
Real Madrid star Isco, who joined the European champions for around £26 million in 2013, could still join Tottenham on a season-long loan before Wednesday night’s transfer deadline, according to Spanish newspaper Marca.

Sport Witness have published details of Marca’s latest front page, which suggests Spurs have now officially asked about the availability of Isco.

Real Madrid are expected to let either Isco or James Rodriguez leave the club. James’ exit would involve a ludicrous transfer fee, so it is thought that Isco is the more likely of the two to leave.

Tottenham fans largely laughed off rumours linking the club to Isco at the weekend, but now it appears there is some truth to the speculation.

That’s not to say a deal is anywhere close to being finalised. Marca claim Isco’s transfer would be “difficult to close” at this stage.

Spurs supporters will remain optimistic, with reinforcements needed following the departure of Nacer Chadli and the potential exits of Ryan Mason and Heung-Min Son.



  1. Ain’t gonna happen. Levy will find a way to mess things up – the only chairman in the PL who can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

    • That ain’t a lot of good if they win the title and/or cups, get CL and we don’t is it? Even last season under the honey monster they won a trophy. They understand you need a decent squad to be successful, Levy doesn’t seem to understand that.

    • Credit for wat? His an idiot. He is the reason y we have lost out on so many big players. Always wanting to be smarter. But yet he over values our players but won’t pay asking price for others. He Dont care about fans only his financial gain. His a selfish prick. We could have done so much better over these last few seasons. We would have won the prem last year if we had depth.

  2. Spot on White Hot Lane, with the inspired negotiator at the helm we can be sure DL will not deliver what Poch is looking for. The atmosphere around our beloved Spurs becomes less positive by the day and there is only one man responsible for that. Please Mr Levy find a buyer for our club with the courage, drive and imagination required and let them get on with doing the things that you signally are not capable of doing.

  3. Same old, same old. Last minute bullshit. Loads of big names mentioned, no one in, Levy tells how close he got to sealing deals.

    Levy interested in ENIC not Spurs. Mitchell and two other back room staff gone or going, all because of Levy’s meddling. Wouldn’t surprise if Mopo is not gone by Christmas. Levy is f**k**g our club.

  4. Time for levy to go no drive again we get into the big time of champions leauge football and again don’t move on same old spurs all about trying to get players on the cheap opening the way for someone else to come in and steal them

  5. If levy doesn’t deliver then I’ll be worried about Poch. U have to support the manager especially one like Poch who has done brilliantly with youngsters which is what levy wanted as will save him money! But when Poch asks for specific players levy must support him or he will be off. Mitchell going was a blatant sign of frustration in my opinion. I understand the need not to blow money with the cost of the stadium but this window was the most important for us in years. It’s not like we are skint especially with all that extra tv money. £99m we got last season! Add the money from all these players leaving so there’s no excuse not to spend! If we want to stay in the CL we have to improve our squad as our bench is an embarrassment at the moment. Worrying times and I’m going to be a worried man watching this window. 2/3 quality players needed as we can’t rotate like we could whilst in the Europa.

  6. You guys have short memories. Before DL, JL and Enic took over, we were mid table mediocrity. Now we are Champions League and they are building a new stadium that they are largely funding. We wont have a mortgage to pay like the other mob down the road. Also clubs in Europe know that DL is not to be trifled with and we wont pay exorbitant fees. He is respected as a tough negotiator. It is frustrating that we have not brought anyone else in yet but to call for his head is quite frankly pathetic

  7. Stev, Not pathetic just peoples opinions and mine also, 50 Years of supporting the club and I have never known an atmosphere like it around our club at present. Levy cheapens our name and should sell the club as he has no interest in making us successful only rich for his own gains.

  8. Levy and the man above him should sell the club . Foot ball is not all about money the need to please the fans too . The fans are the highest people who generate income for the club so the board needs to satisfy us too . If they can’t buy good players to give us trophies the they should sell the club

  9. Stev you are perfectly right hard as it is sometimes for us as fans we still have to be grateful for LEVY putting us in the top 10 category ,after the stadium and the nfl money i can taste some big signings #patience

  10. Daniel Levy and Joe Lewis have made the club into what it is today. I guess no-one wants to remember what state the club were in prior to these 2 coming in? you gotta remember we’ve got to foot the bill for a £500 million stadium and, at present, have no sponsorships or deals to share the financial burden. I think that we need to tighten those purse strings, take a season or 2 of scrimping, get this stadium built and we’ll be onto a winner! we won’t be sat here in 10 years time like the t*ssers down the road complaining that they still can’t compete 10 years after moving in. Levy is the man to take us into the future…

  11. Shelf side spur, appreciate what you and a lot of fans are saying about where we are now and was 10 years ago. However the stadium should have been built 10 years ago, it has come way too late as a lot of the true long term supporters i know have actually given up with season tickets and going to games a long time ago! and as for the waiting list how many of them on the so called list will actually buy a ticket when it comes down to it ? They, and there thousands of them have been fed up with too many false dawns and promises. Look at the crowd on Saturday vs Liverpool empty seats all around the ground for everyone to see at 32K capacity. I personally feel that last season we punched way above our weight and the fact that 3 or 4 of the big boys were having transitional years certainly helped us, if Levy had spent some money in January on a striker etc to help Kane “who is now burnt out” i think we could have got a lot closer to the title if not won it. In my opinion we haven’t moved forward in the last 5 years on the pitch, as the team isn’t as good as the last one that we had playing in the Champions league i.e Bale, Modric, Van der vart. I have been very patient along with other supporters but would also welcome a change at the top “Levy”, or even ownership as I do not see a healthy bank account indicating a successful club. Its all about the Glory apparently.

  12. as a 30 year old man, I grew up on the Juston Edinburgh’s, the Stuart Nethercott’s, the Vinney Samway’s so to hear that fans have had enough of what we’ve become does come as a little bit strange. I feel that we’ve made massive strides as a club over these past 10 years or so, establishing ourselves as a top 5/6 team instead of a team that consistently finished 13/14/15 every season. that said, I did notice the empty seats v Liverpool…I was cat the Palace game and I was speaking to fans that bought tickets that morning!! so as much as I think we’ve improved, I’ve to say that something is not right if you can still get a ticket on the day for a 32,000 seater stadium! you could be right and we could be teetering on the cusp of implosion… I’m starting to think that, once the stadium is built, Joe Lewis, ENIC and Levy will be selling up an NFL franchise with a football team included….

    • I totally agree with you l am twice your age and seen so many almost situations but we are in a very good position. The squad are happy and there will always be fans moaning they want more. When l use to stand ib the stands and watch the teams that won the 1981 and 1982 FA cup then the 1984 UEFA cup it was electric .Still the fans moaned !! I expect more changes and more take overs too. But if you have passion you love Spurs l grew up with all my family supporting our North London rivals . I would never change but the changes that have been made are for the better for the Lane l like many other fans hate these last few days of transfers. Come on you Surs.

  13. As long as mr Levy is here, spurs will win nothing. This was our chance to move on and were not going to. This transfer window was a great time to make a statment, and the only statement Levy made was to make our squad even smaller. Unless he makes at least 3 quality buys before deadline we have no chance. Being successful is about winning trophies not how much money we can save. This guy must go now before poch does he has know interest in winning, as his time at the club proves.

  14. Levy is playing a very clever long term plan to generate large profits for enic, that’s what he’s paid to to! When you look at our net spend for last few years its been next to nothing! Once this stadium is built and the clubs value massively increased we will be bought by a big Chinese muti-national. All these sales are maddnes, we simply don’t have the squad to compete now on four fronts, couple of bad injuries and a few reds etc.. And we are fucked (and with ali, wanyama, lamela kicking and pinching opponents that’s more then likely). I miss the Darren caskey days!!

  15. Same old DL aslong as his books show profit he don’t give a fig I hear all these fans saying patience n get behind levy until I see him giving a manager exactly what he asks for not a you asked for that but I found this in a flash sale and it’s nearly working he argues wages he interferes all over the shot mo and any top international will not stick around too long if they don’t make an effort to build the squad up not asset strip it it was not a new situation we needed upfront assistance and it’s still not complete last season n this season was time to buy the quality cos when we’re mid build we won’t afford it n he will happily sell top dollar players yes we’ve done well but yes we could’ve done it sooner with what they ask for not ague with scouts n backroom staff and right a piece about the three that got away again ffscoys

  16. he keeps putting red on our kit for extra money for the last 10 years, the sponsors are not red on our away kits. he would put a Woolwich badge if he got a good offer. and he looks like yoda, but a evil yoda.

  17. In the last 5 seasons Spurs have a net spend of £0 and yet as we currently stand in this transfer window DL has spent no money (net). With the £99 million TV revenue coming to the club, this really highlights what ENIC are doing to the club. There’s no way that a big signing like Meyer, Sissoko or Isco will happen, unless of course a loan deal can be agreed. JUST LOOK AT THE FIGURES FOR YOURSELF.


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