While David Bentley has done pretty well in recent games, I don’t think that there’s many Spurs supporters who wouldn’t want Aaron Lennon back in the team, as soon as he’s fit.

This could be as soon as our next league game against Wigan. Although it will be hard on Bentley, it will certainly be for the good of the team.

Lennon has played in 18 of our league games and been absent for 8. In the games he’s played we’ve averaged 1.8 points per match. When he’s been missing we’ve averaged just 1.1 points per game.

The most marked difference is the amount of goals we score when Lennon is in the team. We average 2.2 per game with him, as opposed to a pathetic 0.6, without him. You might try to argue that these figures are skewed somewhat by the 9 scored against Wigan, but then Lennon was absolutely instrumental in us being able to tear them apart that day.

In Lennon’s 18 games this season we have only failed to score in 4 of them. Without him, we have failed to score on 5 occasions in 8 games.

All we are saying Harry, is give pace a chance.



  1. We do miss Lennon but that’s not the only reason for lack of scoring. We have had lots of chances on target every game. But Defoe and Crouch, and, when he played, Keane, have been extremely guilty of shooting straight at the keeper (Boaz “Overhyped Performance against Spurs” Myhill springs to mind) instead to his left or right several times every game for the last few matches.

  2. There’s no doubt that Lennon is pivotal to all that’s good with the Spurs this season. The stats don’t surprise me at all – but I don’t think it’s coincidence that Ekotto has also been missing. Bale has done well but at this stage in their careers Ekotto is a far more complete player and we are missing him.

  3. to be honest we desperatly mis both lennon and assou ekotto, the thing that worries me is not the games they are missing, its the question of will they be the same players when they return to the team.

    lets hope so

    bentley and bale have done great since coming in but as soon as assou ekotto and lennon are fully fit, they will be backon the bench, although i would be tempted to play bale at left mid and move modric into the centre with palacios.

    wat also worries me is the following games we have failed to break down teams… wolves home and away, hull at home, aston villa at home. it is worrying to think that the 3 goals we scored in the prem this year(2010) is 2 against fulham crouchs one was through pure skill from modric, bentleys was through massive deflection, and 1 at birmingham was from a bit of luck hitting crouchy on the back of the head…..we do not conjure up enough chances, and when we go 1-0 down that seems game over to me even in the first 10 mins, becuase we cant break down a well organised back 4, but on the other hand even if we do go a goal up we seem to squander the lead (1-1 birmingham, 2-0 everton), there is NO for gone conclusions or easy games, its always on nervy, i tell you what its never boring being a spurs supporter…..although it is most of the time dissapointing.


  5. You could forgive Harry’s telling lies and talking nonsense if we’re actually playing well – but at the moment, the wheels are falling off and he’s getting shown up.

    It’s not ‘one bad game’: since December we have looked clueless and nicked the odd goal, but there is no pattern to our attacking play whatsoever. Dawson, long diagonal ball, Crouch header. That’s it. Every time he says “We play lovely football” you know he’s lying as usual – it’s become purely long-ball now.

    The main problem seems to me that Harry is completely wedded to a 4-4-2 formation – when our squad doesn’t have the right people in it for this set-up.

    4-4-2 requires two dominant and dynamic central midfielders and two, balanced wingers. We have one winger (injured) and one central midfielder (Palacios).

    Our formation should be designed around the best players: Modric (world-class) and Krancjar. These two need to play centrally behind one or two strikers (like Croatia did with Eduardo). Then build a midfield shape that allows that to happen.

    Either a diamond with Luka at the tip, or a 4-3-2-1. Something needs to change, as a 4-4-2 just doesn’t work at the moment. Our play is too square, and we’re just hoping for percentage long balls and crosses into the box. It’s like watching England.

    Harry is wasting the best players – Luka out of position on the left-wing is a joke. If we slip down to 7th or 8th, I think he’ll be off in the summer.

    We have some great players, but they don’t go together as a team at the moment. This is where we find out if Harry can actually sort this out, or will he start blaming everyone else and then leave?

    Slaven Bilic, anyone? The new Mourinho but with flair?

  6. 4 f@ck sake….ekotto is pathetic can’t defend,hardly any clean sheets when he was around.bale is unbelieveable.yes we miss lennon.who wouldn’t?but bentley also doing well…the problem lies in the centre & left of midfield & also not forgetting crouch…modric,jenas,hud the stone,pathetic.especially modric,worst player by far at spurs…why are we wasting our time with him…wenger was right not good enough 4 premier league…good attacking players like krancjar,dos santos,sitting on the bench….also crouchy & his estranged father redknapp need 2 f@ck off…friedel was right,spurs enjoy playing long ball when crouch is in the team,more fouling than heading got no skill what good his he in the team,opposition love when he his playing cause they know they got an extra defender on their side…redknapp won’t achieve anything at spurs cause he his what they call mediocre…top 4 ,no more it’s finished let’s try and get to europe and replace crouchy & redcrap with klinnsman.I am no manager but I think this is the team we should put out there:
    Corluka dawson bassong bale
    Lennon bentley palacios dos santos
    I don’t like modric but I think, the more midfielders the more creative.fu@k recrap,mo ditch,couchy,ekotcho and the rest…it’s time we stop expecting and start happening….


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