
The relationship between Mauricio Pochettino and Danny Rose soured after the player approached the Spurs boss to discuss his future back in January, according to The London Evening Standard.

The Tottenham left-back is taking flak following an interview he set up with The Sun newspaper in which he criticised his current employers.

Rose claimed he is eager to move back to the north in a bid to win trophies while he is still at his peak.

He also hit out at Spurs’ transfer policy, saying the club should be working to sign established targets rather than lesser known players.

On top of that, the 27-year-old suggested he could be earning a far better salary elsewhere.

The Standard claims Rose approached Pochettino about his concerns before he injured his knee in January following reported interest from Manchester United and Paris-Saint Germain. Rose was told to focus on his football until the end of the season.

It seems the defender is perturbed by number of things at Tottenham. The Standard believes Pochettino is willing to forgive and forget if Rose was “simply airing his frustrations” and “remains committed to Tottenham”.

That said, the story also reveals Pochettino’s relationship with Rose “lacks the warmth it once had”.

If Rose is angling for a move, his plan could easily back fire. The timing of the interview — three days before the season begins — is strange to say the least.





  1. Poch “made him” as he was in poor form when Poch arrived.
    Yes an agent or someone got to at him, but he should appreciate what has been done for him.
    club. Grab £50 million if we are offered it and move on!

  2. He also hit out at Spurs’ transfer policy, saying the club should be working to sign established targets rather than lesser known players…
    He would have never broken into spurs if that approach was taken when he was signed and given a chance

  3. Try googling your name Danny Rose and I think you’ll see it says Ungrateful Tosser. You’ve had £1.8m since you got injured. You didn’t push for a move when nobody would have touched you….you waited till you got fit on our money.

  4. Kyle Walker & Danny Rose has betrayed Mauricio & Spurs. Who’s to say they are going to win trophies elsewhere? Both better pray they don’t get injured, ending their football career, lol.

    • Never say that a pro, get injured that’s stupid talk I know he isn’t actually acting like a pro at the moment but should never be said it wouldn’t be nice if one of our great players in the team got a lengthy lay off

  5. Undoubtedly been “tapped up” going by the poorly chosen timing and super ungrateful comments. Seems the
    back room dealings of The Premier League are more shady than we thought. Tremendous jealousy about anyone or anything connected to Spurs it seems. Maybe we should be looking North for the culprits.
    Maybe he should go and join the other over paid mercenaries plying their trade with clubs intent on buying a
    championship or cup. He should remember that once there he is only another number in a long lineup of prima donnas. There will always be another high priced purchase waiting to take his place when he is injured or drops in form.

  6. I sat next to a Spurs steward on a flight to the Leverkeusen game last season. He worked at the academy and said that whilst the rest of the team gelled and had tremendous enthusiasm and team spirit, one player stood out as an arrogant w**nker who nobody liked- Danny Rose. He has slagged off the fans for attacking him a few seasons ago but he forgets that he’s had 1 and a half very good seasons but before that most fans wanted Spurs to get shot of him. If he wants to move up north,Accrington Stanley would take him in his waning years. Cash-in Levy and bring a player in who wants to play for the badge

  7. Drop the rat and ban him from ground and training ground and keep away from first team then when 30 sell the bam and see who and what he gets them fcuk him Ben Davis in good form

  8. Our transfer policy has been shocking. CL and Premier league to challenge. Very difficult without good reinforcements. Plus if I’m good in a specialist field and people will triple my wages and not do a patchy transfer approach, going forward for the season then Yes I will show that I’m not happy. His family and friends are from North we forget these things as fans. Would we honestly do much different. His buddy Kyle is on 150K and is in a team looking very dangerous for this season.

  9. No PL trophy without good reinforcements. All the hard work of the last 2 seasons jeopardised. Levy did this with Harry Rednapp a couple of seasons ago. We had a real chance to push forward and he ended up bringing in a finished Luis Saha and Ryan Nielsen with last minute transfer activity after a good season b4.

    CL 2nd round maybe. Carling Cup or FA Cup at best.


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