Finally Spurs have addressed their goal scoring problems of last season, with the loan signing of controversial striker Emmanuel Adebayor. Attackers from all over the world have been linked with Spurs this summer, but the club have decided to put their faith in the strong Togolese forward.

A recent criticism of Harry Redknapp has been his reluctance to purchase players from outside of England, but on this occasion I believe the club have made the right call, as clubs are quoting astronomical fees for targets. With the uncertainty over the future of Harry we have the option of making a final decision on the player at the end of the season. This option ensures that we don’t have another David Bentley scenario – a fifteen million pound signing sitting in the reserves, being paid wages that most clubs can’t afford.

Casting history aside and judging the player purely on his attributes, I’m delighted with securing Adebayor’s signature and I share Harry’s optimism that this signing can help us reclaim Champions League qualification.

With such a small fee involved there’s little risk in this deal, and it’s understood that the club have inserted a clause to purchase the player at the end of the loan based on success. Not all loan deals prove successful, but Martin Jol proved when he brought Mido to the club that sometimes a difficult player will run through walls to secure a full-time contract.

Love him or loathe him, there’s no doubting the player’s ability. At the prime age of 27, the six-foot three-inch powerhouse has a great record of scoring in the Premiership and I’m shocked that Man City have allowed him to switch to a rival club.

I always worried when I saw his name on the opposition team sheet, and Paul Robinson must still have nightmares about the rockets Adebayor scored at the Lane. The African continued his impressive scoring record against us recently with two fine headed goals for Real Madrid. These goals and two crazy Peter Crouch tackles, all but ended our Champions League campaign.

Although many of his 124 goals from 353 games were scored for the Gunners, Harry Redknapp proved with the signing of William Gallas that sometimes you have to consider the requirements of the team over club rivalries. Gallas with his consistency and professionalism won over the fans and now Adebayor faces the same task.

This signing, as well as Spurs desire to capture Lassana Diarra is a clear indication to Luka Modric and the squad of our ambitions as a club, and now Spurs have a powerful goal scorer who can operate in the same role Peter Crouch occupied last season with Rafael van der Vart. With players such as Gareth Bale and Aaron Lennon providing width and quality service there’s no reason why Adebayor can’t score in excess of twenty goals this season.

Another exciting thought for Spurs fans is the potential partnership with Jermain Defoe in a 442 formation. Harry has already stated that he expects a big season from Defoe and I’m sure a Player like Adebayor can bring out the best in the pint sized striker, and hopefully help Jermain recapture his goal scoring touch.

No doubt a section of supporters will point to his troublesome reputation, but as Man City and Chelsea recently found out with the signings of Fernando Torres and Edin Dzeko, big money doesn’t always guarantee success. The jury’s out on Adebayor, but I’m certainly looking forward to the Arsenal game.



  1. Oh Please let me be there to see the expression on Wengers face when he scores a hatrick at the Emirates!! PLEASE!!! You THOUGHT there was a riot in London…….!!!

  2. Great signing.Defoe can score goals but is a selfish player.I would love to see Adebayor and Leandro playing together in the second half of this season(when the Brazilian league is over).Now that would be worthy of champions league.

  3. Absolutely thrilled about Adebayor. He is a little troublesome but he is a character and genuine. Not a fricking fake cock like John Terry. His stock has fallen in the UK but at one point not that long ago he was one of the top strikers in the league, and he can be again with the service we can provide. A top quality striker is what we have lacked for sooooo long. I was devestated we didn’t get Suarez. I think our strikers are the reason we didn’t get top four last season. Get Diarra and we have a top for strating line-up. Get Samba.. even better. And maybe a gamble on that Brazilian striker – who knows could be a star for the future.


    Walker/Kaboul Samaba Dawson/Gallas BAE

    Lennon Diarra Modric Bale

    VDV Adebayor

    Probably the best team we have had in a while.

    Get another striker and we really would have something.

    Walker Samba Gallas Bale

    Diarra Modric Parker
    Diamaeo Adebayor

  4. I cannot for the life of me understand why people want to shut out Thudd. It was in his tenure – as the most player Spurs player that we got into the Ch league. This was the guy that got our pacy wingers in behind full-backs. It was next to him that modric blossomed

    In thise critical 5 games where we won everything but lost to United – go check, it was Tom that was missing.

    We moan about the way Hoddle got overlooked in the Englad set up for being a flair player, but as spurs fans we are doing the same thing.

    I just dont get it.

    I remember an artical where I think it was Perryman who said Hoddle was one of the bravest players he knew, cause even when all the passes went astray, he would still try that killer pass. Watch a game where Huddlestone is spraying passes to the corners and ask yourself why those fullbacks are not pushing up like they do when we play the typical Lampard type midfielder

  5. Great bit of business to sign Adebayor on loan if it doesn’t work out then we’re not lumbered are we and if it does then all lovely. Win win. More than that I’m really looking forward to the different options that Manny Adebayor gives you as a team, can play as lone striker, has an eye for goal, decent header of the ball, good movement, first touch not too shabby ( unlike Peter Crouch ), strong on the ball, looks comfortable in 4-4-2 and I think the puzzle of how best to play VDV is solved. Now I know I’m bigging this player up but it is there for all to see that he is what we’ve been lacking for quite some time and just the thought of him latching onto the service that Bale and Lennon will provide not to mention Modric and VDV in the middle with Dawson and Kaboul in central defence BAE at left back and not the most popular choice but I’d still keep Hutton. And there is still plenty of quality to come in and fill every position in case of injuries. We really do have a decent squad maybe the signing of Samba wouldn’t be a bad thing either but we should also be trying to get rid of a few raise some P’s like Jenas, Bentley, Crouch, Palacios, Bassong, Dos Santos ( I personally wouldn’t but… ). Modestly at a fair price that lot is worth just over forty million in today’s mad money for players so why hasn’t it been done yet?
    Really looking forward to is getting stuck into the season now and us doing the double over the Arsenal. COYS LILLYWHITETILIDIE


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