
Tottenham could lose Christian Eriksen for less than £50 million despite initially valuing him at £130 million, according to the Telegraph.

The Londoners are reportedly chasing Real Betis playmaker Giovani Lo Celso and Sporting Lisbon’s Bruno Fernandes, the plan being to sign one of them as Eriksen’s replacement before Thursday’s transfer deadline.

However, the Telegraph claims Spurs may then have to listen to offers below £50 million for Eriksen from foreign clubs, who will attempt to take advantage of the fact Tottenham have already signed a replacement.

The report suggests Real Madrid or Juventus could try to lowball Spurs by making bids way below Eriksen’s valuation, which was apparently £130 million earlier this summer.

Tottenham were always unlikely to get a fee that large, but they will be disappointed if they are unable to sell Eriksen for a relatively big price. Indeed, it looks like the early English transfer deadline could end up costing Spurs around £80 million.

While closing the transfer window early was originally painted as a positive, Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy must be rueing his bad luck with the Eriksen situation.

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  1. Selling Eriksen and just replacing him with Lo Celso isn’t backing Pochettino, backing the manager is keeping your better players, getting rid of the players that don’t get a game and replacing them with players like Lo Celso improving the squad. Signing Ndombele was just replacing Dembele, just like Eriksen being replaced, it’s not improving the squad.

  2. It seems like other clubs giving Daniel Levy some of his own medicine:then he can see what it feels like people “knocking” him down like he is constantly doing.

  3. The problem I forsee is this will only make DL even more cautious on transfers. The window closing early although an advantage in that it gets the business of players incoming done it also leaves teams in the premier league open to low ball offers for players like eriksen who refuse to sign a new contract. Just goes to show how cut throat the whole thing is.

  4. Eriksen is the one that has cost us the money. He thought that his sub-standard performances last year were worthy of a big move. He came out and said he didn’t want to play for us anymore meaning that any buying club just had to sit back and wait for the price to fall knowing that we would want to sell at any price rather than have him for another year playing sh~te and leaving for free

  5. $130mil a pipe dream. Writers have waste more ink on the silly notion that anyone in their right minds going to pay upwards of 80mil for Eriksen. We need another playmaker if we do the swap. We have been short a playmaker for 5 yrs.

  6. there is going to be some very upset supporters if levy lets celso and bruno go dont wait for eriksen get it done with the amount of money pooch has made for the club qualifying 4 times netting over 400 000 should be shamed if he ldosent support pooch but as we all know levy money forst

    • They are over priced one in s weak league and the other does not have enough game to be priced at over 60m. Not sure why anyone would be upset at not being fleeced. Fekir was the guy we should have sign for less with more pedigree or Donny Van de Beek one for the future and while we at it, get his teamate Ziyek.

  7. Lo Celso is transition man, a ball carrier from deep. Bruno Fernandez is more of a replacement for Eriksen – with final passes, goals and free kicks, but his numbers are in a lesser league. For Spurs to get better, we need at least 2 from Los Celso and either Eriksen or Bruno. It also makes no sense to let Sen go to ManU. We are rich enough to keep him for one year and let him go on a free if that is what he wants. If he agrees to a better wage a new contract could be in the offing as well. Somewhere the human touch is lacking from Poch-Levy on players – why will he want to leave when we just challenged for CL ?

  8. its much better than eriksen staying here unwantedly with thinking real madrid move is better than tottenham at this stages..(my reply towards ur replies)

    in my opinion — replacing eriksen with someone like Hakim ziyech from Ajax is more worth.. he is better than ozil and eriksen..

    give eriksen a new contract with 6 months more stay in his existing contract …

    and give him a release clause of 100 -110 that next season we will be able to sell him for a big money like levy planned..
    and it will give more funds next season..

    than selling eriksen now for 50 million..

  9. Apparently the release clause is what Spurs want and Eriksen doesn’t, hence he wont sign a new contract that according to sources is double the 80,000 he`s on now. I would get rid asap (but not to the Mancs) and if possible get both Le Celso & Fernandez . That would be upgrading the team not just replacing like for like … still need a defender as well though, What happened to the so called interest in Lucas Digne earlier on in the window, either him or Periera (Leicester) would suit and be an upgrade for the team. Sadly as per norm we will be one or two good players short of being where we need to be. Can see Poch moving on either at the end of, or before the end of this season especially if OGS or Zidane get relieved of their duties. Wouldn’t blame him neither as this year he should be backed to the hilt … sadly can`t see it happening

  10. Replacing a like for like is not going to improve us. Again we will just be battling for top four which does show a lack of ambition from Spurs. We need more creativity through the middle and to get rid of some of the dead wood still at the club. Eriksen is just waiting to see if anything better comes along and would disrupt the team if he stays this season. If he wants to go then sell him now and make more than one statement signing please Mr Levy. I am excited to see Moura this season as I think he could get some goals this year.

  11. Agree with everything get rid of eriksen and sign both le Celso and Bruno stop messing about levy do the rite thing give poch the players he needs…

  12. get rid of erikson full stop let man utd have him! sign debayla and coutinhio(loan with option to buy next year) along with sessengon! get them done we’d be back in CL final this time leaving with the winners medal! give toby and jan what they want to keep them another 2 years!
    biggest thing thfc can do is add to our current squad with quality, game changers, match winners! sess on the left with rose, coutinhio with walks-petes on the right and the option with the strikers would be amazing!

  13. Selling Eriksen would be a big mistake . To all those who are criticising him just look at the stats. He has consistently been our best player. Handing him over to Man Utd would effectively be handing them our top four finish. But with Levy money always comes first.

    • Ole is not going to be at Man Utd very long, zidane will not be at real that long either, who’s going out Pochettino will be the nae both them clubs want he’ll leave us to them he’s turned them down once before there is no way he’ll turn that move down twice! Who we’ll have then Jose, Rafa someone else! Back Pochettino up now give the guy the tools he needs to make us stronger I would give my heart ad soul to the club if they would sign Coutinho that would be an upgrade of Eriksen he doesn’t want to be there anymore let him go somewhere where he’ll regret! Manchester United is step back in his career anyway!

    • Ole is not going to be at Man Utd very long, zidane will not be at real that long either, who’s going out Pochettino will be the name both them clubs want he’ll leave us to them he’s turned them down once before there is no way he’ll turn that move down twice! Who we’ll have then Jose, Rafa someone else! Back Pochettino up now give the guy the tools he needs to make us stronger I would give my heart ad soul to the club if they would sign Cout that would be an upgrade of Eriksen he doesn’t want to be there anymore let him go somewhere where he’ll regret! Manchester United is step back in his career anyway!

  14. Levy needs to pull his finger out, sign the three we are heavily linked with, get rid of Ericksen, and the rest of the dead wood,
    Spurs are on the brink of becoming a big club, nows the time to show Poch, levy has his back, or Poch will be gone by Christmas,
    And I will move on to another club to support, cos I’m sick of being a nearly club, with a owner, who won’t back the team,

  15. Here’s facts for you, de gea player of the season for the club te last 5seasons, not the greatest back four advertiser is it! Best paid player also the worst player! The most expensive player who left for nothing wants to leave! Since cheating fergie left they’ve been a normal football team and showed their true colours! How many times has fergie influenced on a game that we as Tottenham fans recall? Fergie at Manchester United was worth an extra 15-20 points a season! Manchester United are not in the CL so going from a CL club to europa league is a step up? Ole will be sacked by Xmas the manger they’ll go for is Pochettino that’s obvious. So adding all this together yea Manchester United is a step back in terms of now not next year or last 10 years now, Manchester United is a step back in a footballing world!

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