
Daniel Levy will give Jose Mourinho time to turn things around at Tottenham but has been surprised by the team’s recent performances, according to the Independent.

Spurs fell to a third successive Premier League defeat on Thursday night, losing 1-0 at home to Chelsea after falling to Brighton and Liverpool – scoring just one goal across those three games.

The results have been poor but the performances have been worse, and most of the criticism has been aimed at Mourinho’s style of play. Tottenham have looked uninterested and have completely lacked a goal threat without the injured Harry Kane.

But the Independent claims Mourinho will be given time to get back on track, though pressure is said to be growing on the former Chelsea and Manchester United boss.

Levy has apparently been ‘struck by the utter poverty of the football’ in recent matches, something that will become more difficult to be patient with if results don’t improve fast.

It’s a big week for Mourinho. West Brom on Sunday, Everton in the FA Cup next week, then a trip to Manchester City – if Spurs don’t pick up a single victory, all eyes will be on Levy.



  1. Who is the root of the evil at this club. Let us not forget from December till November when he was sack poch never won a single away game. That either says poch had major issues or there was issues with the squad. Not much has changed squad wise in a year. Rodon and reggie have come in along with three loans all rubbish. Bale, vini and now departed fernandes. Lo celso has kicked lamela out of the sick room, reggie is waiting to go back to Madrid probably his plane ticket booked. Meanwhile Daniel levy is surprised that Tottenham are playing rubbish and not winning and in a cl spot. Let’s deal with this.
    We could have and should have bought greelish but instead got sissoko, moura and academy player winks.
    We could have and should have got castaghne instead we kept aurier and added Doherty.
    We added ndomble and holjberg big plusses there however without the missing third player in a three man midfield it is failing.
    We added regullion who has been for the most impressive although there have been dips in his game.
    The problem is we have added players we did not need and brought nothing to the squad and we have not got rid of players we should have.
    Sanchez, dier, aurier, winks, sissoko, lamela, moura all should be gone. I have not added Davies only because he is cheap not because he is any good and would let him stay on although if a club came after him then bye. There lies our problem tell me a manager in the world who could work with that lot still in the squad. Jose is what he is a manager who plays a dour type of football but even for Jose it is proving impossible. Levy if he is forced to sack him if this continues will look for the cheapest option available to him because that is his type. He brought Jose in because he was free at the time, a proven giver of silverware and much cheaper than a rebuild under poch who had won nothing. Levy asked santa for silverware but santa told him were to go so we got Jose. In over twenty years of enic nothing much has changed we are still spurs in fact we win far less now than we did before enic took over but we have the training facilities and the stadium so let’s not expect too much.

    • Youre clearly a player hater, this squad got to a champions league final, then lost eriksen (who jose chose not to replace instead adding lucas 2.0 in bergwijn) but added NDombele, Lo Celso, Reguilon, Hojbjerg and Vinicius. All players that poch would have loved at his disposal. We have quality throughout our squad but are missing a true playmaker to make it tick. Jose doesnt play playmakers anymore and we can get rid of every player in the squad before we accept that eriksen should have been replaced and our team are a pressing side not a counter attacking side.

      • No not a player hater I’m being honest. How many of the players I mentioned would be bought by a top six team if they were available in the summer which I hope they are. They are all sub standard not fit for purpose for a team trying to win. Tell me this under poch with this squad what did we win. Under poch like I said from December till poch was sacked in November we didn’t win one away game. Toby is still by a clear mile our best centre half. Why did we not bring in a top quality centre half to partner him. That is why we are failing our defence once the best is now one of the worst and until major investment is made in quality players nothing will change no matter who is the manager. Poch achieved because he had the better years of this squad but he won nothing and he knew the squad needed major investment but levy and Lewis would not invest so instead they sacked him and brought in Jose. Look at the way levy sacked poch he continued to pay his wages until he got another job but inserted a clause of compensation if that happened before the end of that season. All clever by levy but cheap. That is what you get from enic. These players brought in most were levy buys. Yes there is a couple of good ones but it’s the defence the centre half which poch and Jose have both stated is the problem but no we get rodon. Decent but we needed to bring in more quality but no why can spurs fans not see this. Why do you say this is a great squad poch would have loved. Three failed loans one who has already left and two that look lost or afraid to play in case he hurts himself. Bale a busted flush. Not the player we needed and if he is so good why did city or Liverpool not go for him. Vini looks ok against lower teams but lost against quality. Jose has played all the players poch played and more in many different formations and they have all failed. With Kane we are ok without Kane we are lost the players levy brought in are rubbish cheap rubbish as usual it’s his form. Why buy castaghne when I can buy Doherty. Why buy greelish when I can buy moura. These two players would make a massive difference along with a quality centre half but like I say he prefers to buy cheaper rubbish and refused to move players on because he might loose money.
        For gods sake they bought spurs for less than sissoko.

  2. Spurs is terrible at the moment
    No attacking midfielder cause problem
    realise that Hojberg is always at back and did not always try to move forward much as he did only twice do far against Chelsea and Brighton he passed the ball to Defenders 65 percentages and pass to forward only 5 ,percentage
    All Defenders in premier team always try to move forward but Spurs nothing at all Dier just try to move forward just once last night compare Chelsea defenders moves forward ,18 times
    Honestly it is time for Jose to go to avoid getting worsev

    • How much did spurs loose in the last finicial figures released and you are saying with Jose on £15m a year with over two plus years left sack him. Are you serious. Levy would have a heart attack having to pay that out. Even if he did sack Jose who would he replace him with there is no one of quality available who could turn this team into a winning team.

  3. Levy you hired this loser? Every team in the premier league knows how we play. I’ve been a spurs supporter since my Grandad took me to White Hart Lane aged 5 years old im 65 this month and to be honest I’ve never seen so much rubbish on and off this season I fill that when we play West Brom on Sunday we will struggle once again, yes i know we are in a final but really on what we have seen so far this season the only medal we will get is runners up for turning up shame on you levy for putting us spurs fan Through!!!

  4. The situation(a dire one) that has been prolonged for 20 years will never change as long as Enic and Daniel Levy are there as they have no proper ambition to win trophies with there penny pinching ways and terrible transfer stategy or lack of one! it is just a business to them even though Daniel will try to hoodwink you into trying to get you to believe different and it’s us fans that have to suffer because they don’t care about onfield success just about making a profit and balancing the books, i think we are stuck with them for a long time unless some Man City type people come in and buy us out and rescue us but Levy and Enic will ask for way too much for that to happen which in turn will put off any potential buyers! The problem i see is that Levy wants all the control and say on players in and out as we have seen with the Dele situation which is usually about money, Poch had the same trouble asking for the players he wanted and either not getting any players or cheaper and less quality options instead of what he needed hence the disharmony and dismay between chairman and manager which in turn filters down to the players causing a bad atmosphere at the club, the manager is trying with his hands tied behind his back! the terrible transfer strategy or lack of one(Levys strategy) hasn’t just happened with Poch but to countless other managers aswell! we have Levy buying in the players the manager doesn’t want and the manager not wanting to play them! causing more riffs, you couldn’t make up this approach it’s a circus, shouldn’t the manager say he wants this or that player for a certain position to get his pieces of the jigsaw together to make the team tick? but no, what we end up with is mediocre sub standard players that have no motivation because they know they were not wanted by the manager, they were bought by the owner because he was cheaper than the quality player that we needed because it cost less! Poch had some probs in the dressing room with some players and wanted to ship them out and bring new recruits in as the dressing room was becoming a bit toxic but Daniel didn’t support him so the team suffered and results went south, Poch was well and truely dumped on and not supported, this is the manager that got us top 4’s and got us to a Champions League Final on a shoestring budget! a bit of backing and who knows Poch might still be there but when results went south, Poch was used as a scapegoat, nobody pointed the finger at Levy for not buying the players Poch wanted or needed instead ignoring his wishes with 3 transfer windows not buying anyone! Levy is the architech of these failings within our team it’s clear to see! acts like a big club but doesn’t back it up with what it needs to win things! Bruno Fernandes was a player we were crying out for, we needed some creativity in midfield as all we were doing was buying defensive minded midfielders! WHY? now we see how we are struggling to break teams down because all we got is defensive midfielders! why are we not buying creativity? Grealish slipped through our fingers because Levy tryed to get him for next to nothing instead of snapping him up for £20 million! thats unforgivable! thats another player that we NEEDED and would of made a vast difference to our team which is now very much lacking in that creativity department. I could go on and on but like Poch said regarding the stadium, it’s like having the best house on the street but with no furniture in it! From a disgrunted Spurs fan for 45 years! Enic Out!!!!

  5. How long did it take to get a back up striker? 5 years? we overplayed Kane so much he is now getting frequent injuries great work Daniel! i don’t understand our plans of signing players it’s a mess, we needed a back up striker for so long then buy a midfielder in Bergwijn as a back up striker??? WTF! a Callum Wilson or Danny Ings proven goalscorers in the premiership would of done! it’s crazy! Son is not a striker but plays up there! square pegs in round holes! can you imagine if we just bought the players that fitted that position like buying a striker and play him as a striker! Wow that would be amazing lol! buying defensive midfielders like it’s going out of fashion and losing out on quality creative players because we are haggling over a million or 2! The Reguilon transfer is another disaster waiting to happen but good news for levys profit! Real will buy him back for £45 million we paid £27 million so Daniel is rubbing his hands! then we are back to square one with only one left back in Ben Davies. The transfer plan is a complete disaster! also buying players when the season has started is another classic of Levy’s so the player has no pre-season and can take months to settle in, is it any wonder all this mess is showing on the pitch and has done for a long time? Levy is Mr Chaos personified, a disaster.

  6. Please indulge me a little bit. I think our problems run deeper than who is current manager or squad. I think its this do it the Spurs way mantra. Holland cant play total football without Cruyff , Van Hanegem, Krol, Neeskens etc. Adapt year on year to suit your squad. You cant tell me George Grahams Arsenal had better forwards than us. But they were organised, & had better defenders. Also Hoddle , Waddle & Ardiles more skilful than Scholes, Giggs & Beckham. Its about the all round team. We cant just play pretty stuff & win 5-1 then lose 3-4! We have to have a balance. Early 80s , trophies. We all know the players. But if we added Butcher & a ball winner in mid league title becomes more viable. But we didnt do it. Why? Shreeves had a great plan away but we were crap at home. Ironic. No mental strength, no urgency , no idea. We couldnt win with great players so how can we with dross. We now have 4 top players, 3 that need time. Rest are deadwood.Lamela, Winks, Sanchez etc ???? Ive been watching 50 years now & the same weaknesses are always there. Poch showed what can be done & once again we were a few players short. Best defence & attack. You dont have to sit back , you get into shape when ball is lost. But it seems for 40 years we wont identify & spend where necessary. But all the fans see it. Why cant they?

  7. The least we can do is get the transfer policy right to give the manager a chance, we have to keep refreshing the team/squad with new talent or the team/squad just goes stale, not just cheap options either and that has been a problem! players have been there too long and got comfortable, new players coming in keeps them all on there toes, Levy seems to buy players and regardless if they are past there sell by date or are not performing or are of little use, they are still there for too long, Lamela is a point in case. The whole set up is totally wrong in my eyes.


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