The least surprising transfer news of the summer came today as Spurs confirmed the signing of Kevin Wimmer from Cologne.

With the club having paid just £4.3m for one of the brightest prospects in the Bundesliga, the deal hasn’t taken much of a chunk out of the transfer budget. Does that mean that the club will move for another central defender before the transfer window shuts?

With Vlad Chiriches and Younes Kaboul looking certain to leave, Tottenham are left with four centre-backs – Eric Dier, Federico Fazio, Jan Vertonghen and Wimmer.

It’s the future of Fazio that will determine whether Spurs enter the market again in this position. The Argentine has had a poor first season and while there is always the potential for players to improve, it’s hard to see how Fazio can when his glaring fault is his total lack of pace.

If he stays at the club Fazio will surely be fourth choice centre-back next season, with a transfer to come either in January or next summer. If that’s the case, then why not try to sell him now while his value in La Liga and beyond remains relatively high?

With the amount of players that Tottenham really need to get rid of, Fazio is probably not a high priority. In addition, the volume of players being brought in has to be taken into account. With the moves for Kieran Tripper and Danny Ings, we know that Spurs are looking for a right-back and a striker. You’d also expect a central midfielder and a wide player.

With Wimmer, that makes five new players which seems about the natural limit, so perhaps Fazio will get a stay of execution. It’s surely only a matter of time before he leaves though and if a defender comes available who Mauricio Pochettino really fancies, then it will come sooner rather than later.



  1. Absent our will cost an arm and a leg after resigning just recently. But we need someone to improve the first team ASAP. Gilk (or however you spell his name) could offer that. A nice long term partnership would be great with dier and wimmer cutting their teeth in Europa next year.

  2. In simple answer yes we do. As it seems very few people have seen winner play it would be naive to suggest he will solve our defensive problems. Alderweireld is the
    Obvious option previously played with vertonghen and has prem experience. We also need a solid option at RB as walker is neither fit enough nor good enough for a top 4 club

  3. Please please please can we sign Alderweireld!! He is a great cb and works well with Jan!! That and a good rb would solve our main defensive issues! And possibly a quality holding midfielder like Schnerlin (even though we are unlikely to get him) could even see us challenge for 2nd or 3rd

  4. Nope, you`re all wrong, we don`t need a fifth CB option. We already have one. He`s called Cameron Carter-Vickers and he`ll be 18 years old at the start of the new campaign. He`s good enough, so he`s old enough.

  5. We need a whole new defence. We’re utter shite across the back. I’d sell them all and start again. Bunch of useless bastards.

  6. Nope i dont think we need any other cb,dier can play cb if one of them is injured and yedlin, i can see alot of potential in him. Im sure he can work his way up to the flanks. Fazio can be a good backup and experience one. Wimmer and vertonghen should have a strong partnership.

  7. We don’t, other then 4 that is more than likely to stay..we still have 2 or 3 youth that is coming through. A stable partnership is what will solve our defensive issue, not another newcomer to break partnership synergies that we spent entire season to build up.

  8. Buying a new Back 4 is what we need but it won’t happen. Alderweirld and jan make a sensible CB pairing as they wouldn’t need time to adjust to the prem or eachother. Pinning all our hopes on new players from different leagues or youth players, in that position is nothing short of dangerous! Youth and players from over seas need to join a well established team to help them adjust and be happy and comfortable. If lamela had joined Chelsea he’d probably look like the world beater we thought he was.

  9. Vertonghen is far too easily eased off the ball for a man his size, Fazio ducked out of the challenge with Benteke and allowed him to score, both of these should be sold for as higher price as is possible, that leaves Dier, a 100pc player and the new guy, if we include the youth player we have three solid central defenders, what is needed is the fast recovery central defender, the one with real pace who can get round the back and recover any balls that get past his partner (just as Ledley King could do), that is where the fault in the centre lays at the moment.
    Of course the cover in front of them could be reinforced, Mason not creative enough and Bentaleb makes far too many mistakes £60,000 a week, don’t make me laugh, at least not at the moment, these two leave the centre of out defence without adequate cover.


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