Spurs Twitter reacts as Leicester go five clear

Spurs Twitter reacts as Leicester go five clear


Spurs cut the gap at the top to two points with their win over Aston Villa, but Leicester stretched it back out to five tonight with a 1-0 win over Newcastle.

With eight games to go it leaves Tottenham with a tall order, as Leicester refuse to buckle under the pressure. Here’s how Spurs fans reacted to the disappointment on Twitter.


  1. Leicester are a bunch of country bumpkin. They get lucky every fucking match. Imagine Wes Morgan being the winning captain of the Premiership, fuck me. Vardy lookslike a smackhead. I hope they get bad luck every game now they deserve lots of bad luck.

    • Don’t patronisie me you cunt. You have done well but have been extremely lucky. Hardly any injuries, plus winning games very fortunately like tonight with an offside goal and a blatant penalty for Newcastle and lucky wins eg Norwich even spurs at Whl where we battered you. You Leicester fans are fucking annoying now, next season you will probably get relegated where you belong. Wanker.

  2. I read a lot of panic in these tweets. We have to understand Newcastle are a team with no confidence and will likely get beat as they did. However Leicester did not play well and against good sides they will stutter. Next match away to relegation threatened Palace who can really play, is a banana skin. After that they have Man U West Ham Everton Chelsea and are unlikely to pick up any points there. We simply need to to work on our games. I feel we can win all of them. As we showed against City, we can beat top clubs away.

    • We’ve already beaten three of those and drawn with Man U. And we play better against so called good sides as well, smashing them on the counter. I’ll give you that Spurs probably play better football. It’s a shame that your players and fans are so arrogant. Small dicks.

  3. Self reflection and building on is critical with good principal to ethic and philosophy. Last 2 season Spurs were a limp and here they arrive to send a clear message TOP 3 title chaser moving on in the future! Young and gaining experience is a treasure ! Spurs will thrive and stove with excellence as they sail forward !

  4. Its true that Leicester didn’t play well, they had 1 shot on target the entire 90 mins. That’s not a championship winning statistic, but they did score from it. Vardy didn’t look like a premiership golden boot contender, Mahrez was invisible for long periods of the game.
    Stronger teams will take points from Leicester. No doubt. We just have to concentrate on our game and keep playing the way we are. And we are playing like a team worthy of winning the PL. COYS!

  5. It might be 5 points now but this is going to go right to the wire. Would much rather be chasing at this point than being the one looking over the shoulder. Remit this season for Spurs was top four finish. If someone had offered this at the start of the season we would have grabbed it with both hands. We now have the chance of finishing above Arsenal for the first time in years plus a shot at the title. Hold tight. This is going to be one hell of a ride and something we have not experienced for a hell of a long time. COYS

  6. Not a fan of Leicesters football either, but they are direct and don’t play keep ball for keep balls sake. This will be a one season wonder for them, but my what a season! As for the final games, a few people have said it, they have some tough opposition, but so do we. This could go to the wire and I just hope we are not relying on Chelsea to beat them!

  7. What a cretin Guv is.. bad loser hahahahaha

    Leicester deserve to be there.. guv, what have you got to say about all the tv pundits proving the goal was onside? can’t help but laugh at you!

  8. Pathetic tottenham supporters stop swearing and understand its a game of footie. Leicester are top. Maybe if you stop playing with yourself your partne rwill let you go on top. RESPEECT LEICESTER UNITED!! Proud of you boyz. Jelous brainless fools.

    • Another nonce. Leicester UNITED you fucking battyman pikey shortass cunt. Jon, Dave and Rich, what a trio or more apt what a threesome. The Leicester Gary Glitter fan club.

  9. Sorry to hear your a garry glitter fan, maybe you have your eye on the wrong balls. Never mind prob best to get a d.n.a to find out if your dad is garry glitter. Leicester are top, get over it. Lets meet for a drink and celebrate Leicester winning the premiership. You had your time, sorry wrong club oops. That was arsenal. Save up you can buy vardy……….. crisp! !

  10. Glitter boyz gone quiet, your not watching leic v tot again are you??????. Dont blame you!! Leicester united seeing as we are the new united, Leicester finally where they should. Come in Bournemouth dont let these second devision players get the best of you.

    • You truely are a freak. Vardy LOL, he is SHITE. As someone pointed out he lookslike a smackhead. Where you belong, your a small club who has belonged in the lower divisions for most of your pathetic existence. Leicester is the capital of incest, hey Jon, you lil stalker you

  11. Yes Leicester are so boring that they are the top scorers in the league, scoring 3 goals at each of Man City, Newcastle, Swansea, Everton, WBA and beating West Ham, Spurs and Man City away. Wow they are so boring! They had nearly 30 shots against WBA hitting the woodwork twice and drew 2-2! They play counter attacking football and Newcastle parked the bus and don’t believe stats Mahrez had a shot going for the corner which was blocked now that’s a shot on target! I hope they win it!

  12. Yo guvnor, I like your sentiment, vardy looks a smack head, even thou your mum is a crack head. Lets not get personal cause your dad ran off with the milkman, maybe you should fuck your mum and finish the job your dad didnt. Your a true Leicester fan at heart, why go for a losing team, be a man acept defeat.

  13. Yo guvnor, I like your sentiment, vardy looks a smack head, even thou your mum is a crack head. Lets not get personal cause your dad ran off with the milkman, maybe you should fuck your mum and finish the job your dad didnt. Your a true Leicester fan at heart, why go for a losing team, be a man acept defeat. I forgot one thing has any tottenham supporters still got video when Leicester beat you in preiership, its such a good feeling , unacceptable as men should never beat women.

  14. been a spurs fan since 1961, love spurs wish they would play 2 strikers thou, leicester r top cos they play 2 strikers in my opinion, managers r obsessed with protecting the defence these days, makes a nice change to to see Leicester playing 2 up fron,t more strikers more goals. just nice to see spurs and Leicester in the top 2 spots coys.


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