The transfer window may have closed for the time being but that hasn’t stopped a glut of transfer rumours this morning concerning Leandro Damiao. The Brazilian striker scored his first international goal in his country’s 1-0 win over Ghana last night and that has undoubtedly raised his stock considerably.

After staying at Internacional, it is widely tipped that Damiao will be available in January, by which time the season in Brazil will have ended so we can expect plenty more rumours over a potential move to Spurs at that time.

The main issue however will be his transfer fee which has undoubtedly risen and if he keeps scoring goals like this, there will be far more competition for his signature.



  1. There already is and we must get in the top four to buy him and Cahill and start the new stadium. Our new training complex will help us when it opens anyone have updates on its opening One foot note i will miss big Crouchie and he will show us why when we play them along with Woody and Palacios.

  2. The problem with Spurs is that the scouts are a waist of time.I watch many Brazilian games and have been very vocal on the Spurs web site for the last five months about signing Leandro.I shouted the praise for Sandro long befor he arrived at Spurs.If Spurs bought Leandro,sandro would be very happy but the longer they wait the more expensive he will become.I say it once again,this lad is great and if he teamed up with Sandro i would expect Spurs to win the league….instead of maybe 4th place.

  3. Damiao would be an excellent addition and we have to secure his signiture b4 end of season or someone else will. he is a top player with bags of ability.
    Davspurs – what exactly will you miss from Crouchy? did his inability to strike a ball on goal not frustrate you? constant fouls given against him cos his arms are as long as his legs? long balls from defence when another pass isnt on? We got 10m for an English Zigic.
    He is not a player capable of playing at the highest level which is why he never starts for England. please dont point to hatrick against young boys – they are awful, and the shot against AC was scuffed and lucky.
    Thank god Pulis came in and took him off our hands, the player is sooooooooo frustrating COYS

  4. We had a chance and did not buy. He said no or we said no or someone said no. So we keep the goal shy Pav and Defoe and Internacional keep the goal getting Damiao. Pity but that is the way football goes. He can’t score for us this season can he.


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