Over the next few weeks we’ll have a look at the players that remain in the Spurs squad for 2011-12 and ask what kind of impact they are likely to have at the club this season.

In the case of Younes Kaboul, this promises to be an interesting campaign and one in which he can cement a first team place and make himself Harry’s first choice centre back to partner Michael Dawson.

As we all know, Kaboul first joined the club in 2007 before leaving to play under Harry at Portsmouth a year later. On his return in 2010 he took a while to settle in but last year seemed to mature and show some real quality. He also showed the ability to find the net and who will forget his winner at the Emirates?

Younes also won his first national cap and while there were rumours of a return to France, he never looked likely to be sold.

As for this season, there are still rumours of a move for Gary Cahill but what can we expect from Kaboul in 2011-12? He can cover at right back but with the emergence of Kyle Walker that may not be so important. We all know of Gallas and King’s injury issues but when they are fit should they walk into the side ahead of Kaboul?

Overall, will 2011-12 be a hit or miss for Younes?



  1. On Monday, Kaboul looked much more solid that Dawson. I would say that Gallas and King will essentially provide world class cover for Kaboul and Dawson, when they are fit. However, because of the ridiculous amounts of injuries Gallas and King get, I think they should no longer be considered “first choice”, and shouldn’t just walk into the team (although they will)

  2. Gallas will play majority of games like last year which is important as both Daws and Kaboul are bit headless chicken. I would put Kaboul ahead of Daws as I feel he is better alround, just as good in the air and at defending, juts stronger, faster and better on the ball

  3. Always felt that Kaboul deserved a chance rather than spending £12-17m on Cahill or Samba.A no brainer for me that you use the money for more important signings up front/midfield.

  4. Kaboul is a miss in my book, over confident, gives the ball away ALL the time, is a squad player at best…… Arry and Danny should have the Bentley parked outside Ewood Park with a bag full of cash to acquire the services of Mr Samba….he’s a proper center half with character and is leader…Another Graham Roberts if you will.

    • OMG you have no idea

      Watch him play at centre back I prey to you, he is twice the player of Dawson and Samba……..try either of those at right back or central midfield as Kaboul has played it would be laughable.

      I think we should sign Gary Cahill so that he can come in and partner Kaboul on a regular basis

  5. Since he has “pulled his head in” and concentrated on his playing, he has really improved and has the skills/ability to play RB/CB/DCM. He still has a trace of that impetuosity still left and it will still stick its ugly head up, but maturity & experience should erode this slowly. He could even make a good captain as he rallies those around him constantly and I have never seen his head drop. Correct me if I am wrong here as I haven’t seen every match, just most. Hit for certain.

  6. I think he’ll be a hit, as long as he gets a good run of games. I thought he was one of the players that actually looked alright against utd.

    He seems to score goals as well, let’s stick him up front.

  7. Hit. He was brilliant every time he played last season. Of course most fans missed it cos they were too busy drooling over VDV, who wasnt anywhere near as consistent

  8. Younes should be our 1st choice central defender – with Gallas, Dawson and King battling to play with him (battling more often against injury than with each other)

    He is big, strong, great in the air, quick, athletic and can play football. He is still young, and needs to play regularly for us.

    The problem with pairing any of our other defenders, is pace – King and Gallas are not as pacey as they once were and Dawson is not quick. Bassong scares me when he plays, always fear a mistake with him, so am not even including him in the reckoning.

    Kaboul and Dawson should remain 1st choice – with Gallas and King providing experienced back-up. With Caulker returning next season to take over from King.

    When we looked exposed at the back against United – it was down the left and through the middle. Walker was given the run around by Young, and then Corluka needlessly gave the ball away numerous times (a couple of throw-ins were particularly bad) Walker will improve defensively so I am not too concerned by this.

    The main concern was the middle of midfield. I think Dawson and Kaboul could be a great partnership but they need protection in front of them, a gutsy battler who will throw himself in the way of anything. Joey Barton.

    Even without Luka, I think we would be hugely effective with a midfield of Sandro Barton VDV Bale Lennon behind Adebayor. The shield would help the defence greatly, give more license for Benni and Kyle to get forward, and I have seen enough of Sandro’s potential going forward to suggest that he could link defence and attack very quickly and develop into a real box to box midfielder.

    2 signings. Adebayor and Barton. Mission accomplished.

  9. Kaboul still has something to learn but he has all the abilities to become one of the top defenders in the country. He will still make mistakes but the fans have to learn to be supportive rather than critical. In another year or so his value will be in the 30 million range.

  10. Personally, I think the key factor in either Dawson or Kaboul’s performances are the presence of King. When Ledders plays Dawson looks assured and confident, but as many have noted impetuous when he’s not around. Bassong unfortuntely hasn’t had the benefit of playing with King, but the fact remains that none of our Central defenders are as assured and confident as the great man is either as a player, defender or captain. As for Kaboul being a hit or miss? he’s played all over the place in defence, so has yet to hold down a position in his own right. He’s still headstrong and could’ve easily have been sent off Monday, but ability wise? he’s got everything, just needs a Ledders beside him right now!

  11. A HIT! Hell of a lot better than Dawson.If Dawson wasnt English you lot would rip him to shreds.I still dont see how everyone calls him a first choice defender. He is our third choice at best.

    • Agreed Pablo, I was saying this throughout the game on Monday

      Our blind english faith is ridiculous, Ancelotti will turf out Dawson once he gets in, doesnt score goals from set plays, is slow and his passing is atrocious I dont get why people like him

      He had 1 good game that I can remember Chelsea at home on his return from injury, even then he made a mistake to let Drogba score but before then he was outstanding, mainly because we had to put up with Bassong before him and was desperate for anyone else

      • Said exactly that last year, and when he was called up for the England squad then dropped. His heart is massive, his commitment, unquestionable as is his loyalty to the club. But technically dreadful, rash and impetuous and would never take the place of Ferdinand or Terry unless his positional play improves considerably.

  12. Agree with the majority.
    He is a superb athlete and a dominant physical presence.
    As someone has already said, save the cash on buying Samba or Cahill and invest in central striker/midfield positions.
    Real shame that Diarra appears not to be coming now as a Diarra/Sandro “shield” would have provided a superb protection to the back four as well as launch pad for our four, whoever they might be. Thudd is an alternative though he clearly lacks the pace which is so crucial at top level – witness Man Utd on Monday.
    We desperately need a pacey and intelligent alternative to VDV/Defoe. One is top class but too slow, the other is quick(ish) but lacks brains.
    This Damiao guy looks the ticket – or what about Chamakh who appears to be out in the cold in N5??
    Is Adebayor quick? Can’t recall much apart from his heading skills & his big mouth……..

  13. Like any self-respecting Spurs defender, he’s usually good but offers the odd moment of madness. Think BAE, Bassong, Gomes, Dawson (early years)…

    Top notch player – we’ll need him a lot this season, whether he’s first choice or not. King, Gallas, Dawson and Kaboul will all play over 20 games this year, fitness permitting, because one or two of them will always be injured at one time or another. You could make a case for keep Seabass but he really is too much of a Spurs defender…

    Please not Samba though!!!

  14. he needs time to mature into a great defender – and sure he will, has all the key attributes. will be excellent with a full season as 1st choice – COYS

  15. Definite HIT! Hey best Spurs blog site going – well done! How about a similar article on the merits/failings of JJ. Could generate a healthy debate!!!

      • Apologies it will create abuse

        and either of those debates I am sure will have people stirring, Gio has never been given a chance due by Harry due to him being foreign and probably thinking who is this twitchy ugly geezer telling me what to do I came for Ramos and now I am stuck with this grandpa………..

        Lennon, Bale, Hudd, Defoe etc can lick his arse in the same language and thats what Redknapp likes when hes deep in there bum

  16. The verdict is still out. Kaboul, like Dawson generally looks good “on the ball”. They are both not great at positioning and reading the play. Of the two , Kaboul is better but they both need a “ledley king” next to them to shine. Kaboul and Dawson was actually our pairing when we had that horrible start under Jol I think (or was it Ramos too). So the two of them playing together worries me. I sometimes prefer Kaboul at right back.

  17. Has concentration issues, keeps giving the ball away when trying to pass it, was at fault for goals against Man U because of poor positioning leaving Dawson to mark 2 forwards. Should be our 4th choice at best.


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