
The pressure was cranked up on Nuno Espirito Santo as Tottenham lost 3-0 to Manchester United in the Premier League on Saturday evening.

Strikes from Cristiano Ronaldo, Edinson Cavani and Marcus Rashford consigned the hosts to another goalless defeat. Here’s how every Spurs player rated on the day.

Hugo Lloris, 6 – Could do little about three excellent finishes.

Emerson Royal, 6 – One of the only players who successful dribbled forward with the ball. His crossing could have been better.

Cristian Romero, 6 – Exposed at the back at times but he progressed the ball far better than the entire midfield.

Eric Dier, 4 – All over the place defensively and his long balls were almost always inaccurate.

Ben Davies, 3 – Quite simply not good enough to be starting league games for Spurs anymore. Really poor on the ball.

Pierre-Emile Hojbjerg, 4 – Did his best to press but his final product was absolutely nowhere to be seen.

Oliver Skipp, 3 – Struggled to cope in midfield and gave the ball away for the second goal. Hooked straight after that.

Giovani Lo Celso, 2 – I feel sorry for him. Tried to move Spurs forward but got it wrong with everything he attempted. Booed by a large number of fans.

Lucas Moura, 5 – Wasn’t playing well enough but shouldn’t have been the first player to be substituted. At least he was trying.

Son Heung-min, 5 – As usual he was Spurs’ biggest threat by a distance, but things just didn’t come off for him.

Harry Kane, 2 – Like Lo Celso there was a lot of booing for the lethargic Kane, who looked disinterested and massively low on quality.


Steven Bergwijn, 3 – Added absolutely nothing for 40 minutes.

Tanguy Ndombele, N/A – Didn’t have the required impact.

Dele Alli, N/A – See above.



  1. Hahahaha another brilliant performance. The fans will boo the players they will call for the manager to be sacked but how many will go to the root problem. Levy and Lewis. The guys who took two months plus to get the right man who was available two months previous. Spurs fans just refuse to admit the enic are crap and the root of all spurs failings. Enjoy that fancy stadium all you now got.

    • I totally agree. The owners have to go now. We need people that want to win trophies & who are decisive in market. I was abused by idiots that support ENIC. They must love this crap. Also someone last week sticking up for Dier, & Skipp too like almost all of them. Not fit to wear the shirt

    • Since when have Spurs fans refused to admit that Lewis and Levy are the root problem. Every Spurs fan knows this, there’s even been protests outside the ground – that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look to address or be frustrated by the symptoms of their ownership.

  2. Levy and Lewis need to go take Santo with them.Fans stay away from games and force them out they have brought this great club down to laughing stock status they couldn’t care less about the ambition full of false promises their day has come and gone time for them to sell up and move on.

  3. Have been saying for some time that the only thing the board will understand is a total boycott of all future games by the fans.This of course won’t happen as Spurs fans seem happy to return to a restaurant having eaten s…(and probably leaving a tip).
    Nuno is clueless.Lo Celso runs the Argentine National team’s midfield but doesn’t know or understand his role at Spurs.Reggie dropped; Skipp makes a mistake and hauled off- that will help his confidence.
    Get rid of Nuno NOW.Rather not have a coach than him.No one wanted the job last summer so will only be harder now especially as Levy won’t pay.
    Sure Levy and Co are appalling but we have bought some very decent players on paper and Kane and Son were the best strikers in the Premiership in recent seasons and now can’t put a shot on target in consecutive games.
    Basically no hope; the club is finished.

    • Kane and sonny have had enough, well kane has. Decent players maybe but not great players. Any player spurs have bought in the last 5-6 or more has been an investment. Thats it just an investment to make money from that’s why so many are not great. Kane should have been sold in the summer but levy refused not kane is getting his revenge and I’m loving it hope levy and Lewis are feeling a little pain. Alli only worth maybe 30 million if that and kanes value falling by the week. Fans if you don’t like things spend your money somewhere else. Go buy yourself or your kids or partner something don’t give it to the super rich they are just laughing at you.

    • Omg really. Do you really think they would want to work in this poison that is enic. Who do you think buys the players, the guy who controls the money not the manager. No manager worth his salt should want the spurs job.

  4. Why does he try to play son as a right midfield. He is a left wing, out ball, goal scorer all day long. Davies is rubbish, reguilon should have started, bergwien is poor, Lucas should have stayed on and, if necessary, Delli for la Cel so. His tactics and team selections of late have been the main reason for our woeful performances. Changes are necessary

  5. It’s time for Santos to go put Hoddle in charge or Klinsmann and drop Kane he has no motivation doesn’t want to play for spurs anymore yes get rid of Levy and Lewis

  6. Let Mason and King run the team till Pochettino can come back in 18 months, stick Kane in the reserves once he loses his England captaincy he may think about his attitude, sell him as soon as possible. He may win things at Man city but will look the mediocre player he really is. When does he ever turn up when it really matters, for spurs or England? 3 finals 3 losses!

  7. Get Harry Rednapp back as soon as possible! Because we sacked our best manager in Poch !!
    Enic and Levy losers !! Kane a deserter , no passion , nothing ,just greed!

  8. I have said earlier before the match that Ben Davies should never play again because he is defenitly not professional.player anymore very poor with pass
    He is well known as pass the ball back to defenders all the time so it is time for Spurs to sell January

  9. Jim and Keith says a lot about spurs fans. Get poch back put kane in reserves. Ok lets deal with poch. In his last year at spurs in the league spurs never won an away game. When he was sacked we were 14th in the league I think playing terrible football. The reason he was pissed was with levy and his interference in buying players. Also it was said poch could not make up his mind on players when it came to buying them. Now for kane. Harry has carried this team for the last 5-6 years. It has been his goals and assists that have kept spurs in a false place in the league. Well now he is fed up. He wants to have something to show for his playing days a trophy or two something he won’t get at spurs. I say thank you Harry for all your amazing games and good luck to you. He should have been sold in the summer but levy would not sell him so this is levys fault not Harry’s.
    Let’s deal with rednose arry yes we did play good football under arry for a while however along came the england job and arry wanted out so he stopped coaching the team to try and force a move. Never happened and he and his son have hated us since.
    I say again until enic are removed from spurs it will not matter what manager is brought in because levy will always control the buying and selling even arry himself said so a week or so ago. As for poch they say never return and poch would be crazy to do so. If spurs fans want to win trophies they must first get owners who share that same idea. Enic don’t need spurs to win anything just fools to come to the stadium and spend money that’s all nothing else thats why it was designed the way it was.

  10. To all those saying get ENIC/Lewis/Levy out(which I am 100% in agreement with),where will the investor prepared to pay a fortune to buy and another fortune into the new project be found?
    You don’t actually find these people under a horse’s hoof.

    • My point is nothing at spurs will ever change while they run the club. It matters not which man manages the club he will never succeed because that is not the enic way. Poch was told when he came probably the same for Jose get us top 4. That is why poch never tried in the cups. Who would buy spurs. Who would want to you would have to deal with levy. So spurs fans now you know if you didn’t before. To do is well top 4 please but levy buys the players you just got to get them to produce miracles so that fools will come to watch them spend money and think they might win something. Truth is well look at the trophy cabinet if it can still be seen for the dust. Rich people are not interested in winning just making money so they will often back both sides in a war situation. In spurs case as I have stated many times winning only matters to the fans and some of the players. Look what poch said after the cl final that some of the board were celebrating saying the money they would make from this. That tells you a lot about rich people silver is silver but gold is well for rich people.

  11. I can see the thinking around Harry he has done well, but if you want to leave put in a transfer request! Don’t grumble to the media and try and push a transfer then sulk when you are not sold. He said he didn’t want to put in a transfer request out of respect for the fans, so where is the respect for them by playing badly?
    Poch, lost the team after a Christmas party, in fact Tottenham have never been the same after that event that nothing seemed to happen at? but whatever happened runs deep and has split the club to the effect we have since relied on individual skill not teamwork to get by. But I did like the way we played under him so if not him find a like minded manager.
    As for Levy and Lewis (ENIC), they are business men and spurs is a part of the company portfolio, it is not in their financial interest to have a team playing badly. I’m sure if spurs were losing money then you may see them go. I’m also sure they would prefer Spurs where winning things as it would generate more money, either Levy needs to stop interfering in the team matters and get a proper manager, or he needs to sack his advisors

  12. Spurs are just shit, I’m a true support of spurs and its so frustrating and pissing that we can’t win anything and are team is just shit.
    Levy needs to go, he has to go…… Come on guys we need to protest we can’t have are wonderful club fall to bits because of some dickhead owner that doesn’t give a shit about the fans or the club.


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