
Tottenham are set to offer Harry Kane a new contract worth £200,000-a-week, according to The Mail.

Kane currently earns a weekly salary of £110,000, but Spurs are reportedly set to increase that by £90,000 to keep their talisman at the club.

If true, the 24-year-old will become the world’s best paid English footballer, overtaking Raheem Sterling (£180,000-a-week).

Kane signed a new deal in December 2016 that ties him down until the summer of 2022, but his consistent improvement has drawn interest from Real Madrid, meaning another improved contract is on the cards.

The Mail is currently the only outlet reporting this, but I’d be surprised if it’s untrue – Kane’s performances are deserving of a wage hike.



  1. A couple of things strike me as odd. The Daily Mail, Sun, mirror and Daily Star are all full of bullshit. Every article they write are a pack of lies, almost on the same level as their Spanish counterparts. Secondly, if this news is correct and happens, what if the Spanish come calling for Kane next Summer? Will Levy up his salary to £300k pw to keep the greasers away?


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