While many Spurs fans consider a new centre half to be as much of a priority as a couple of new strikers, there are very few defenders being linked with a move to White Hart Lane.

Ledley King’s return to first team action was welcome but few would expect him to be available for much of 2011-12, while injury stricken team mate Jonathan Woodgate may get a pay as you play deal for next season at best.

As we’ve already seen this year, when you have two long term injury victims in the squad, resources are stretched to the limit and William Gallas, Michael Dawson and Younes Kaboul have all spent periods in the treatment room to add to the manager’s problems.

It’s surprising then to see very few names linked with the club. At right back, Alan Hutton is expected to leave but many hope that Kyle Walker will step in to replace him. Emmanuel Eboue however, continues to be mentioned as a possible summer target and it would be no surprise if we made another move for Phil Neville.

At centre half there are less rumours although we could expect the name of Wes Brown to crop up again. Last week Mathias Jorgensen was mentioned and stories linking Neven Subotic also appeared recently.

Tomorrow we’ll look at the midfield but for now, how many defenders should the club be looking for and who should Harry seek out to reinforce our thin back line?



  1. I really don’t understand why we’d be interested in Eboue or Brown. Technically we are stacked at the right-back position – Corluka, Hutton, Kaboul, Walker, and Naughton.

    Neither Eboue or Brown are an improvement. Brown can’t stay fit for long than a two-week stretch whereas Eboue can’t get into the Ar5ena1 side on a consistent basis because of his diminished defensive skills.

    Kyle Walker should get the chance. He and Naughton should not be allowed to leave or rot in the lower leagues.

  2. LB Akotto & Rose
    RB Kaboul & Walker /sell hutton (keep corluka to cover fb and cb)

    CB Dawson; Gallas; Khumalo; BUY Subotic
    King, Woodgate, Caulker to play some part

    not upson!!!!

  3. Eboue was booed by his own fans a couple of seasons ago, and guilty of errors due to lack of mental composure. I cannot believe that there is any truth in that one. Wes Brown is perpetually injured, so no again. Neville was only approached for his experience and versatility for the CL. Now that that has gone, there is little point. He is 34 and we would not offer enough money to tempt Everton or the player himself. Naughton and Walker look like good signings, and are better players after their loan deals. We need to trim the squad a tad, so I would not bring in a CB for next season – unless one other than Woody leaves. I would like some LB cover, but Mr Rose has been doing ok, and I think that Naughton can cover that too. To sum up: I would not bring in a defender given that we will be trimming squad and have King, Daws, Kaboul, Khumalo, Gallas, Bassong, Caulker (Woody to leave). Why add another?

  4. Matty_yid – agreed: for the love of god NOT UPSON! He played one good game this season….at WHL sadly…. He is the only defender I know who sometimes elects NOT to jump when a cross comes in! He gets out-jumped by short players.

  5. I dont think we need anyone, Bassong will go, hopefully Ledley and Woody will play a bit more next year, Gallas, Dawson, Kaboul for the central positions and then Caulker to be used as back up (he looks great btw).

    Dont waste any money on defenders use it all on strikers, Sandro does all our defending nowadays anyway lol

  6. Personally I feel we need to ensure a strong consistent defence I like th elook of Chris Samber – strong and ever present

  7. we definately need a CB, I haven’t heard much said of Samba, but I think he would be a good shout. We won’t have woody and we can’t rely on King, Gallas should be cover but no more(age). Caulker will blossom into a future star I have no doubt unless injury restricts. I would like to see us bring in Klose(winners mentality & experiance,free) add someone like rossi, get rid of defoe.. Also add Seedorf or Van bommel(winners mentality, experiance & freee) and Scot parker for no more than 5m..

  8. chris samba would be a good call
    would like to see defoe on his way out, and a player who has a football brain!

    rose has been an absolute find at left back

    caulker has looked fantastic, hope he continues to fullfil his promise

  9. Spurs need a consistent centre back pairing.

    I would like Dawson and Vertonghren to be our 1st centre back pairing as Ledley is rarely fit and Gallas as mentioned above should ONLY be cover. Kaboul should be in the mix as well as I think he is very good.
    Bassong and Woodgate will leave in the summer.
    Also Vertonghren can play left back and defensive midfield.

    We also need to buy a keeper- Stekelenberg
    1 midfielder as Kraks will leave- Podolski or Hazard
    2 strikers- Aguero and Huntleaar

    This would cost alot overall but if we want to win titles and compete in the Champs league again we need to spend.
    And Spurs fans stop mentioning shit players like Parker.
    However 1 of Samba, Subotic or Vertonghren would do.



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