Belgian gives backing to boss

Belgian gives backing to boss


The sudden availability of Michael Laudrup started another round of rumours regarding the future of Tim Sherwood as Tottenham’s Head Coach. We were as guilty as anybody by mentioning that Sherwood was fourth favourite in the Sack Race betting, but today’s stories show Jan Vertonghen giving his full backing to the boss.

Jan was brought back into the side at Hull, following an injury lay off and would have been pleased to resume his preferred role in the heart of defence. Had Danny Rose’s red card been upheld, the Belgian may have had to fill in at left back once again but his inclusion from the start leaves him fully endorsing the manager’s credentials.

“I think Tim is doing very well. He feels the connection with the players and everyone is happy with him,” Vertonghen told the Tottenham Journal.

“Every manager has his own thing. Tim is maybe a little bit more direct. You never know what the best thing is for the team so I think this is working out quite well.”

Jan will hope that his services aren’t needed at left back as it will be a tricky call for Tim when both he and Vlad Chiriches are fully fit. Speculation will continue over Sherwood but the Belgian defender seems happy that things will work out.



  1. If you asked most players at any level of any sport what they thought of their coach in the knowledge it would be published they’d tell you one thing. If you asked them privately, safe in the knowledge it wouldn’t get out, I guarantee they’d give you a completely different answer.

    This is utterly meaningless, hacks may as well ask players ‘Do you want to continue getting picked or would you rather sit on the sidelines in the lead up to the World Cup?’


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