You can always rely on the Daily Mail for an interesting, if not entirely impartial Spurs story and today the paper has hinted at a swap deal that would go some way to solving Daniel Levy’s streamlining plans in one move.

While the Gary Cahill rumours continue, it had been previously suggested that Spurs may have been willing to let Sebastien Bassong, Younes Kaboul and even Danny Rose go in the other direction. Today however, the Mail has said that Alan Hutton, Jermaine Jenas, Robbie Keane and Bassong could all be offered in return for the one player.

Naturally the Mail states that Arsenal is the player’s preferred destination but that Owen Coyle could be tempted by four players coming the other way.

So looking at the maths and with Cahill valued between £17m & £20m, depending on which story you read, does this all add up or has the Mail come up with a non starter?



  1. Absolute joke, firstly the 4 players have a consertive value of around £25m, secondly how would Bolton (£90 odd mil in debt) afford all their wages and thirdly, would they all want to go there?

    This wouldn’t even happen in the world of Football Manager

  2. Daily Mail anti spurs newspaper so one should take story with pitch of salt agree vaule of hutton 7-9 million , jeans who has europe football experence at 6-7 million and Bassong at 5 million already at 17million asking price , Gary Cahill good player but not worth more than 12million i think he’s another bentley in the making great at a small club can’t do it at larger team. good deal would be hutton and Bassong

  3. Ha ha ha did they print that? You rarely see a 2 for 1 deal. But 3 or 4 players? I do not even believe that Spurs are interested in Cahill anyway. It is the media putting 2 and 2 together.

  4. As already stated , how many players swaps actually ever happen? If this one occurs I’ll happily jog starkers down the High Rd with a Daily Mail folded into a pirates hat on my head!

  5. Wouldn’t happen as you’d be asking four International players who earn decent money playing for a top 4 or 5 club (with European games coming up) to take a step down and move from London.

    You may get a couple interested,especially given the assurance of first team football but you’d be lucky to see 3 or 4 of them all wanting to go there.

    As for the valuation,i’m not a huge Cahill fan but can see how he’d be valued at £16m and i wouldn’t be adverse to him signing.The value of the quartet linked would be about right,with a few quid back in our favour.Hutton worth about £4m now,Keane the same,Jenas and Bassong (being the youngest) probably close to £6m a piece.

    Levy is a hard bargainer but realistically,as with Bentley,we just want rid ‘car boot’ style.

  6. Another rubbish story from a rubbish paper (the worst in the country?)
    A better prospect is Scott Dann IMO. Young with lots of potential (and cheaper) Did a good job for Brum in the early part of last season. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him in a senior england call up soon.

  7. Wtf is wrong with spurs supporters, you moan about Jenas all the time and then say he’s worth £6m, who’s gonna pay that and then his wages on top??? And Hutton lol you slate him even more. You currently have bassong, king and kaboul. King cannot be relied on re his injuries and the other 2 are cak so you should be praying for Cahill. Dann will cost just as much and was relegated and the kraut has never been tested at perm level.
    The Mail is cak but the only reason the Sun sucks up is coz of Arrys big mouth column. You can judge when you are a big team when it stops nattering to you what the papers say, the reason you worry is because your chairman and manager promise much in transfers but deliver little (see pensioner Friedal lol)


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