So it looks like we have stolen Eidur Gudjohnsen from West Ham at the eleventh hour. Not literally ‘stolen’ him of course, because that would indicate that West Ham had some ownership of Gudjohnsen.

Seriously, why are West Ham getting so uppity about this? So they were close to signing a player and then another team comes in with a late bid. The late bidder are fourth in the league rather than hovering outside the relegation zone, so the player decides to join the more successful club. Big deal. It happens all the time and Spurs have been gazumped many times ourselves over the years (though not by West Ham obviously).

In truth, I think that the Hammers are more angry at Gudjohnsen, rather than Tottenham, but if David Sullivan doesn’t know that footballers are generally only interested in what’s best for them, then he hasn’t learned much in his time in charge of Birmingham.

This morning all the papers are saying that the deal is done subject to a medical this morning. So let’s look at a deeper issue. What are we going to do with him?

We’ve already got four strikers at the club, without enough games to keep them all happy. One would assume that the signing of Gudjohnsen would indicate that Pavlyuchenko will definitely leave, though the press are also reporting that we’ve turned down an £8 million bid for him from Birmingham City. Sounds like a decent amount to me, but Levy has held out for more money on many players in the past and eventually got it.

Assuming that Pavlyuchenko leaves, then bringing in Gudjohnsen on loan makes sure that we have enough forwards at the club to cope with any injuries, whilst minimising financial outlay. He’s clearly not a signing for the future, but on a temporary basis, looks like a decent solution.

However, it has to be said that swapping Pavlyuchenko for Gudjohnsen doesn’t add to the potential striking partnerships available to Redknapp, but instead reduces them. Gudjohnsen and Keane are surely too similar to play together, while Crouch works best with a partner that stay close to him and is ready to pounce on his headers.

Gudjohnsen may be able to play just behind Defoe effectively, but no one else. Keane and Crouch doesn’t work, so we’re left with three strikers who can all play alongside Defoe, but probably not with each other. So what happens if Defoe gets injured?

The other issue is whether the player is still up to performing in the Premier League. He was never more than a squad player at Barcelona and has been a flop at Monaco, which is why they are willing to loan him out.

Gudjohnsen is a versatile player and is able to play in a central midfield role, but he’s not really the type of midfielder we need. I don’t see Gudjohnsen being any more than a squad player at Tottenham, but as he’s only on a six-month loan, he doesn’t need to ever be anything more than that.



  1. Rubbish dont want him we just signed him to piss off the hammers. Very sad Harry very sad. Tax free deal im sure if harry sold it to him. Enjoy the bench EG you aint gonna play. COYS

  2. There has got to be more to his game than that otherwise whats the point,I’ll put my trust in Harry as he’s been in and around the game long enough to know how to improve his team.

  3. Lucky escape for the Hammers methinks! He looks a bit overweight to me and is obviously coming to London to do a bit of shopping so not being in the Tottenham team wont phase him.

  4. Awful harry just wants another cut of another player to feather his nest in prison. Twitch off you cunt harry and take your Jamie with you.

  5. The big deal about Gudjohnsen was the way things were done as he had a medical at West Ham, things were agreed in principle and and he was on his way back to France to sort a few things out when your dirty low down disgusting reps pounced on him at the airport, but that is typical of Arry, lets everyone else do the groundwork and jumps in to hijack the deal especially as he said that he didn’t need anymore strikers. Do you not see anything wrong with this sort of despicable behavior? Still, you’re welcome to him as he is way past his best, so it’s not so much about the player, it’s the principle of the matter as far as I am concerned.

  6. What Are Tottenham Going To Do With Eidur Gudjohnsen?…..well you’re going to prepare him for a place in the sunderland side…like you did with bent and malbranque after they chose you instead of us!

    seriously ‘twitch’ just can’t help himself can he.

    im hoping that it’ll pave the way for keane leaving and if he’s mad enough it’ll be to us!

  7. Love it- West Ham fans taking over a Tottenham Blog!


    Keane to West Ham is a goer if only for Twitchy to show that he does have some feelings for the Hammers.

  8. you are all dickheads. cant believe the comments here come from intelligent adults. eg is still a good player, reliable and more to the point, versatile.good loan signing and another good influence in dressing room. fuck off to the gooners all the whingers above please.well done h

  9. Over the hill? No…he’s 31.
    Premier League quality? Yes
    Cheap? Yes
    Played wide for Barca as part of a front 3. only reason he didnt play more is because Henry, Eto’o and Messi were in front of him…fair enough i say. Also played in midfield too.
    Hard working player, 6’1″, different option. Will play his part in the final third even though he doesn’t get on the score sheet that often (although he scored almost i in 3 while in England). With Keane’s dip in form and Pav seemingly exiting the club…why the hell not.

  10. Changed my mind EG is to slow and to old. Get him out of my club. Also Neville Smyth who works at Merrill Lynch is a total cunt just like our manager Harry

  11. As a hammer of course we are going to feel sore; we’re in straightened circumstances and you lot come in an whip him from under our noses; that’s bound to give you pleasure – besting an unloved rival; in your shoes I’d feel the same but equally it’s legitimate for us to feel rage. As to whether Eidur was the answer to our needs or yours ; I’m not so sure. He was a hellava player at Bolton and Chelsea but seems to have lost his appetite..maybe harry’sthe man to give it back to him, maybe not. Of our two targets I think benni is better suited to us but its all conjecture really for the moment i’m sticking pins into Harry’s effergy or is it effigy ?

  12. wouldnt it be funny if (when) twitch does time – i can just see him running the prison footie side, signing the whole prison and getting it to sit on the bench…that’ll be a fucking huge bench…..

  13. It wasn’t that long ago that certain members of the footballing community were airing their views on how Niko Kranjcar was a terrible signing,yet look at how he has proved them wrong,give Eidur a chance and I’m sure he’ll come good,as you just don’t lose natural ability,

    And as far as running Harry down,or each other for that matter give it a rest lads,why on earth would you wish someone dead is beyond me.

  14. 60 Grand a week for an icelandic tosser who cant score goals, your welcome to him , Just what Westham dont need good on ya Harry always an iron

  15. You have got to love West Ham fans……

    They claim they didn’t want the player, yet they are making so much noise about it, its obvious they are jealous as hell that we can attract players without offering them any more money. Love it.

    Have a nice day loosers say hello to likes of scunthorpe and preston for us, we all know you’ll be seeing them a very long time before we do.

    • Typical thick cunt yiddo. We don’t want him, simple as that. Could we rely on him giving 100%? No. Not jealous, just pleased he’s going to the shitespurs.

  16. I don’t think many Hammers fans, me included, really care about a player that has never shown any desire to play for us, even when we tried to sign him in the summer. Harry did it all the time for us, he would sign has-beens like Radicou and Futre, which nearly sent us down. Sullivan just sounded like a baby, when he had a good opportunity make a positive point about signing players who want to play.

  17. We don’t want Eider, fuckin money grabbing bench warmer. Probably panicked when we said we’ll play him every week. Harry’s welcome to to the tosspot

  18. For the the spurs fans who doubt Harry all il say is we are now challenge for top four instead of being in the bottom four, playing great football! why dont you try getting out you armchairs and getting down to whl. Remind me about the bad signings harry has made for us…….oh there ain any. EG is cheap and proven quality who will fit into a footballing side, plus his attitude has always been good while at Chelsea and Barca.

    For all the sad pikey boys stop your crying you missed out on someone who would have been your best player! your comments are like that of a kid saying ITS NOT FAIR!


  20. It will be very interesting to see whether he is still any good or not. Monaco obviously thought not, but only time will tell. As a West Ham fan I think Harry probably has done us a favour. He has made some excellent signings in his time but also some complete disasters, I think this may well be a complete disaster but he is not bothered because its come cheap.

  21. I think some of the comments on the WET SHAM sites are hilarious, as to how the fans didn’t want him, while the management is screaming that they didn’t get him.

    Yet none of the fans are criticising Gold and Zola.

    Makes you wonder who knows less about the game.

  22. I agree with many of the comments, yes it is one over the Hammers and probably the money goes into a Monaco bank account (who has one of those?).
    But more importantly most players don’t care anything about clubs, fans or loyalty; football is all about money and EG has swapped one bench (albeit a warmer one!) for one in Spurs ground. So the cash merry-go-round continues!
    John, a WHUFC season ticket holder.

  23. Robbie Keane supported Liverpool and Celtic: Eidur was a Spurs fan! I know which I prefer…

    “I’ve always said that I grew up supporting Spurs. My father had an old tape of some Tottenham games and I used to wake up in the morning and watch that.

    “We had an Icelandic player here a few years ago [Gudni Bergsson] and I think he kept the link going, so I did grow up supporting Tottenham Hotspur.”

    Gudjohnsen has revealed that it was his father, Arnor, whose spot-kick was saved by Tony Parks in the 1984 Uefa Cup final, as Spurs beat Anderlecht on penalties.

    “My family has already played a part in Tottenham’s success,” he added. “Obviously it’s not great memories for my father but it’s strange how there are always links. It’s a small world apparently.”



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