With the start of the new Premiership campaign some six weeks away, Tottenham players have been talking up the new season but perhaps the most important comments came from keeper Hugo LLoris. We picked up on reports over the weekend that suggested our French stopper was unsure over his future but his latest quotes indicate that he will start 2014-15 as a Spurs player.

“Yes, I should be,” Hugo said when asked if he would remain at the Lane.

“I don’t want to speak about my situation now.

“I need a few days to recover and after that to relax, have a good rest and come back next season.

“I think I will speak soon about that and we will deal with it.”

Elsewhere, striker Harry Kane has also spoken about the new season under Mauricio Pochettino.

“I’ve had a good rest and I’m looking forward to getting back into the swing of things, getting fit and getting on that pre-season tour,” said Harry.

“It will be a tough pre-season but that’s what you want, you want to get fit and be ready for the season ahead. All the lads are looking forward to that. We’ll be put through our paces and it will be good.”

Finally, Emmanuel Adebayor rounded off with an old chestnut concerning Tottenham’s targets for 2014-15.

“Nothing is about personal, I play for Tottenham and we’re a team,” Adebayor told Tottenham’s official website.

“So for me, our targets or objectives is to finish in the top four. I want to help the team finish in the top four.”

Nothing extraordinary there although the Lloris comments will be welcome. What it does show is that we have started the countdown to the new season but what can we expect under the new coach?



  1. “Nothing is about personal, I play for Tottenham and we’re a team…I want to help the team finish in the top four.”

    It’s a shame you couldn’t be bothered to help us in the 2012/13 season isn’t it, when it was personal. The sooner you’re banished from our team, the better. We may as well play with ten men as have you start in most matches, aside from the rare ones where you can actually be bothered to turn up!!!

    • Buying seven new players ruined our season last year, buying nine would only have the same effect.

      Added to which, Moreno has a broken leg, Schneiderlin, Bender and probably Depay would want to go to a big club that can offer CL football while we’ll get ripped off royally for Lukaku.


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