We’ve all got our own opinions about Tim Sherwood and at the same time, we realise that any problems at the club go beyond the issue over who should be Tottenham’s Head Coach. Former Spurs legend Ossie Ardiles hinted at this when speaking to Talksport and he believes that sacking Sherwood won’t guarantee an improvement.

“When we started this season we were full of optimism, but somehow it has been very disappointing,” Ossie said.

“I believe that the players we have brought in this season have been the problem. They are not performing the way we expected. I don’t want to name names, but basically all the people we have bought. This is a serious, serious problem.

“At the end of the day, whoever the manager is, AVB earlier in the season and later on Tim, there is not a lot you can do with the kind of players we have right now.”

Ardiles went on to claim that whoever comes into the club would have a huge job in rebuilding this squad. As a failed former manager, do you respect Ossie’s opinion and does this side really need a major overhaul as he suggests or do you subscribe to Daniel Levy’s theory that the team just requires strengthening in one or two areas?



  1. agree 100 % the whole club needs sorting out year after year we throw millions after millions and get misfits we set our sights to high we are no better than a lot of teams in the top half of the table we cant aford to pay the price or the wages of the likes of city chelsea the manure

  2. Spurs can only go fwd with a clear strategy from the top which the DoF, manager and players all buy into. The players are like sheep they need clear instructions and play in their best positions. The players like Paulinho, no heart, Soldado, not suited to the premier league need to go. I would sell Lennon becos he is going backwards. Holtby and Siggy, just not good enough. Must get a quality LB and maybe 2 CB’s depending on if Vertongen goes. I like what De Boer has to offer, but doubt the hands on Levy will give him the control he needs, therefore I fear we will continue to under achieve.

    • Underachieve with the players we have but we have over achieved financially in recent years.

      What we need to do is simple, sell the crap like Siggy, Naughton, Rose, Chadli, Paulinho, Townsend and a few others mentioned above. Then we need to get a proper manager in, Sherwood is a joke.

  3. But have we,as spurs fans , the patience to give a radical approach from a new manager a fair chance? To go forward we may need to be mid table for a couple of seasons before youngsters and tactics embed and show results. Or, as seems more likely to tolerate annual qualification to Europa League with no real likliehood of progressing further.

  4. We are always over optomistic about our position in the football hierachy,we are at this moment 6th Manu might just pip us on goal difference,thanks avb,but all things considered we havnt done to badly.If we would just let Sherwood (I can hear the screams)have another go next season and have some managerial consistancy we might be pleasantly suprised.But Levy will back down from the Lynch Mob and appoint someone else,then a loss or to later the screaming will start again and no Xmas cards for you whoever you may be.COYSaT

  5. There’s a problem it just seems the players don’t respect Sherwood as a first team manager sort that out, cheaper to replace a manager then a whole team. Then bring in a LB, Shaw or Davies. LW lallana or/and Rodriguez( can play up front also) and another striker, lukaku and/or Rodrigo. Give the manger 3 seasons (full seasons) no matter where we end up and see what we could really achieve.

  6. Bollocks how have we over achieved with the players we had in the past such modric,bale vdv,we should have been challenging for the title and know we have a massive squad full of internationals we should be going for the title . The only person that has overachieved is levy he gets these players under the nose of the big boys the guy has made it possible.spurs fans need to wake up we got the players now just need the manager .
    Pocchetino for me because we know what he can do with a shit team like Southampton who only just came up imagine what he can do with us and also he plays our style of football

  7. Key point from Ben above , the players have lost respect for Tim Sherwood and hearing the comments from Sandro on ESPN yesterday was deeply worrying , have been left out the Brazilian squad his question his future at spurs the club needs to be bold appointing a manager that has direction and vision Simples.

  8. All down to levy loves to poke his big nose in the man is a cunt end needs to let a manager buy the players and baldini can fuck off as well pair of james hunts.


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