Moutinho the first to join?

Moutinho the first to join?


It was always going to be inevitable that transfer targets would be circulated within 24 hours of a season coming to an end and it was also predictable that long term link Joao Moutinho would be the first name to appear in connection with a move to White Hart Lane.

The 26 year old almost came to the club at the end of August 2012 but time literally ran out on the deal at the very end of the transfer window. Since then, Moutinho has attracted even more attention for his part in Porto’s Champions League campaign but it’s currently being claimed that Spurs will look to move a little earlier this year in order to make the Portuguese international their first signing of this close season.

After just three years with his current club, it’s widely tipped that Moutinho will move on but with a differing price tag that rises all the way up to £30 million in some reports, will cost, rather than time be our enemy?



  1. Either shit or get off the pot on this one. Yes or no by the end of the month.

    We need a LB, a Striker, a playmaker, a winger. Could get rid of, BAE, Naughton, (keep Rose), Parker, Dempsey. Mouthino, Villa, would be a good start.


  2. yo tots got 5th pos lucky our player”bale” wont stay might wanna join manu or manc or,chelsea or ARSENAL

    • Bale join arse, that’s funny lol. Maybe he would have done 10 years ago, but not now. The lad’s got ambition and sense.

    • Thank you for confirming that all gooners are arrogant,pompass morons.Im awaiting the day,when one of them behaves like a normal human being.Then again your hatered for Tottenham and ManU.Will still cloud your brain.But we live in hope,that there is really a decent gooner out there.Unfortunately,I think we may be in for an extremely long wait.Still at least the Sun will still come up,in the morning.


  4. akshayaalase… u chatting bout u know nothing 11 out 8 in….will not happen. And hulk? Ye sure they guy who signed in Russia for like 70 million….thick cunt he on like 250 a week

  5. Be realistic people, we don’t have the type of money the clubs around us do! We should sell defoe while we can still get some p for him and keep adebayor and target benteke or lukaku if chelsea decide not to play him. He’ll want to play first team football and be assured of a future at a club and with the quality chelsea bring in each year that is no guarantee at all! And i expect we’ll sign a creative midfielder, erikson and moutinho are both available then loan out tom carroll to a premier league club and keep siggurdson as a quality back up. That is as much as we can realistically hope for. I think Rose will return and play LB and Townsend will play at LM which i’m completely happy with and not sure why people are doubting them? They’ve proven themselves on loan!

  6. we live in hope. if we can’t buy a player in jan we are not going to buy any of the above players. we are not going to sell all the player the fan want to go cause Mr Levy will not spend the money needed to replace. he has got what he wanted and that was Bale to sign so he can sell him for 50m. we will never be a top 4 club with Mr Levy just a selling club

  7. No SuffolkSpur, you got it the wrong way around! Defoe should stay as that veteran squad striker .Adebayor is on around 100k .So what if his form picked up in the last few games (the Chelsea game). The guy was practically a corpse the whole season so it rubs it in more.I say we try offload him to Monaco or some rich Russian team because mark my word he will do the same thing again to us ,we should take 8mill and run if the offer it and go for Roberto Soldado for 20m and 70k.

  8. People like “Upset Spurs fan” – Should take a good hard look at running a business like Spurs. We don’t have all the money to spend like Citeh, Manu or Chelsea, but we beat Manu at Old T and had a great season. Everyone knows it was a mistake not to buy a Striker in Jan, but to say stupid statements like we cant buy any of the above players is ridiculous. When you say “any of the above” only Moutinho is mentioned in the story so I guess you are talking about the players others have mentioned.
    The truth is Spurs are a totally different proposition then 10 years ago and certain players do want to come to Spurs now.
    When players are preferring Spurs to L’Pool and Arse then you know you are going the right direction. We have great youth and academy squads, Moutinho is a possibility so is any player mentioned above except I would say Hulk and Rafinha. Hulk is too much money and Raf wont play on the bench behind Walker. There are a numbr of possibles which we would not normally associate with Spurs but now are. In the enxt four weeks you will be surprised. One thing for certain is Ade will go, so will Bentley, Gomes, Livermore, Parker, Bongani, BAE. Carroll WILL be loaned out.

  9. Put yourself in the position of Bale, Moutinho and any of the other quality players mentioned as possible targets. Would any of them really prefer Spurs if any of the top clubs playing CL football wanted them. Also, the number of players being talked about to be sold on is just stupid. If Spurs don’t want them who will and why would they pay top dollar for a player we don’t rate.

  10. I just pray we are able to get rid of Parket & Ade.. I highly doubt if there would be any takes for these two.. Unfortunately we cant recoup Bentley’s fees so going to have to let him go for free. We must sell Ade, Parker, Naughton, Hudd, Benny, Khumalo & Gomes somehow and promote youngsters to replace them as squad players instead of Buying more Squad players like Siggy, Dempsey & Holtby. It would be great if we could get a Veteran LB / RB who could provide more Positional Stability to the Team more than Attacking Enthusiasm of Rose & Walker. An AM / CM Is a Priority someone like Erikson who can bridge the gap between Moussa / Sandro and Striker. We need a “Quick Release” kind of a player here who players One Twos and Flicks rather than putting Pressure on Bale to do the same. I thought we played Best football when Bale Played on the Left, but he scored more when he is in the Middle so thats a Big Dilemma. Townsend, Rose, Carrol, Coulibally, Livermore are important squad players & they must be involved in More Cup Games & Europa action if not Premier League Games. I highly doubt if we would be able to buy another Striker as there seems to be no Striker Currently available for a Price that should suit us.

  11. helloooooooo
    heres my best 11 :


    finished below THEMIGHTYARSENAL again

    ChokingCockerels CHoked Again




    MANAGERS : St.Totteringham

    • I believe you may have been dropped on your head at birth…and I don’t think it was an accident, you seem a total cunt not even a mother could love…

  12. If we could get Lukaku,that would be awesome.Doubt Chelsea would sell him to us,but I think he would be a fantastic addition to our team.

  13. OUT: BAE, Gallas, Friedel, Naughton, Bentley, Livermore, Gomes, one of Ade or Defoe.

    IN: Baines/Coentrao/Cissokho, Benteke, Moutinho, Alex McCarthy, Osvaldo

    Positions: GK – Lloris/McCarthy, RB – Walker/Smith (promoted from youth), CB – Kaboul, Verts, Dawson, Caulker, LB – Baines, Coentrao or Cissokho/Rose, CM – Moutinho, Sandro, Dembele/Holtby, Parker, Siggy, Carroll, Forward Right – Lennon/Townsend, Forward Left – Bale/Dempsey, Striker – Ade/Osvaldo/Benteke

    Plenty of rotation there plus loads off the wage bill and less in plus two teams, one for cups, one for League.

    • Fuck off twat. Troll with nowt better to do than come on sites and abuse. And you tell ME to get a life. and while you’re fucked off, learn to read, write and spell you fucking retard.


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