With the ink about to dry on Pienaar’s contract, the transfer rumour mill has switched its attention to Spurs strike force and continues to speculate as to who may be arriving and who will be making way for them this month.

Darren Bent has now been unveiled at Aston Villa and there has naturally been much speculation as to who will take his place at the Stadium of Light.

Roman Pavlyuchenko had already been linked earlier in the month, but the rumours are getting stronger with Bent’s departure and are likely to remain until Steve Bruce makes his next move. However, The Evening Standard have reported that Peter Crouch is actually Bruce’s preferred target.

Meanwhile, Robbie Keane’s move to Birmingham was apparently a non-starter, with the player even suggesting that it was all a publicity stunt on behalf of the Midlands Club. You feel that a better publicity stunt would involve a Ronaldinho or a Ronaldo rather than a Keane, but who can say? West Ham are now strongly linked with Keane and are could be in a desperate enough position to give in to his pay demands.

So who’s coming in? Not Mirko Vucinic apparently, with his agent having stated that the player is happy at Roma. The Evening Standard has picked up on Sevilla’s Luis Fabiano and this one looks like it will gain a bit of momentum. Now 30, Fabiano has maintained better than a goal every other game throughout his career.

Out of favour at Sevilla, could Fabiano finally be the next striker at Spurs, or is this just more paper talk?



  1. lets be honest. None of them want to go right now, especially Keane for some reason. Reality is they’ll all stay til the end of the season, we’ll finish 5th and get to the quarters of the cups. Or we’ll sell Keane, Crouch and Pav. And get Fabiano and Vucinic, and finish 3rd and win the FA Cup. Cant decide.

  2. I’d happily see the back of both Crouch and Keane and if we could only get £10m for the pair then I’d be happy given their wages. We’d only need to bring in one replacement as Rafa is effectively playing as a striker. Somebody who has aerial ability but is also quick would be perfect. Of the names being mentioned only Fabiano seems to fit that bill but looks a gamble to me to bring in a player of his age whose best days may be behind him.

    I keep hearing comparisons of Suarez with Tevez. If Suarez is a real grafter with a good touch then I’d prefer to see him join the club given his age and recent goal record. At least we may then play to our strengths with the ball on the deck rather than pumping hopeful balls into the box aiming for Crouch’s head as we did for a large part of the game on Sunday.

    • I do like the look of Suarez. Very versatile across the front line. We should get him and then some big lump during the summer.

  3. We should sell all of them, at best second rate strikers. Time for new strike force, new tottenham era, Harry has seen the future.

    Niko Kranjcar should play upfront with Defoe and we find an awesome striker, re Klinnsman, Bebatov, Lineker.

  4. I hope crouch and keane go. Crouch is a really poor target man, he has scored a lot of goals in the past but he just doesn’t cut it. Keane was great but has also lost it.
    If we could get Pav to run around a bit, he is worth keeping. We need two top class goalscorers, and not just tall players.

  5. All of them. Please.

    Keane because he ain’t going to get a chance, Pav because he’s too inconsistent and we might get some money for him and Crouch because he’s a striker who’s scored 1 league goal all season.

    I’d throw Defoe out as well, he’s nothing more than average. In fact, I’d probably have a buy one get one free sale on our strikers just so I don’t have to watch them play anymore.

  6. lads, crouch is an important part of our squad. The problem is he should only be an impact player and not starting all the time. Would VDV have scored his goals without crouch to knock them down to him? Absolutely not. I honestly think that Pav is way too limited to lead the line. No pace, no skills and can’t hold the ball up very well.He also does not play off the shoulder very well. He’s not good enough to start, but why have him on the bench? We need impact and his is not it. Sell him and Keane and get that missing link in.

  7. Get rid of the lot. None of them are good enough to keep us in the champion’s league places. Even if we get rid of them all and get one decent replacement we’ll be ok. I like the story linking us with HULK.

  8. Get rid of Crouch… absolutely hopeless all season and only a handful of half decent games last year. Its a myth that he’s good in the air, he’s too soft (I’d sooner see him booked 10 times a season and miss the odd game due to suspension if it meant he’s at least get stuck in) and his goals have dried up.
    Always liked Keano but he hasnt been the same since Liverpool…
    Pav is worth keeping as is JD, but I’d love to see Suarez at WHL.
    Maybe more likely is Rodallego at Wigan?

  9. I really think Pav is a top class striker waiting to be unleased. Is he not inconsistent because harry won’t give him a decent run of games in the team? He keeps going back and starting crouch who is a complete waste of space.

    Playing crouch actually wrecks how we play the game because the defenders just hump the ball up to him, by-passing modric and van der vaart.

    I would love to see defoe go also, I hated him when he was with us, was glad to see him going to portsmouth, only for him to come back again. He is such a wasteful player. Every time he gets the ball in around the penalty area, he shoots whether he has the space to or not, he never looks up to see what other options are open to him. Like the shot he took from outside the box on sunday against utd. He tapped it out from his body to make space, he didnt get the space, could see he was getting closed down yet he still took the shot rather than try any play the ball into the path of modric od vdv. Crouch, Keane and Defoe out please!!!

  10. Let me warn all you who want new strikers when you pick a name and say we will finish 3rd ,the Premiership is the hardest league to score in . Teams don’t tire any more. What Crouch Keane Defoe and Pav are suffering from is rotation stagnation and that Brings pressure this causes tightness that causes Misses. This cause Harry to make changes and the cycle goes on. All Strikers feed on confidants and this wont happen for two reasons lets look at Sundays game Before Van Der Vaart came to Spurs Harry had Defoe Keane Pav to rotate the midfield was flying. We had Lennon Huddlestone Modric Bale in midfield, Upfront was Defoe Crouch and Pav supporting Keane was scoring for Celtic and Bent for Sunderland. Then injury robbed us of Lennon Defoe got Suspended against Pompy for 3 games Lennons groin and Hernia kept him out for near three months Bentley came in and we Finished fourth thanks too Crouch . The big problem with Harry he was a midfielder and he likes 4411 this will only work if your forward can hold the ball till the midfield join in the only thing is now in the fast tempo premiership with no Police to stop the speeding you have no time to hold your bollocks never mind the ball. The signing of Van Der Vaart has caused us more selection problems and made the striker rotation even more fractured Crouch used right is a big plus, used wrong and he frustrates 4411 is not his best formation 442 is the best system for Crouch and Defoe. With Van alongside him Crouchies knock-down helped Van score goals but now defenders are stopping Crouch by Defenders pulling and pushing him to stop him out jumping them when he plays with Defoe they pass and he makes runs and creates space for Defoe Huddlestone can find Crouchies head with Missile accuracy When he returnes Crouch will be vital for those big Eourapean Nights and important Games like the City game. Harry will have to make another Space for Van because Madrid realised it can upset the balance if you change the way you play new striker or old striker . This has bean further compounded by Harry buying Peinnaar what happens to Hudds the best passer in the League and beyond. We are doing the one thing Harry said he would not do dismantle a winning formula another year and we could have progressed . The big Change this Year is more teams have upped there tempo through fear and all the sackings have not helped. All this has made Harry and some of our supporters panic, we could suffer from to many disgruntled players who like Kranjcar have to sit and wait for five weeks to play then find out you are rustle and out of form . Lets hope our new signings have patience because our fans want instant success or your benched like Sandro Dosantos or loaned like Bentley who was man of the match for Birmingham Walker and Townsend who all could be starring for Spurs. One thing Harry should remember Hurry in Haste Repent in Leisure

  11. Please get rid of Crouch. He can’t finish. He gets pushed around and can’t stay on his feet. How is it that both Defoe and Van der Vaart won headers over Vidic but Crouchy who is 6’7 could not!?

    • spot on! Crouch can only head the ball cleanly if there is no one within 4ft of him and then its hit and miss whether he gets the direction right.

  12. Someone please save my life and buy Crouch, i honestly think that he is one of the worst players of all time!!! This may sound harsh but i seriously dont like him- even if he’s in a white shirt!
    Keane is also getting on a bit, lets put it this way he ‘was’ a good player, and if he wants to spend the rest of his career sitting on a bench and playing in reserve games then he should stay!
    I also think that Defoe is not brilliant either but is in a different league compared to Keane and Crouch. Defoe’s pace and link up with Van Der Vaart are sometimes at top level!
    Pav is one person i would hate to leave the club, to be honest i think i would cry!! No jokes, he is my favourite player! Let me tell you something about Pav, he sometimes is a little inconsistant but if Harry let him play more regularly then he would by far be our best striker and improve his game a lot, he comes on and scores wonder goals, such as Chelsea which got us a draw, Young Boys, that goal potentially got us into the champions league, and that volley against Bolton that got us back in the game even though we lost! Harry also wants him to sign a new contract, hes never in a millions years going to if hes just going to sit on the bench! He has had english lessons and everything and he never plays, i feel really sorry for him! :'(
    All the good games Pav plays nobody gives him credit for, l really think if we sell Pav and keep Crouch then you will see us get top 10 not top 4!
    Also i think Van Der Vaart has gave us formation problems. But it doesnt matter because him, Gareth Bale and Luka Modric are by far our best players.
    So we need to sell Keane and Crouch and buy two new striker! 😉


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