The Rio Ferdinand story may have been dismissed by most Spurs fans based on the likelihood that it was never going to happen. However, it may have given us an insight into the type of player that Harry Redknapp will be looking to bring in to White Hart Lane this summer.

During the transfer window, Spurs were linked with some ageing and in some cases unfashionable players. Phil Neville, Charlie Adam and Wes Brown were three names linked with the club and there was certainly some substance behind the Neville and Adam stories.

Harry said: “I’ve said many times to the chairman, it’s not always about the best players, it’s about getting characters in your football club.

“Chelsea have had it over the years, whether it’s John Terry or Frank and Man United have had it with Giggs, Ferdinand and Vidic.

“William has come in and given us experience and we’ve got Michael at the back, but in the long term I still feel that you need to find another one or two if you’re going to keep progressing, that type of real character, who has opinions and that will to win around the dressing room – a few leaders. You can’t have too many at your club. That’s why I tried to take Phil Neville from Everton in January.”

So do Spurs need to bring some experienced heads in, or are we better off keeping to our recent transfer policy of buying young players like Gareth Bale and Luka Modric, who can blossom into major stars?



  1. We need a good mixture of both. Out of all the players we have been linked with, Wes Brown would be a good signing as we need defensive cover, but Phil Neville would not be worth the stupid transfer fee Everton would demand, not to mention his wages. Charlie Adam is a top player, but another CM playmaker is not a prioity at the moment, and i think he wants to go to Liverpool anyway. At the end of the day, a lot will depend on where we finish in the league. We need a brave clearout, conducted quickly and early on in the summer to allow any new faces to settle in and get used to the system. Six or seven need to go but their replacements must top quaility otherwise whats the point? Bentley, Keane, Dos Santos (pity), O Hara, Hutton, Niko (even bigger pity) and maybe even Jenas (please god) will prob leave and free up a good few million to spend on replacements. The King and Woodgate situation really needs to be sorted out once and for all. I love both of them and hope they come back fit and strong for next season, but lets be honest, it dosent look good. A top, top centre half and one or two forwards are a must. We must keep Bale, Modric, Rafa, Thudd, Sandro, Lennon, Dawson, Gallas, Kyle Walker, Kaboul, Assou-Ekotto and Pienaar, everyone else, in my opinion can leave.


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