Belgian International Nacer Chadli joined Tottenham in August 2013 and finished the season having played in just over half of our league matches. The 24 year old featured in 22 games although many of those saw him come off the bench to attempt to have an impact.

No comparison to Gareth Bale was ever made, nor could there be one, but does Chadli deserve an extended role in the side to provide more of a threat from the flanks? YouTube footage from his days at FC Twente showed that the winger could be a real threat from set pieces but heading into 2014-15, free kick duties will be permanently placed at the feet of Christian Eriksen.

A proportion of the player’s 25 goals in 84 matches for the Dutch side came from dead ball situations and he does look to deliver a decent cross or corner when given the opportunity. Highlights are obviously his goal against Newcastle and a double strike against Benfica which suggested he could do a job in a central forward position.

I’d like to see Chadli stay at the club in preference to Andros Townsend and Aaron Lennon but have we seen enough of Nacer to make a judgement?



  1. He really deserves a chance… He has showed glimpses of quality this season and if he get’s on form he could well end up in a possicle starting xi consisting of:

    Walker Dawson Chiriches Rose
    Sandro Paulinho
    Lamela Eriksen Chadli

        • Chadli is to slow to be a winger in the Premiership.
          Capoue is a good strong player and i would like to see him in the side more often.
          Paulinho has a) either been of the ball and lacking confidence or b) the laziest player ever seen.
          Ive never seen such a complete and utter waste of good money last sumer. Soldado is absolute shite but we need to keep hold of Lamela as he needs time to get used to the Prem.

    • Duh Livermore’s on loan already. Capoue is sheer class and Paulinho got 8 prem goals this season. Stop moaning.

      • Are you braindead?

        Livermore’s loan has now finished and he will be back at Spurs for preseason unfortunately, unless we can hopefully sell him.

        “Capoue is class” – what a muppet.

  2. Occasionally he shows flashes of flair/goals (Newcastle away)
    but generally always on the periphery with minimal impact on matches. Bar Lloris and Eriksen one of a number of players I would ship out in the summer.

    • Summed up perfectly. AVB and Baldini brought in so many average players. Not only that, but they lost an absolute fortune in the process. They have left our club in a mess.

      Our previous squads have often had one or two mediocre players that are hard to shift, like Jenas for example, but now we have the highest number of mediocre players in our history. It will be difficult for the next manager unless he can get rid of at least six of them first.

      • But they weren’t average when they were brought in? Get it? This season’s management cock-ups have affected them settling in. By the way players often take at least a season to get used to the Premier league, look at Ronaldo. You want to give up too easily on them. How long before Bale broke through? Thank god some of you numpties aren’t in charge.

    • Exactly COYS 1958. He has undoubted talent but doesnt have the want/will/mentality to impact games a lot more…floats around too much not doing a whole lot

  3. When you think of our past wingers like Ginola, Waddle and Bale, this guy is very average and has contributed little to the season.

    Bring in Yevhen Konoplyanka. He is more like the class player that would be a crowd pleaser, as well as setting up and scoring lots of goals.

  4. Chadli is not an out an out winger and I believe he is better utilized as an attcking midfielder, he is strong, decent on the ball and does possess a good shot. I would keep him has a squad player. Give him a chance under a decent manager and he could be a good assesst. I dont think we should be thinking of getting rid of players really. Capoue, Chadli, Paulhinio have all shown they possess quality and I would be happy to see how they porgress for a season under the new boss. We suffered this season beacuse there was too many incomers and never felt like we had a settled statring 11. Lamella should also be kept and lets see if he can live up to reputation. Soldado too. should be given the same chance, I am not convinced he is as poor as his scoring record this seaosn shows. He is a good player. We do need a quality left back.

    • Paulinho and Capoue are really poor players. Paulinho in particular is a cheat in my eyes, in that he gets paid for doing nothing in most games.

  5. Spot on. Konoplyanka, another cb to partner SuperJjan and a brand new LB. I Wanna see Townsend on LB, if the coaches train him well to defend he can be similar to walker. He is my LB on fifa 🙂

  6. Spot on Helen, I don’t think Konoplyanka would be the right signing. Yes, he did cause problems against Spurs but that was when the Spurs defence was in a shambles. Proven PL players or very good overseas players would be adiquate

  7. Stop moaning guys and have a bit of sense for once; the team has been on a downer this season generally because of backroom politics and managerial changes, not to mention most of them didn’t respect Sherwood. These players you’re slagging off all have good backgrounds before they come to us. We’ve got some class players and it just needs a good, new manager to get the best out of them. You can’t change players like you change shirts! That’s not the answer, if you do that you have a never ending unsettled team. Jeez why does Spurs have such a large percentage of muppet fans.

  8. He’s a very good football player with a strong chance of becoming a valuable member of any squad Tottenham will have arranged to begin next season. There is a lot about him I like and he would be way down any list of those I would be more inclined to part with from the current squad for various reasons.

  9. Chadli had good stats because he made easy passes. Hardly ever tried the “killer” through pass just the mind numbingly boring 10 yard pass to the side and sometimes even that was beyond him and he would pass to a player who was marked who would lose the ball and he would get blamed. No it was Chadlis fault for that awful pass. He should be ranked about 8th out of our 10 midfielders!

  10. He really is not good enough .I watched 4 games before he finally delivered 1 cross into the box. To have to focus on one game like the Benfica game just shows what a disappointment he is .

  11. My god I cannot believe some of this tripe on here. How can any player impress when the fans are booing before kick off, he has mainly been played in the centre so out of position but he done his job held the ball well closed down constantly once the new manager comes in he will show even more as he has class and is very strong on the ball which our midfield lacks on a monumental scale. only midfielders i would be willing to let go is townsend lennon siggs livermore and bentelab (jenas reincarnated) all our summer signings come from good stock and as thery say form is temporary skill is permanant only had to look at the legends in ledders testimonial to see that.

    • Chadli’s preferred position is in the centre or number 10.

      Good stock makes it sound like we bought horses. I think donkeys would be a far more accurate description.

      With the exception of Eriksen, how on earth can you include the new players in the same sentence as our legends like Sheringham and Ginola. Is this a joke?

      • it seems most of our fans are a joke, how can any team of new players become a stable unit in their first season how did it work out for chelsea or man city in the 1st season, too many expected them all to hit the ground running. How many of his games for his previous club have you seen probably none. Too many so called fans got on their backs and it was actually stated they feared playing at home because of our poor support booing from kick off. We as supporters should do what we are so called instead of all this whinging and whining, loads were screaming for Bale to go after his first season remind me how did he turn out. And we wonder why we get called fickle lol

        • Smudgers61 – You yourself have whinged and slagged off 5 spurs players in your own comments. One of the players you have slated is a young Spurs player who only just got promoted from the under 21 team.

          So on the one hand you are saying that Spurs fans are a joke because they should give prima donna players another chance (who lost the club millions) but on the other hand not to give youth a chance.

          Hypocritical is what comes to mind.

          • oh so by saying i was willing for them to go is slagging em off lmao give ya head a wobble lol

  12. sell huddlestone 5mil
    buy chadli ??

    just as slow, half the skill & passing ability

    another shrewd summer buy….

    squad player at best

    • if we are serious about champions league all the fans need to get behind whoever pulls on the kit instead of the constant sniping like we have on here, i was embarrased by our home support this season although the away support was fantastic and our form echoed that anyone see the connection lol

      • Smudger – When anyone voices a different opinion to yourself, you always come out with this emotional nonsense.

        In reality you have been slagging off players yourself, so let others also have an opinion, that they are entitled to.

      • Players need to earn the right to play for Spurs. Too many of them went missing this season and some had only the world cup in their mind. Playing for Spurs was a distraction to them.

        When players perform for the team, it naturally lifts the crowd.

  13. I don’t think that any new player can be judged on last seasons performance. There was no clear structure to the team, players without instruction and being new they did not have knowledge of each others games and in the case of AVB no plan B when things were going wrong (Liverpool at the Lane) so after plan A went out the window the players were unsure at what to do and it looked like it too often.

  14. Let’s not forget the current belgium manager said he would pick chadli before hazard, I’m not saying after this season I agree but he definitely deserves a chance next season. This is high praise as well as adding there was nothing chadli couldn’t do. Get behind the team fellow yids. COYS!!

  15. Are you serious?
    Of the “magnificent 7” – he is far and away the worst player!
    Slow, overweight, telegraphs his every move, lacks creativity for a so-called flair player, switches off, hides in games not going well – he shouldn’t be compared to Gareth Bale’s goldfish let alone the great man himself – poor player.

    As for Townsend going – why? He’s hardly had the run to prove himself, and for England he looks like a world beater. Get rid of Sigurdsson, Lennon, Chadli and Capoue. Bring in the ukranian lad, play Tonsend, and keep Holtby and we’ll be good in midfield

  16. Does anyone seriously rate Chadli? He was useless on the flanks and useless up the middle with no pace for chasing back. He adds nothing and is miles off being good enough for a starting place. If he does start next season prepare for another dismall season. Sell him to WBA or Swansea where he will shine.

  17. Lazy Bastard. No heart for the fight. Only interested in picking up his pay cheque… Then again that could be an appraisal of 99% of our squad. Spineless soft as shite to a man. Absolutely disgusted with all of them.

  18. Of all the dubious buys Chadli is the worst. When I first saw him play I thought he was absolutely clueless and he has actually gone downhill from there. You can’t compare the Belgian league to The Prem. He hasn’t slotted in and never will. Get rid! Kick the idiot Baldini out with him…. He has screwed us up more than AVB and Timmy put together.

  19. A good utility player who hasn’t played in his preferred position (for those of you who think he’s a winger). I think there’s potential there and give him another season. He had been one of the products of poor management this season.

    • If it was all down to poor management, how comes Eriksen played well this season?

      I don’t buy into the fact that it was all the managers fault. If a player is average and has no commitment, then there is nothing any manager can do about it.

      • Well actually Eriksen only came to life in the latter part of the season, when he started playing in a formation that suited him. There was a point where he couldn’t get into AVB’s side.

  20. Chadli is useless. The whole team is useless. There are only 3 players who could get in a top 4 Team, Eriksen, Lloris and Vertonghen (when his head is right). We move the ball too slowly and we have wasted the Bale money. We have gone from serious contenders with Bale, Modric and VDV to mid table obscurity for the next 20 years. A complete balls up!

  21. There are fine players at Tottenham, not least last season’s new arrivals, and Holtby from a few months before. Lacking last season was positive management and wise leadership. New appointments should help to use this talented squad that will have been played-in after the last unsatisfactory season.


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