and poor delivery and decision making in advanced areas. Left back is a seriously weak link and has to be addressed, Rose is nowhere near good enough as a first choice, I don’t want him as a cover for that matter

  3. No bloody way. He should be in the Championship where he can continue to play like an amateur. We need someone like Contreau who has vision, skill and works like hell without throwing his toys out the pram. The whole back 4 needs overhauling.

  4. We must sell him.If we can get 5million for him I’ll be more than happy.He can’t defend,cross or shot.Even Fryers or Assou-Ekotto could do a better job than Rose.And we shouldn’t buy Caulker back.Cardiff conceded more than 70goals this season.He scored a few important goals from corners,but that doesn’t make him a good defender.The only reason people consider him because he’s British and Tottenham-grown

    • Well said about both cases. Caulker is good but not there yet.

      However, the situation might change if Jan leaves.

  5. Sherwood better take him with him then like every one else has said he’s best a championship player can’t cross gets caught out of position and gives us jack sh..t I can’t believe him and naughton play if Sandro ant good enough knows what these two jokers do to get in the side

  6. What, He was responsible for Kaboul getting sent off and West Ham scored from the crner that came from th free kick and then he passed to the Hammers for the second goal. He should have been sent off at Stoke for shoving their player and Spurs have conceded countless goals from the left side when he plays there.


  8. Sherwood was the one that told Rose he could be a great fullback? Now it all makes sense. Rose has been dreadful, especially in the last two games. He almost got sent off at Stoke and then pretty much got Kaboul sent off at West Ham. We desperately need a proper left back.

    • Lets not forget his other high profile mistakes such as at the emmirates amongst others. For me , he cost us champs league football a couple of seasons ago when sent off in our must win game at villa. Want him as far away from the club as possible,awful player

  9. I always said Danny Rose is not a left full back. He’s basically a left winger. Perhaps he can yet play that role? But the more I hear from Sherwood and his fanciful extrapolations the more I am convinced that Tottenham need a proper manager and not somebody ‘who knows the club inside out’ and who therefore seemingly qualifies to coach and manage the first team? If Sherwood is anything to go by and if players like Rose cannot perform basic tasks for their assigned roles in the first team, I would suggest a whole new coaching approach at the club.

    Sherwood has in my opinion has been an unmitigated disaster as a club manager, results or no results! Perhaps, had he never spoken as he is so wont to do, I might still be trying to figure out his plan, his team selections and his tactical system? But he says too many silly things, he is divisive both with players and I’d imagine too, with supporters? He has consistently acted like somebody out of his depth. He comes across as a being an unintelligent manager, he exhibits strong impulsiveness and to be quite honest to my mind he is somebody whose ideas on football appear be too much off the wall! I cannot blame him but can say he is not suited to the role of manager of Tottenham any more than Danny Rose or Kyle Naughton were suited to playing left full back. Any more than Holtby, Sigurdsson or Eriksen were to playing wide left wing, and so on….. Adebayor alone saved Tim’s bacon for points this season, when team performances were otherwise poor.

    Regardless, though Tim Sherwood has his own mind and blows his own trumpet loudly enough to excite pundits and press people. Rarely has a manager of Tottenham left me quite as exasperated as Tim Sherwood has!

    I would be hard pressed to become excited about next season, if he remains in his position. I’d rather imagine and look forward to a complete change of management.

  10. Though i agree with most of you in wanting changes to the playing staff, a quick fire sale is just as bad as buying 7 new players. If things change to quickly people are just left in limbo not knowing what’s happening, if they are “safe” from the chop, etc. So people cant relax and get on with the job they’ve been tasked with. I think you all know you do things better in life when your relaxed and enjoying what your doing. So i do want changes but not in one big panic again! We as spurs fans do not want another season of terrible football even when we’ve won its still been bad and cringe worthy to endure(just like tims interview’s. Sorry to ramble 🙁

  11. This article is the biggest load of shit i have ever read!!! Rose is a championship player at best… stephen hawkins is a better left back thsn him, he can dribble, tactically a genius, never falters position, but just like rose keeps his head back when shooting!!! Out with rose nip jim in the bud and throw him on the compost heap where he belongs…….


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