It may be one of the candidates for the least surprising piece of transfer news this summer, but it would seem that the Jamie O’Hara saga is about to come to a conclusion. Reports are coming through that the player has already agreed personal terms with Wolves and the ink is expected on a £5m deal any day now.

After returning to fitness, O’Hara went on loan to Wolves earlier this year where he impressed with his all round performances and vital goals that helped to keep Wolves in the Premiership. Molineux manager Mick McCarthy was quick to make sure a permanent deal for the player was a priority,

“I think Jamie has shown his quality since he has been here,” said McCarthy last month. “We’ve got a deal to do and I want to keep Jamie.”

While comments on here seem to indicate mixed feelings about the departure, it has seemed inevitable for some time. The only question for a few fans may have been the fee and when you consider £10m was being suggested for Palacios, perhaps £5m is a little cheap? Conversely, the point was made on here that Spurs have a tendency of trying to wring every last penny out of a transfer so perhaps it’s better that we’ve acted quickly to move Jamie on?



  1. This is madness Jamie is better than: Bentley, Jenas, Palacios,Pinnear, Huddlestone, He can cover left back, he can cover left mid, he ha s great shot on him, he gets stuck in and nver gives anything less than 100%. I really really fail to understand why 50% 0f Spurs fans do not want him to stay? Is it beacsue of his comments over last years FA cup , if so don’t be soooo bloody petty becasue if you know anything about football you can see this guy is a Spurs legend in the making. Harry get these bloody chips of your shoulder. If Joe Cole comes in, then that is the last straw. I though we were supposedly building for the future. So is Parker, Friedel, Neville, Adams, etc the future Harry. I don’t think so. Madness selling JO

  2. How do you know it’s £5M? I’ve heard it’s 4. And the sum was decided already before the season when we took him on loan.

    He’s been one of our better players this season, but not a star. Some good performances and some bad and he’s got a lot to learn still.

    With the inflation in prices for English players I guess it’s a good price (£4.2M), but not at all a bargain. If he develops in the right direction he could become a key player for us in the future.

  3. Wolves fan in peace. I think £5m right now is about right for O’Hara, but in twelve months time he might be worth a bit more.

    When Jamie first joined us, he was thrown into the deep end a bit, his first start being against Manchester United (i’m sure you know we won!). He impressed us with his all action displays, especially as he’d just come back from a long back injury. he scored two fantastic goals, two goals that almsoost no other Wolves player would have scored.

    He then had a poor run of form, coinciding with Kevin Doyle’s injury and the team suffered for it. I felt at the time, and still do, that he was purely worn out and that he needed resting. To stop the rot, Mick chose to revert to a combative 442 against West Brom, Sunderland and Blackburn and his (ans the teams) performances improved.

    With a full pre-season, he can be even better and if we get a full season out of him I really think that he could be in and around the England squad.

    Harry’s attitude towards Jamie puzzles me. He seems like his type of player, so he msut jsut not rate him. In my eyes, he’s a much better players than Jenas, Palacios and Bentley.

    I’m pretty sure O’Hara will be a Wolves player by the end of the week.

  4. i’d say £5m is spot on. Football is a game of opinions and all i can say is thank god Horny Helen isn’t our manager. Ohara better than Tom Huddlestone???? Bentley and Palacios are being sold and probably Jenas too so they are moot points. The jury is out on Pienarr he hasn’t been fit.

    Joe Cole is a decent player and at £3m worth a gamble, ohara couldn’t tie his bootlaces. One season on the bench at Liverpool and everyone is saying he is shit. I remember when Chelsea were selling him a large number of fans wanted spurs to get him. As long as he is replacing ohara/Palacios and not Modders (as one deluded report claimed) I am happy we will have strengthened

  5. You think £10m, when Spurs don’t play him (don’t even have a place for him in the squad)?

    The £5m (approx) fee was agreed as part of the loan deal, if Wolves stayed up. If you have heard he has agreed personal terms, you must be the only one. I think the reason that talks are “positively continuing” is because terms have NOT yet been agreed.

  6. Good player but alienated fans and management alike with his comments. No better than some of the other squad players but I’d keep him in a limited role. I wish him good luck at Wolves

  7. I’ve been spurs fan for forty years in that time we’ve been know as great playing in team off the pitch before levy we were bit of joke I don’t beleave levy would done straight deal I bet it’s a 5m now and percentage if he sold on like 20% o’hara top player left sided which is rare QPR would played 8-10 million considering they may lose their player of year to Spain we should hold out I think this deal has more to do with Jamie wife who has too many memory at spurs for her liken

  8. 5m for O’Hara is a good deal for Spurs. I am a Spurs fan, and would rather he stayed – but he deserves 1st team action. There are many reasons why Palacios is worth more than O’Hara – although he may not play like it nowadays… a) We paid 12m for Palacios (at the time, he was worth it…), so that will keep his fee up. Palacios is a full international with over 70 caps, and has played in a World cup. Palacios has played in 6 Premiership seasons for 3 different clubs and over 100 games in total – whilst still being 26. Yes, I’d rather have O’Hara right now, but O’Hara IS cheaper.

  9. Speaking as a Wolves fan I can’t help thinking that our need is greater than yours. Jamie started like an express train and even scored against the Baggies (eternal admiration for that one), then he peaked out for a month, due no doubt to his long lay off. He is obviously a class player and will shine in our team in a way that I guess he may have strugled to do in yours. I think £4/£5 million is about right and if you have your head screwed on there will be a sell on clause.
    Look forward to playing you again next season (by the skin of our teeth) and hope you thump the GOONERS (I really hate Arsing Whinger).


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