
On Friday evening, Tottenham announced the signing of Carlos Vinicius from Benfica.

The Brazilian striker has joined the club on a season-long loan, though Benfica have confirmed Spurs have the option to make the deal permanent for €45 million.

As with every new signing, Vinicius sat down with Spurs TV for his first interview as a Tottenham player.

The 25-year-old said he couldn’t refuse Spurs when they approached him and spoke of his friendship with Gedson Fernandes, who is also on loan at the club from Benfica.

Watch the interview below.



    • When WHL was unceremoniously bulldozed to the ground a few years back not even I could av imagined the quality of player that the new build and world class facilities ™ would attract. It’s wonderland stuff truly. Who needs Dybala and James Rodriguez? Should be greatfull really, it’s only took Levy 3 or 4 years to get back up for Kane…..

      3 years ago this club were ahead of Liverpool, Chelsea, Everton, Leicester and Utd. What a job ENIC have done dismantling a promising project and transforming it into a mid table side with alchemical like officiancy. Gold into planks.


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