Clearly Roberto Soldado’s popularity among the Spurs fans has held firm despite such a barren spell in front of goal and the mixture of joy and relief when his winner hit the net in a tight fixture with Everton was more than evident.

Here is someone who has never stopped trying while one or two of his team mates have shown unacceptable body language when things don’t go their way. So it was a great moment and later, the Spaniard admitted that he was driven to tears by the response around the ground.

‘The moment the ref blew for half time everybody sung my name and I welled up a little bit, I had a tear in my eye. It was very special. Thanks!’ Roberto announced on Instagram.

Naturally we’ll all remember a similar situation during the Cardiff game at the end of last season. Hopefully this won’t be a false dawn as there are few players you’d like to see turn things around more than Roberto Soldado.



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