Aaron Lennon finally left Spurs to join Everton yesterday evening for an undisclosed fee thought to be in the region of around £4.5m.

Lennon signed for Tottenham in 2005 and was a loyal servant playing 364 games over ten years, which puts him in the top 30 players with the most appearances for the club.

From the moment that he made his Spurs debut as a teenage substitute against Chelsea it was clear that he was an extremely exciting player. His pace and direct style made him a favourite at White Hart Lane and though he was often criticised for what he wasn’t good at – scoring and quality of crosses – those in the know appreciated how hard he worked and his defensive abilities.

Lennon only scored 30 goals in his time at Tottenham but one in particular remains in the mind. Here’s his equalising goal in the dramatic 4-4 draw against Arsenal. It was one of the best nights to be a Tottenham fan in recent memory and it was little Aaron who applied the finishing touch.



  1. Lennon is crap 5 goals his best in a season cant kick a ball thats why he never took a corner or free kick as soon as he runs out of steam everton will see how useless he is.

  2. Looked after the right side of the pitch nicely, just didn’t contribute enough assists and goals. Always remember AC Milan’s Clarence Seedorf comparing him to a Vespa scooter – with his unusual running posture and quick acceleration – after that assist of his for Crouch’s winning goal against the 7 times CL winners. Wish him all the best for the future.

  3. Lennon dazzled us..for 10 years
    For those who liked pace..Lennon was one of the best.
    Goals were not a lot..
    Why didnt d coaches tweaked him to attack at the final third.
    Maybe a switch ..may do him good
    We will miss Lennon
    Wish you d very best
    Spurs fan.

  4. You are a harsh man, Mr. Steve . You need some affection I think.
    You also know very little about soccer.
    Have you counted Lenin’s assists over 10 years?
    Take it easy .
    Watch soccer with love, affection and BRAINS.
    Then you will understand Lenin’s contribution. ‘Now stick with Lamela, Mason, Bentaleb, and the other young stars.
    Have a nice evening.

    • Deae evan lennon had 44 goal assists in ten seasons a touch over 4 a season not a great return. But what do i know having supported spurs for 65 years. Regards steve.

  5. Thanks for your mild tone of response Mr. Steve
    You know a lot more than me for a number of good reasons
    The key one is that I presume you live in England
    Am not
    Am an expatriate
    Secondly you can count well
    I am a sociologist , quality ALWAYS above quantity
    The difference perhaps is that I am emotional , sentimental, and use statistics scarcely
    But I must admit my weaknesses Mr. Steve
    I LOVE LENIN!!!!
    I love Spurs too , but love some times is irrational , isn’t it?
    Take care and thanks for the real civility of your response
    And enjoy your weekend

  6. top top player his crossing was excellent don’t know where it came from this notion his crossing was poor probably people who never watched spurs games, game after game he’d beat defenders and create chances, he wasn’t just about pace like theo he actually had ability created more chances in a game than lamela would create in a couple of months


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