For a brief moment, Paulinho became our record signing when he joined Spurs from Corinthians for around £17m on the 06th of July last year. In doing so, he was the first of the less than magnificent seven new signings but with 2013-14 finally at an end, how do we view the Brazilian’s first season in the Premier League?

It’s not been a completely smooth transition into English football and predictably, the player himself has talked about the need to adapt to the fast pace and the physical nature of the game in the Premier League. Back in April, he also said he was unhappy about being left out of the side.

“I always want to play,” Paulinho said. “I understand the team rotation because that’s how it works here, but I am not feeling well or comfortable. I want to be present, I want to play.”

At the time, Tim Sherwood responded by saying that he didn’t pick players to please the Brazilian national set up and the former Head Coach hinted that the player may have lacked a little fight.

When he has performed, supporters have been critical of his body language and while that may not quite be in the Jan Vertonghen class, questions of commitment were raised even further when he helped to part the waves for Stewart Downing’s free kick at Upton Park – this article on ESPN sums up that view perfectly.

On the flip side, Paulinho does score important goals and while a record of eight in 37 games isn’t the worst, the midfielder keeps getting in great positions and he could have easily doubled that. Next year under a top coach, the Brazilian has the potential to replicate his national form on the domestic stage and there’s no reason why he can’t provide a more than useful 15 goals a season.

However, he could be doing that for another club and if we were to assume that rumours of a big money move to Chelsea were true, would you just take the money or should Paulinho become an important part of the squad under a new manager?



  1. You can never judge a foreign player just by there first season of EPL football.

    He will need to improve is first touch, recognise in this league he will not be given time on the ball and he must learn tro be braver in the tackle.

    We have seen glimpses with him and I do have high hope but if I was offered a swap with Lakaku, I would not hesitate.

  2. Paulinho has done well. 8 goals in debut season is decent by any standards. Although we have a plethora of central midfielders in our squad, this guy is unique as he has goals in him.But,he is not irreplaceable.I would think about trading him to Chelsea if and only if they let Lukaku move to us.

  3. The answer to this question is dependant upon a number of things. First is – who is the next manager, and what kind of style will he be playing. We are so screwed up at the moment that there seems to be no joined up thinking, and there won’t be any till the appointment is made and we find out how Borini fits into all this. But all that could be blown out of the water if Dan tells Franco to sell a few players …………. or if Joe finally gets fed up with Dan ………

  4. well, seeing as though most of the squad was rotated out of all form its hard to tell. I reckon he could the driving room of the team with capuoe behind him.

  5. Not convinced!
    Sandro works his socks off, goes in no matter what!! So why should we make up excuses for a fellow Brazilian who simply looks like he’s not interested in the shirt…Steffen Freund needs to have a few words with him and Chadli and a few of the others, who have probably never heard of Blanchflower, Mackay, Bobby Smith, etc!!!

  6. Not convinced either. To slow in midfield with the ball and kills off quick counter attacks. Think I’d rather have the quarterback Huddlestone back in midfield, as at least he could pick out a pass with would help Saldado.

  7. He has a poor touch as far as i have seen on tv and live. How could the hud be 5 mil and him 17mil. Maybe in a settled side he will look different but im not convinced.


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