Yep, this is what it’s like to be a Spurs fan

Yep, this is what it’s like to be a Spurs fan


There’s not much point in being a Spurs fan if you can’t laugh off the many disappointments that come our way and that’s exactly what @LikeAHurriKane managed with a magnificent Tweet that perfectly summed up the frustrations of supporting the grand old club, after our 3-0 humiliation against Manchester United.

Each and every season valiant Spurs put up their best effort to finish in the top four, only for Arsenal to effortlessly move up through the gears and shatter our dreams. It generally goes something like this…


  1. Top four was never an option we have conceded too many goals 42.Top four sides win games 1.0 we couldn’t do that we are rabble
    defensivly.Best we can hope for is 7th or 8th we may be fitter but we cannot defend as a team and tacticly Van G took Poch to
    the cleaners yesterday.One of the poorest performances Ive seen looked like a sunday morning side.

  2. Aww tactically sober up, That’s the only game Man U have turned up this year and unfortunately it was against us. Poch is a gd manager who needs to be given time, we have played over 45 games this season with 6/7 players turning up every sat the rest poor. Give Poch another two seasons and I reckon we will push top 4 right to the wire.

  3. we are rubbish, have been most of the season, lucky those 2-1 wins went our way or we would be around 12th place where we deserve to be if we had lost them!!!
    Vertonghen and Dyer dreadful, Walker shocking, Benteleb and Mason, a useless midfield partnership, Kane on his own up front helpless.
    As for Townsend and Chadli as wide men, what a joke. Lamela ,Soldado and Paulinhonearly 70mill of talentless players cant even get a game in this rubbish side. 50 years a supporter, this is the worst–AND AS FOR LEVY—its just hopeless!!!

  4. Should dock players wages if they lose matches by 10% per goal difference , maybe then we would see some effort offered! Not a pretty sight especially seeing Bumhead Rooney acting out his kitchen punch goal celebration

  5. Although Big Stu has gone a bit far in his despair, we were certainly abject on Sunday. It irritates me too hearing some pundits, and Gaz (above), say it was the best that United have played this season. Make no mistake, this is a mediocre United team (who’ve had a pretty lucky season re results ..a bit like us at times, but more often and more recently) and they were there for the taking!
    United turned it on, certainly, but it was ONLY because Spurs totally allowed them the freedom and confidence to do so, and that was why it was so horrible to watch! Moreover, you just knew that any one of the teams fighting relegation would have put more fear into United than we did on Sunday.
    Let’s also dispel this myth of too many games. Some of our worst games this season have come 7 to 14 days after the previous one.
    Poch also thinks he’s finally found our best team (many smug players think it too) but Van Gaal, who, unlike us, was missing some key players, completely out-manoeuvred us and made our manager’s tactics look one-dimensional. There was no Plan B at all, and why Poch didn’t take off Chadli instead of Townsend I’ll never know! I’ve never seen Walker have such a poor match, as he did in that first half, but although Townsend and him were ripped apart in the first half hour, while none of us saw it coming, it should have been Townsend replacing Chadli on the left (not Chadli moving to the right) when Dembele came on. Let us also realise that Mason and Bentaleb are not going to make Tottenham world beaters. We need a deep lying creative midfielder pulling the strings in the heart of midfield, and a top pacy left winger. Eriksen was poor because Mason and Bentaleb were completely overrun and out-thought behind him, and even our short passing game was askew. Kane was made to look like the novice he was 7 months ago, Lamela resembled Bambi from his first season again when he came on (I despair now when he runs at opponents, because you just know he’s never going to get past them), and it stank of desperation when Ade came on.
    United didn’t have to shift from first gear in the second half as they just absorbed our puff powder attacks like a sponge. It was a crime we weren’t up for arguably our biggest game of the season, but then our old Spurs mentality has always been at its most fragile when we least expect it to be.
    While everyone was on a high from the Arsenal victory, I worried that we were acting like giant-killers. EVERY game should be treated as though it were Arsenal! That’s the REAL test of a team with ambition and expectations. Yet, what have we done since that day?
    Top four was always a big ask, but the tantalising hope was always present. We wrongly capitulated in the Europa League and FA Cup for hoped-for success in the PL and League Cup ..and now, yet again, more rebuilding will be our lot. Was it ever thus!

  6. We are poor worst team for long time Lloris , erikson, vetongen could be gone in the summer the later I would be glad to see go myself he has no heart no desire no gutts . We are a selling club look at the players that have gone bale , modric,van Der vart just a couple to mention also because they no deep down spurs will never challenge for the title or pay the mammoth wages they get elsewhere . Levy has to take a lot of the blame for this and sadly unless some billionaires buy the club it will not change . Me I hope we finish outside the Europa league spots so we could have a good run at 4 th next year but I fear it will end in vain yet again .

  7. I am generally astounded at the clowns writing on this page! I bet you genuinely think you can so better… You guys need to grow up and stop taking it so seriously! Its a game of football! I’ve been a spurs fan over 20yrs, win or lose I support them… Yes we were not the side on Sunday that ran over Arsenal… But as City found out against Burnley… Any side can get beaten on its day!!! Gone are the days of easy wins and weaker teams… Every side is more astute, higher quality… It needs a side that concentrates and plays 90mins and doesnt give up and that is the side Spurs have now… Not a side like the one who roles over against Chelsea under Sherwood! Now stop moping and moaning and start enjoying your football or bugger off and start supporting the rugby, if they will have you!


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