Earlier in the week, it was widely reported that Spurs had identified Swansea’s Ben Davies as their priority left back target and that the two clubs were negotiating over a £8m transfer. As the days passed however, it was claimed that Swansea were holding out for more money so if there is any truth in this story, we will soon see how determined Tottenham are to get their man.

With pre-season shortly to get underway, there have been no new arrivals at the Lane as yet but reports today suggest that Spurs are prepared to up their bid for Davies.

Swansea are said to be holding out for £12m for the player but with Tottenham looking at around £10m for the 21 year old, it’s thought that the Swans will be forced to accept. However, the loan of Gylfi Sigurdsson to the Liberty Stadium could yet form part of the deal.

Expect more news on this over the course of the weekend.



  1. Yawn,yawn; another would be transfer that will go to the 31/8 at mid night unless someone comes in and seals a deal in a short time which is how it should be done but Mr.Levy doesn’t understand.New manager,same old Spurs.Ww will never learn.

  2. Along with Lovren that will do us

    Walker, Verts, Lovren, Davies

    Capoue, Bentaleb

    Lamella, Ericksen, Townsend

    Soldado or Ade

    • Townsend? Oh God, please no! Another wasteful and overhyped England player. We should cash in quick while clubs are willingly throwing £20+ million on slightly above average English players!

      • Come on, he’s got talent.
        The WC could have been so much better with Townsend and Walker playing for Ingerlund

        • Perhaps…we might have scraped 3rd place in our group by snatching an additional draw somewhere along the line 😉 I don’t see what Dross adds, short of running incredibly quickly, stopping to cut inside and delivering an abysmal cross, or firing a shot into the second tier of the ground.

          One goal in the PL last season, a mis-hit cross against Villa, is a pretty poor return on 70+ shots, and his assist stats are almost as bad. To put his ability into perspective, he’s 4 days younger than James Rodriguez and 5 months younger than Neymar…

    • Not sure how many games you saw last season, as your team selection is some what strange you appear to if left out Dembele and Kaboul

    • Pretty sure that both Morgan Schneiderlin and Lars Bender would prefer to go somewhere they can play Champs League footy, though Morgan might come to us for a season or two to earn a move to a proper big club!

  3. Deals are not done quickly nowadays and im sure whatever targets they have we will get given time. Poch knows what he wants and how he wants to play, which is a fast attacking game and players putting a shift in!!! Levy knows how to do a deal so lets leave them to it. We need a left back and davies is a good player and realistic. We need a left midfielder, a young defender such as lovren or realistically lascelles would be good. Last of all a striker to replace adebayour who im sure will create problems this season, he can follow tim. Remy or bony arw excellant additions alongside soldado. Its gonna be an xciting season…coys

    • Sadly I worry that it won’t matter who MoPo wants, Franco will get the final say. I definitely agree with you on Ade, if we can’t flog him, I’d sooner pay him off his final year just to keep him away from the squad.

  4. Davies is a waste of time and money. Ekotto is a better left full back anyway. Levy might go for pochittinno’s man but its a bigger mistake than it may seem. Firstly he undermines his position on valuation and secondly he acquires a replacement for so much of his precious money that he better stake a whole lot more on buying an average British player in future. Davies will prove to be the worst buy Levy has shelled out for and for many other reasons will verify this. Anything approaching 10m. for Davies is wrong and a big gamble. Its a second rate move and will take the present Tottenham squad nowhere. Ekotto is a huge loss to this squad.

    Pochottino or not we’re talking about an average talent. It’s simply not good enough. It never has been.

    • We can dream of unrealistic players all day? But a team that play as a team is a huge force!! Look how well Algeria, Colombia have done they have played above their expectations. As did southampton under poch. Ekotto has been and gone hes not even good enough for championship and didnt do well last season. He needs rid off with his best mate adebayour. Ekotto is nowhere near as good as davies. Why not invest in good young british talen? It worked for liverpool? It worked for man u and even arsenal. Get real we are a top six club for the next two seasons till these players bed in and then we will see…coys

    • Ekotto couldn’t hack it in the PL two seasons ago and looked shoddy last season in the Championship. He’s not getting any older and the pace he needed to make up for being caught out of position when he goes wandering off has escaped him. Plus he’s another like Ade who will disrupt the squad if he’s expected to train hard to get in the squad. Ship him off…not that you’ll find many buyers who’ll meet his wage demands!

      Davies, while perhaps not the finished article, is a million times better than leaving Danny Rose near the squad. We may as well take to the pitch with ten men than let that useless bloke loose!

  5. deals are dun pretty fast going by Liverpool how meany have they got in in 3 weeks 5 i think .So yes Spurs can do it if we want the players and should do it ??????


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