January war-chest claims wide of the mark?

January war-chest claims wide of the mark?


After Spurs unbeaten run and turnaround under Andre Villas-Boas, the press is making predictable claims of significant funds being made available for January transfers. Harry Redknapp’s reign as Spurs boss was punctuated by more frugal purchases but with Tottenham trying to make a tangible long term challenge on the top four, is Levy really planning to ‘splash the cash?’

Various names are being mentioned – all of which we’ve heard before – and they include Shakhtar’s Willian, Porto’s Joao Moutinho as well as Danish international and Ajax midfielder Christian Eriksen.

Having made several purchases in the summer however, will the club wait until the end of the season before reinforcing the side to any great degree? Only time will tell but there may just be an element of lazy journalism in the reports?


  1. Id say any purchases will be dictated by sales. If the likes of daws huddlestone gomes and jenas are moved on then id say one or two players will come in to supplement the squad.

  2. I would still like to see Moutinho or Willian to add that bit more quality in terms of creativity otherwise we have a top class squad.

  3. While I don’t believe a word that comes from the media in general, if you factor in the amounts spent on transfers and the fees brought in for players sold during the summer(and the past couple of years)-we really didn’t spend that much,so you would like to think there is a nice few quid in the kitty

  4. Agreed matt84, pay for the stadium first.
    Anyway, we don’t need anyone, every position is covered by at least 2 players. Need to give the yougsters a chance.
    Only if we get some long term injuries should we look to buy a top player, preferably Belgian!!

  5. I don’t think we’re too far away from being a complete team. I’d like us to go for Moutinho to play alongside Sandro and push Dembele behind the sole striker.

    We also need a pacey winger as a back-up to Bale / Lennon. All we have at the moment is Townsend who is good but yet to be convinced he’s a “top 4” calibre player.

    Bearing in mind we’re only going to play a sole striker, I’m content with Ade, Defoe, & Dempsey as our striking options. Any forward coming in would need to be a significant improvement like Falcao. Someone like Remy is no better than what we have and is likely to get stroppy if not first choice.

    Finally, we should try to off-load the following on permanent transfers in January: Gomes, Jenas, and Bentley


  7. akshayaalase, you absolutley know nothing, we havent got the momey for all of these players and i couldnt see where mvilla, munian or marcos would fit in with players like sandro bale and lennon as for selling carrol and townsend, they are the future of our great club and amazing prospects, huddlestone is an absolute beast who provides back up for sandro and we have only just signed sigurdsson and dempsey so why would they go on loan? sure you shouldnt be supporting chelsea because you sound like a chav!

  8. well guy’s i watched the villa game, and apart from one shot, and a few passes, hunddlestone looked like he was chasing shadows, he does not have the pace to be a midfield player, i like tom, but as it showed, he was too slow

  9. Time for Thudd to go. All opinions, but I don’t think he’s pushing Dembele or sandro out of there. Plenty of time for Carrol to develop and I’m not about to jump onthe livermore bashing bandwagon! – Again, very young and has time to develop. – Huddlestone does not lok like he give s a flying f**k 🙁

  10. I like Lennon and all, he good defensibly, with blistering pace and what not, but for a team who only plays with one striker he isn’t good enough in the box for me. Townsend is very close and should get some opportunities in the league but we need a winger that will get 10-15 goals. Bale needs to score that much this season as well there are no excuses.

  11. […] January war-chest claims wide of the mark? Oct 152012 jQuery(document).ready(function($) { postID = 734337; if (jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).length > 0){ jQuery("#jockspin_carousel_"+postID).hide(); } });   After Spurs unbeaten run and turnaround under Andre Villas-Boas, the press is making predictable claims of significant funds being made … […]


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