Heurelho Gomes’ future at Spurs was brought into sharp focus at the end of last season with a number of high profile errors including blunders against Real Madrid and Chelsea highlighting the liability that the Brazilian can be at times.

After Brad Friedel arrived at Spurs last month, it seemed that Gomes may be on his way back to PSV Einhoven despite still attracting public support from Harry Redknapp who said that he now had three great keepers at the club.

The transfer rumours continued for a time and players such as Maarten Stekelenburg and Manuel Neuer were linked with the club, but for now it all seems to have gone quiet.

Whenever Gomes’ name is mentioned on here he seems to attract support and condemnation in equal measures so what is the final verdict? Should he be sold, paving the way for a new number one, or perhaps a number two behind Friedel to come in, or should he stay? If he is to remain at Spurs, what should his role be for 2011-12?



  1. i would sell him, but who in their right mind wants a goalkeeper with fragile confidence, who starts crying , and likes throwing the ball in to his own net, total fruitcake imo

  2. Yes, definitely. Replace either with someone to take No. 1 spot immediate;y or a younger GK who would be expected to take it next season.

  3. If the lock on your front door is very secure for 360 days a year but is liable to fail on very rare occasions, would you sleep soundly at night? Definitely not!

    By the same token, our defence cannot feel confident that there is a pair of safe hands with Gomes in goal and their standard of play is bound to be affected negatively.

  4. I wouldn’t sell him. On the talksport site the other day they had the rankings of the PL goalies, and Gomes was 5th, with 115 saves in 30 games. When you look at that stat, his 5 mistakes look pretty trivial. The rest of the top 5 keepers were from the bottom 5 teams. That just shows you how patchy our defense was last season. Gomes was called into action almost as much as the relegation sides keepers.

  5. Gomes is a libility and I don’t care what the stats say. Freidel is a much safe bet. Top keeper. Ignore age, he’s a solid keeper, who can build the confidence of our sometimes rocky defence.
    I think we should sell Gomes back to PSV even if we take a lose. He will go back there if a price can be agreed. If he stays he should be Spurs no.3 as Cudicini was superb in the last few games of the season. I’d except £5m

    • Yes, you want a goalie that is a robot. With a that stat 38 games , no goals conceded, 38,000 saves of 38,000 shots. Why stop there ? let’s replace Defoe,Crouch and Palyuchenko with a striker that scores 50 goals with 50 shots.
      Brad Fiedel is excellent but he is 40. Gomes is only 30. If we sell him we will regret in time when he becomes one of the best in the world.

    • Cudicini is also excellent . But you have short memories if you forget he also made mistakes . Remember the goal let in in our home defeat to Wigan last season ?
      Know why Gomes wants to get back to PSV? He was a great goalie there BECUASE, he was loved by the fans & was managed by a proper manager Gus Hinddick. Who don’t ridicule him in public.

  6. No we should not, it was not because of his mistakes that we did not make top 4. What about all the saves he made, and one those games where we should have lost or drawn.
    The games won against Chelsea and Arsenal, were because of his superb saves. For me most of the players had a mare of a season.““`

    how many have have seen the same defense week in week out, u all luv jumping onthe bandwagon read the papers and thats it !
    oF all the so called cock-ups what has cost us please specify ,against the chavs bad linesman and ref Madrid already lost and crouch ,second leg arry had no intention of going all out [u could tell that]
    team was swapped time and time again ,so many times king,dawson,gallas,benny,kaboul,charlie,danny,bale,all had injuries
    Season before stability,lowest amount of league at home
    and brilliant defensively and some unreal saves got us in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE
    I FOLLOW GOALIES ALOT MORE THAN SOME ,as i use to play in goal,and every one made mistakes even the so called top one like cech who made quite a few cock-ups not hi-lighted as much due to gomaz being a figue of fun ARRY because of his luv of passing the buck and neaver sticking up for our players thought it funny to [yea rite]he only done it when it suited him.
    when we draw or lose he luvs to shift the blame that my friends is called PASSING THE BUCK!! we lost and drew far more matches through aRRY screwing up,but then again half you dont seem to understand football

  8. Sell Gomes? Hell No!! Why would we sell one of the best keepers in the prem!? As many have rightly stated, Gomes has saved us far more times than he has let us down! Wasn’t it only last season I read a number of chavski fans calling for Petr Chek’s head after a series of blunders.. City’s Joe Hart was in phenominal form at the start of last season against us & he was on the verge of being dropped by the end of the season after an ‘indiferrent’ spell – should these keepers have been sold? Of course not! Point is, mistakes/blunders are GOING to happen, regardless who we have in goal. Gomes was just unlucky as his mistakes came relatively close together in high profile games at the business end of the season. 99% of the time, he’s solid. I’ve stood in the stands and given him a standing ovation almost weekly from some of the impossible saves he’s made! I think good old Brad Friedel will give him that added push he needs as competition & if he suffers a dip in form/confidence, drop him & let him earn his spot back.. Simples! However, Gomes is easily number 1 for me & he’s Spurs through & through!!!

  9. There is a stat that points towards Gomes had made the most number of saves (115) of the top 7 clubs last season . That tell something . More often than not, he had contributed than a liability. We know that some of his saves were nothing but top drawer. Those you see legends do . Am I biased ? No not really as I’m a goalie myself and between Paul Robinson & Gomes, I certainly know which keeper I prefer . Sure, he made some real gaffes . But the boy is a sensitive chap who respond to a pat on the back. So please stop this abuse even if you don’t rate him as a keeper . If you ask the players in he dressing room , you know you can’t find a nicer person around

  10. Of course we sell him! He’s been an absolute liability! I have no confidence in him so I dread to think how our defenders feel! To all those saying “think of all those times he’s saved us” I think you’re kidding yourselves thinking that they are savea no other keeper can make! Have you seen any other keepers??! One Stat I am concerned with is that he made most mistakes leading to goals out of any player in the Premier league last season!! There is also the unquantifiable statistic of how many crosses he flaps at!! Oh and all those who think he just made 4/5 errors last season try more like 13/14!!! Sell him while we can I don’t want him anywhere near our goal next season!

  11. I think that the words ‘deadwood’ and ‘Gomes’ in the same sentence are mutually exclusive. If you had seen every game of last season, home and away, in League, Cups and Europe, as I did, you would probably appreciate more what Gomes adds to the team dynamic. Most of the time he is the only person between us and a several goal deficit.
    Everyone makes mistakes, the team tactics on a significant number of occasions last season were obviously wrong from the kick-off, since we had to make more points back from a losing position than any other club. Mistake – Manager and coaching staff…
    I could give examples of mistakes by every player, and I mean every player, last season. But I’m not going to as this inquiry into apportioning blame can only be divisive and doesn’t move the club forward.
    Players are not automatons they’re flesh and blood the same as you and me and we all make mistakes at work.
    You show me someone who claims to have never made such a mistake and I’ll show you a liar!

  12. No – give him one more season to get it together.
    Yes, he’s made some mistakes but has also pulled off some wonder saves that in all likelyhood others would have let in. (thinking of the back-to-back arsenal and chelsea games two seasons ago.) So its swings and roundabouts.


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