Leicester ground out another narrow victory today as they won 1-0 against Southampton.

The victory took the Foxes seven points clear of Spurs after Mauricio Pochettino’s side drew 1-1 against Liverpool.

So is that the title race over? Tottenham fans on Twitter were split between the glass half full brigade and the pessimists.



  1. There’s no way we can catch Leicester anymore when we supposed to beat them at home and we also lost to Newcastle. How many games we are suppose to win at home but we flop all of them either we draw or we are being beaten. We only got ourselves to blame unless it takes a miracle to overturn the 7 points deficit but I don’t see that happening. My prediction is we will come 3rd in the final standings of the PL table comes May. COYS! Good luck!

  2. Yes leicester arw nearly there, Tottenham to come 3rd lets be realistic, when man u beat u, sore lisers come to mind. Kane to Leicester, why play for a twam without silver.

    • Leicester have to be the worst team in the top half of the league. They have stolen so many points this season it’s amazing. Take the last three games, leicester didnt deserve a single win. Must be the drugs.

  3. Year after years ; season after season ; we were fighting between 4th to 6th. This year no favours no stars but local talents, believe and youth capped us 2nd at current! That’s remarkable and wishing COYS greater success as the bigger boys will be at the lane next season to find us being a club voices and victory !

  4. Couldn’t give a toss about Leicester spurs are a great footballing side and all the real purists would rather watch spurs than the shit Leicester produce long ball time wasting 10 mins by the corner flag and having Okazaki and kunte run around like they are dogs chasing a ball, class will always remain so Spurs have a terrific future with poch what do Leicester have whether they win or not??? They’ll be relegated in a season or two after there best players move to a bigger team, not to many teams smaller than Leicester so they will have a large pool of teams to choose from
    Kane alli dier ericksen quality watch you guys all day long


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