Our Premier League season gets back underway this weekend against Wolverhampton Wanderers and I’ve had a chat with the Wolves blogger Thomas Baugh, of the aptly-named Wolves Blog, who thinks that Saturday’s game could have a pleasing result for any Spurs fan.

Wolves have hit the ground running this season and are so far unbeaten. Are your surprised at such a positive start after narrowly avoiding relegation last term?

Not really. The fixtures so far have been kind. Away at Blackburn, home to Fulham isn’t exactly Man Utd away, Man City at home.

That said, we still had to get the job done and two wins from those games, as well as a good draw at Villa Park represents the best start we realistically could have hoped for.

Are you happy with the summer transfer dealings made by the club? Any areas where you think that you’re still weak?

We really only made two significant signings over the summer, making Jamie O’Hara’s move permanent and stealing Roger Johnson from Blues.

I say stealing because I truly believe we’ve got a top Premier League defender for less than £5 million. He’s been a colossus for us so far and brought real leadership to a young side that desperately needed it.

Of course, like most sets of supporters (apart from Man City’s) we’d have liked to have seen a few more new arrivals. Another defender and a forward to cover Doyle and Fletcher would have been my personal preference.

Our main weakness is a lack of pace at the back, something I’m sure you’ll be hoping the likes of Lennon, Bale and co take advantage of on Saturday.

A lot of Spurs supporters were sad to see Jamie O’Hara leave the Lane. After a successful loan spell, how has he been doing for you since you signed him permanently?

He’s started very well and looks sharper this time around after a full pre-season. Prior to the start of the campaign, I wasn’t surprised that you let him go, but having seen the likes of Jenas and Palacios leave, maybe he should have been kept as cover for the likes of Modric and now Parker.

What do you think Wolves will achieve this season? Is just staying up enough?

Just staying up is the minimum, but like all fans we’re impatient and want constant improvement. Mid-table must be the aim, because after the top 7 or 8, I think it’s a bit of a free for all, so why can’t we finish 10th-12th? We’ve got good enough players.

And what about Tottenham? What do you think we’ll manage to achieve?

Having chatted with a Spurs supporting mate who reckoned you need to concentrate on the cup competitions this season, I have to agree.

Top four is going to be very hard, but it’s certainly not unobtainable. Europa League and the two domestic cups represent a great chance to lift some silverware and isn’t what it’s all about?

Winning at least one of those cups and challenging the top four should be the aim. I think you’ll achieve the former, but fall short on the latter.

Which Wolves players will pose the biggest threat to Spurs at the weekend?

Well, both Doyle and Fletcher have a decent scoring record against Spurs so they’re obviously two to look out for,

Our wide players are vital to the way we play. Jarvis has pace and trickery, but Hunt is certainly more of a goal threat. Both can have a big say.

I’m sure O’Hara will be pumped up for this one too. Set pieces and long range shooting are where he can influence the game. I think he’ll find space for the latter in this one.

How do you see the game going?

Hopefully it will live up last season’s fixture, which was a brilliant game of football, packed with incident and controversy. I think both sides are a lot better going forward than they are defensively so goals should come.

Sadly for us, I think it’s a bad time to play Spurs, as you’ll be desperate for the points and boosted by the new arrivals, who by the way, I think are superb additions to your squad.

Modric should also be focused again with the window shut and he owes you a big performance. I reckon 3-1 Spurs is a good shout but obviously I’m hoping for something altogether different.

Which current Spurs player would you most like to see playing for Wolves?

I’ll pick a newbie – Adebayor. Why this guy is being handed around like some wracked-off League Two reject is beyond me.

I’ve seen him play live a few times and always identified him as a major threat. Wolves lack a real direct threat and the big striker brings that in spades, so he’d be a welcome addition.

And my final question. Which current Wolves players would improve the Tottenham squad?

Well, you’ve got a lot of quality but I think a few players we’ve got could make an impact for you. Hennessey is a reliable pair of hands and improving every game, so if you’re looking for a long term successor to Friedel, he’d be a fine choice. I can see him playing for one of the top sides at some point.

Roger Johnson is good enough to get in your team right now in my opinion. Surprised you didn’t go for him if I’m honest.

Doyle and Fletcher would both be good options in attack too. Very different to the likes of Defoe and Adebayor but useful to have knocking around, even at a big club like Spurs.



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