Christian Eriksen is set to sign a new five-year contract at Tottenham that will see him earn £80,000-a-week, according to the Daily Mail.

The report suggests Eriksen currently earns £32,000 a week, but is set to become one of the club’s top earners with his new contract.

Spurs fans haven’t been pleased with the Dane’s form so far this season, coupled with reports he demanded £150,000-a-week from the club earlier in the summer.

Eriksen himself was quick to quash those reports suggesting it was merely paper talk.

The Tottenham playmaker has two years remaining on his current deal, so the club would be wise to tie up a new contract quickly to avoid letting Eriksen go on the cheap at the end of the season.

Eriksen is one of Spurs’ very best players on his day and signing a new deal will hopefully help him to settle into the new season after a difficult start.

What do you think? Does Eriksen deserve to be one of the club’s top earners? Will his new contract see him come good in the next few games?



  1. The way he has been playing this season and end of last season,would be happy to see the back of him and join the exodus of players leaving apparently to not be replaced….

  2. Dellboy, I am shocked by your comments. Erikson was brilliant last season. This season has only just started. I thin the major problem is that the ‘contract’ normally plays a major part in lack of confidence in a player.

    I think the whole squad are knackered after EURO 16. I have supported Sours since l was 15, l am now 64. The big major problem at Spurs is LEVY. He has always been tight-fisted in signing players on the cheap.
    I bet on the final day, there will be plenty of action. I just hope he doesn’t sell Son. He hasn’t been given the chance yet.
    Don’t forget we have had really bad players at Spurs – Soldado. Worst player we have ever bought.
    Spurs will do well again this season. As long as we thrash those scum bags of Arsenal. And finish above them

  3. Arthur the Lilywhite,I am 1 year your senior and have supported Spurs for close on 60 years.Granted that the squad appears knackered after Euro 2016 but that excludes Eriksen who didn’t participate this summer.I like Eriksen but v Liverpool he was unable to string 2 passes together and as for his special free kicks we haven’t seen 1 since Swansea away last season.I also believe that Levy is the problem and always will be.This policy of ” getting rid of the dead wood” is all well and good if you replace some of the players with better ones.This is not going to be the case , and I expect some pathetic excuses come 23h00 next Wednesday that he tried but was unsuccessful in bringing in new players; we as supporters fall for this trick every time and are the mugs.It is all very well building this new super stadium, but if it is only half full because we haven’t the team to perform accordingly inside it, Levy will not be looking like the ” brilliant business” man he portrays himself to be…….

  4. I think eriksen great player has to many dips in form through the year tho not consistent enough I think getting player who plays in his position and dropping him sometimes might be what he needs see we lost out to Leicester on Adrian silva got to move quickly for best players we had a thin squad for champions league so we sold 3 and rumours of 4 more Prichard yedlin Chadli gone rumours mason carrol son nji 2 come in rumours 1 more player from Marseille so we need bout 5/6 more players I hear 2 coming through so atleast 3/4 with them people will say don’t need that many we will see don’t have to be great players but descent squad players maybe 2 top players


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